Unity - Completed - News Desk [v1.01] [Pyorgara]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Gari Fuze

    It is horrible game and good at the same time.
    There is a good setting storywise, there is a gradual corruption story, there is a card fighting game between 2 news hosts, there are hot scenes.

    Now where things get ugly itself is the card game, it is disfunctional at its base mechanic level, and it is very slow, and it also has no interaction with cards.

    - Sexual/other cards should have gone with animations or short cut-ins/text similar to karryns prison and other games like this.

    Hosts are fighting until influence goes to zero, the problem here is that, you can run out of energy/money/blackmail and simply be unable to use any cards at all. While your opponent will keep playing until your influence goes to zero, meaning the more influence you have, the more gain she will get as you cannot do anything, nor you can give up.

    Opponent can also rapidly drive you out of the stats you need to keep playing, which is based on RNG.

    Card game is broken, not only it requires cheating and a vast range of maxxed out cards, it still sucks even then.

    I would grade it 1/5, but there is a button in cheat menu, to skip card fights, and it allows you to watch progress scenes. Where normally you can only watch 1 scene per 1 fight/day, which would on one hand a huge grind/time investment on another hand a gameover/ending would come far earlier than you go through all the scenes.

    One more thing to add, UI in general sucks, texts cover half of HCG, and you need to click a button to hide text to see image, which is stupid. What was the problem of making a bigger screen and moving text below the image?
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is too grindy. At some point the card battle lasted for like 20 rounds. I'm not here to play cards... if that was my interest i would have met my grandpa and played cards with him. I get it that you must do something to achive something else but 20 rounds is simply dumb as hell. 1 star game cause 0 was not available.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I love card games, and this one delivers. The art is above average, but the real highlight is the corruption path and deck-building experience. Starting with a weak deck and upgrading it until you dominate is incredibly satisfying. I enjoyed every moment from start to finish. This is one of my all-time favorites, and I can’t recommend it enough.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    News Desk is the best corruption game story I have ever played. It had everything it needed for an corruption game like a powerful female character who everyone respects and fears breaking her mind definitely brought me joy. Also I love how the corruption is reasonable and not over the top, the female character in this game actually resist the Corruption for a while which makes it more interesting.

    Now let's talk why I only give this game four stars because it's impossible to play without the cheats. The game is too much grindy and in most cases the gameplay is unbalanced. It may takes months of grindy to get to one scene if you play without the cheats. But as I mentioned this game contains the best storyline for a Corruption game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The card game is unbalanced, and your opponent starts out far too powerful for it to be any fun without cheat mode, but the progression is hot and there are a LOT of scenes. The corruption is excellent and breaking her + her daughter down is very satisfying. With some balancing and animations, (if the creator ever came back to it) this would be one of the greats.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    I finished the game without cheats and I can gladly say this....I've never seen a game that has THAT much potential and THAT much waste that potential in my entire life ! not in f95 base but MY WHOLE DAMN GAMİNG EXPERİENCE !! the game isnt fair, