Unity - Completed - News Desk [v1.0] [Pyorgara]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    To start it off, I don't mind that it's mostly text based since there are some CG to keep the player entertained and the art itself is mostly good. My gripe comes comes from the gameplay mainly and the whole grindyness of it, even tho I'll admit that makes the corruption very sparse and well paced. I just wish there were more engaging minigames rather than clicking on various town markers and run out of resources. The corruption content btw is pretty nice and well thought out, only problem with it is it feels a bit unfinished interms of what is shown as it goes on. Some of the midgame multistaged scenes don't have separate CG illustrations when the writing itself goes from once scenario to other. A very few do which is what enticed me but then left me blueballed when i expected the same from other multi part scenarios of that nature. Seems to me the game is sitting at a 1.0 atm. I hope the more fans show enough interest that the creator decides to come back and maybe redo and or add some more scenes. Cass and Tiff are maybe two of the hottest characters the creator has written and illustrated so far. I really love Cass' design and want to see more of her.
    Also forgot to mention but the mother-daughter threesome scenes left a lot to be desired IMO.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    stupid game. There is nothing you can do if your money or energy run out. You have to wait for your opponent to slash down all your influence, and her stats go up along the way. In another words, the more influce you are, the more stats she get. I can't even give up...
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Okay finally done this is a really big game
    and a really good one honestly
    one of the top corruption games out there only problem is not a lot of people know about it
    my only problem with the game is that each story has only 1 picture, you know if it was even just 2 pictures i would have given it 5 stars
    so in this game you are a news host in a race against your partner to determine which of you will remain a news host and which will be fired and without a job
    the MC is a sadistic mother fucker honestly he dismantled that woman completely and her daughter and there is also her daughter's class mate who he corrupted as well.
    there is a bunch of scenes they start very light nothing much happening but pick up quickly, to the point that all sexual scenes take 10 minutes to read through.
    i will be sure to follow the developers other games even if he remains cheap and does 1 photo only for each story lol
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome. The corruption if perfectly paced a varied. The card game mechanic is difficult to get into so it is better to just use cheats. The artwork is also very good. Overall a top notch porn game
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I'll keep it short. It's an amazing game. Stop hurting yourself and just use the cheats if you're in for the porn content - (type "trunk" in the cheat menu). Who cares if the card game is not properly balanced. This is a porn game forum, just use cheats to win (use the skip card battles function). I applaud the dev for implementing a pretty complex card game into this game, although in my case it isn't needed.

    The corruption content is insanely hot, a lot comes from the text mixed with the pictures and the slow blackmailed corruption including the psychological warfare. That you actually corrupt the daughter too is just great.

    I love that the changes affect the character images as well. One of the best, if not THE best blackmail game on this site.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice Game with more content than expacted. Resolution patch strongly recommended. The grinding card game system is quite hard and you may need to restart the game mutliple times to get used to it and be able to beat the game. Also loosing the card game in the beginning is wanted and its becomming harder first if ur unable to beat her.
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    Why 1 star review? Simple:

    1. Without cheating you will always lose the entire game. The game is over when one person reaches 1000 glory. Problem is that you start out at an extreme disadvantage, and they earn about 50-60 glory per day. They also deplete you of your currencies, Energy, Money and Blackmail, often to 0 or close to 0, each day. After each battle you are supposed to hunt down resources, improve your stats, and upgrade your cards... but that requires a ton of Energy, a ton of Money and often Blackmail to do it. Without cheating, you will have lost by day 18-20.

    I'm personally nowhere near done, and still can't legitimately beat my opponent in battle so that I earn the Glory for the day, and I'm at day 135. You just do not earn enough Money, Blackmail, or retain the necessary Energy from normal game playing, to actually get progression fast enough, without cheating.

    2. The tutorial is a piece of fucking shit. It was designed for a much earlier version of the game, where a lot of the interfaces and controls functioned completely differently. So it isn't representative of the current game in V1.0. A lot of the stuff it teaches you is no longer in the game. It also isn't clear on how to earn new cards, have more than 0 of Money, Energy, or Blackmail after a battle, or how to degrade her Cards.

    3. Degrading her cards takes fucking forever. You need to acquire 10 Blackmail, to get to a scene at her house. Each scene lasts a day, so after the encounter, you have to do a battle. Her cards get degraded about every 2-3 scenes. The other problem is that the actual numerical effects decreases very slightly with each degradation and you can't actually invest all your blackmail into one category to reduce a single card type. You have to branch out into 3 others. So, each category has like 12 scenes, and I've spent like 250 Blackmail (some scenes refund the amount), and the most I have in any category is 6 out of 12. And her cards right now, are still retardly overpowered.

    4. There are very few sex scenes and you only get them by spending sufficient blackmail. It is always still images. There are no animations. They are high quality images sure, but the amount of effort I went to get them, makes me question if I spent my time well. There is also no cheat to unlock a gallery, like the image here on F95zone seems to imply. Maybe you unlock it after fully completing it but... I've spent 3 hours on it, and only got to a Blowjob picture. Yeah...

    Maybe this game was better during development but right now, it is tedious, frustrating, confusing, with so little 18+ content, that no one should play it. It has an interesting card-combat system, pity its broken to hell, and has good writing, but it isn't enough to save this from a dumpster fire. If you removed the porn aspects and actually balanced the gameplay so that someone could win in 150 days, instead of continually lose in 18-20 days, it might be a decent title.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Got terribly bored with this one. It is boring even for a simple card game.

    - The idea is very good.

    - No h content first hand, so, the player do not have "the carrot" to continue playing.
    - Poorely designed mechanics.
    - Game ends too fast not giving the player the chance to improve. And is to slow to be entertaining.

    A cheap, bad game even if you are a card game player. Will not check another games from this dev. Over now.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game easily top 10 for me and I'm always gonne be on the lookout for more of this developers work since "soldier's life" was also very good.

    I cringe reading other reviews complaining that the "gameplay is boring" or "grindy" while literally 99% of the "games" on this website don't even have a gameplay element. The gameplay is very entertaining and finds the perfect difficulty for it not to be boring and easy or difficult and frustrating.

    Everything else is great, which you'll see for yourself if you make the right decision to play this game.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    Slay the Spire of porn games?
    -Sort of... (there is a depth into deck building ranging from playing 3~4 cards a turn to OTK or FTK - First Turn Kill. However, the variety of cards are limited, therefore, the variety in deck building is also limited.)
    This game is a bit grindy, but does it worth my time?
    -Not really since porn scenes are literary 2~3 slideshows of powerpoint presentation.
    Is this game full screen?
    -Yes and no... (you need to manually press Alt + Enter to fill the monitor, which will decrease the game texture quality.)
    Are the writing and the story any good?
    -Yes, both of them are really good. (I can't really spoil the story, sorry.)
    Does this game have enough contents?
    - NOIDONTTHINKSO ! (each location at the town can go so far of having only 10~15 events and they are repetitive throughout the playthrough.)
    Any glitches or bugs?
    -There are some minor bugs present throughout my playthrough. (there are two bugs I found that ruin my experiences. First one, I somehow reduce Cassandra's influnces to zero, but the battle keep going? Second one, some cards requiring "WHORE" to be in your team can be play without having them in your team.)
    Is "savescum" your best ally?
    -Yes, it is and I hate it. (each town event is RNG based, so expecting to save a lot so you don't get screw over by your own luck.)

    Summary: (v.1.0)
    -Slay the spire like card game
    -Good writing
    -Good story
    -Lack of contents (Especially town events)
    -Porn scenes are boring (it needs more slideshows or at least make it animated)
    -Lack of full screen option
    -Resorting to savescum
    Between Pro and Con:

    Overall: If the dev put more contents into the game and fixes issues that I described, I would have rate this 4 or 5 stars.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    While it does have some average content later on, the RNG repetition of exploring the town is both often fruitless, and even when it does yield results they're not fun or sexy at all. The card game is average and just time consuming, not really fun either. The actual content with the two girls is alright, after it all. Not really worth much without the cheat.
  12. 4.00 star(s)

    Rex Blue

    Pyorgara's games all suffer from the same flaw - boring gameplay. They're grindy, repetitive, luck based, and generally annoying to drag your way through. However, they're also very well written with a real eye for corruption. I haven't played too many games which do better jobs of showing a girl's fall from grace to utter debasement.

    News Desk is no exception. It's grindy, repetitive, and suffers from a lot of behind the scenes dice rolling. However, it's worth a play if you can drag yourself through the slog just for the corruption scenes.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    If you don't enjoy Visual Novels, this game isn't worth playing.

    There's also way too much damn grinding, even though the content is well done. Not a lot of CGs, but what's there looks great and I really do wish there was more art. The writing's well done and if you enjoy reading a lot of text, you'll probably love this game. Especially if you love corruption games.

    This game would be a solid 5 if the grinding and gameplay wasn't so infuriating to experience. Be prepared to read the same exact random encounter over and and over and over and-
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The writing is pretty great, better than I expected. There are some great ideas and character moments in there. The eroticism is top notch too.

    The card gameplay is okay, not intuitive, but can be fun if you learn it. The worst part is the stuff between the gameplay, the management part that just ends up being mindless grind like a clicker game almost.

    A star is taken off for the bad technology with the tiny res images and aspect ratio.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's pretty fucking good. Look, yes the art isn't the best in the world but it's passable. As a person who really enjoys the game aspect of porn games sometimes VNs just don't do it for me. Sometimes you have to struggle through a game while barely getting any reward, only for something to click in your head and succeed. Only other two issues is the speed of actions during the card phase is slow and you can't resize the borders.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    This game was a lot better then I had anticipated it to be. The H-Scenes are amazing and the corruption is basically perfection. The only thing that drags this game down is the pacing of the game. The gameplay itself is really fun and its not bad at all its unique and fun to play through. It just takes a lot of grinding which is what the problem is. If the game was less grindy it would be a perfect 5 stars. I highly recommend this game and just use cheats once you feel it has become to grindy.
  17. 4.00 star(s)

    Pretentious Goblin

    The gameplay is actually some of the best I've seen in an ero-game, but with a caveat: it's poorly-paced and grindy. You'll spend most of your time in time trading resources through random events, it goes on way too long if you want to be efficient and in the end it feels like you're only forced to stop trading resources when RNGsus decides you've had enough Energy-boosting events. This part of the gameplay sucks.

    The card game, on the other hand, is good stuff, as is the deckbuilding aspect. These could have been great if not for the tedious stuff in between, and the fact that you will probably get to a point where you can win consistently and end the game long, long before you see all the ero-content. My experience with the game was a fun first few hours, grinding aside, until I finally managed to get the upper hand over Cassandra (through deckbuilding, unlocking allies and weakening her deck), at which point I realized I could win the game in 3 more turns, with dozens of scenes left to be seen. So I cheated to skip the card game, but then it just became a matter of clicking through the sex scenes, which isn't nearly as rewarding as when I had to work for it.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    The best written trainer game out there. If you are into dom/sub dynamics you will love almost every Pyorgara game and this one is the best one of them so far. The whole battling with cards gameplay is interesting and fun when you start the game but can get boring or too hard pretty fast. But you can cheat so that's no problem. The sex scenes and corruption on the other hand are one of the best from start to finish. I just can't recomend this game enough.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is good. But it's so far from perfect.

    There are three major components to almost every h-game. The game mechanics aspect, the writing, and the porn. News Desk manages to have some brilliant elements in each category, and then it has some mediocrity too.

    So let's start with the game mechanics. There are two major sections to play with, the card game and the resource management sim + trainer. The card game is absolutely brilliant. And the sim part is an absolute grindfest. The main catch of the card game is that at different stages of the game you play two different games with the same rules. You start with an underpowered deck and you are supposed to lose. The most clever and honestly quite unusual feature is that while losing you are supposed to minimize your strategic losses until you build a deck that can reliably win while staying solvent. If that sounds confusing, imagine your opponent plays chess, and you play anti-chess (giveaway chess) until you are ready for regular chess. Oh, and there's no AI, so it's not really chess and anti-chess, but more like solitaire and anti-solitaire. Still, it's absolutely brilliant from a game design perspective. One ruleset, two very different games to play.

    And then there's the sim part. Which is absolutely boring. Six districts filled with boring random events that you must grind again, and again. About 20-30 times per day to be exact. You can unlock one new training step per day, and there are 50+36+5 training scenes, so that's a shit-ton of grinding to do. The sheer amount is exacerbated by the randomness of each district. It's very frustrating.

    On to writing. It's brilliant. It's one of the very few trainers that actually delves deep into the girl's emotions during scenes (the game uses multiple 3rd person POV narration) and that's awesome. Too bad, this isn't really a trainer, it's a linear narration of training, gated behind some resources. Man, that sucks. But, at least there's a lot of scenes in the progression, 50 for the main character, 24+5 for the secondary girl, and 12 for the optional tertiary, so quite a lot all things considered.

    Now, the porn. The writing, again, is excellent when it comes to description of emotions. The lust, the humiliation, the resistance, and the inevitable descent into submission, it's all there in glorious detail. It's one of the best written training stories out there. But when it comes to the "mechanical" part of the sex scene, as in what sexy bits go where it's unbelievably bland, and the accompanying images aren't good enough to remedy that. (There's also no VA, no music, no SFX). This is especially evident in porn with throwaway characters. They get no emotional investment and their scenes fall extremely flat. "He put his dick in and she came", yay, sexy.

    So. I recommend you try this game, but be aware of its shortfalls. Use cheats if you suck at the solitaire part, no shame in that in my opinion.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I just did not enjoy the game in any regard, but I feel bad rating it this low as it obviously has had some effort put into it. It's basically a Hearthstone or Yu-Gi-Oh or MTG or Pokemon style card game with H mixed in. You and your coworker are gunning for the same job, you both have connections and you both are perfectly okay fucking the other over.

    Your deck starts out shitty, and her deck starts out awesome. As you claw your way into the advantage through corruption interactions with your coworker (via having enough blackmail) or her daughter (via... progressing with mom enough?) that balance starts to change. Each working day is a new battle with your coworker, and the winner inches closer and closer to winning the role. Will you be able to take the lead in time?

    It's a neat idea, it just when I am playing an H game, I am not trying to figure out how to min/max some card game. The H themes are good, I like the corruption and models are attractive and such, but damn I don't have much time to enjoy them as I'm just trying to figure out how to beat this bitch. The H content is lacking, imo. At best you get an image per event. A single image a day. It kind of sucks.

    I ended up just using the cheats because I was getting owned. The card game is either well thought out, requiring some expertise on your behalf to succeed, or I'm an idiot... which I could be an idiot. As I said I hate to give this game this rating, but this is just the exact opposite of what I'm looking for in an H game. I'm not looking to get wrapped up in tedious game mechanics. I'm looking for H content with some interaction.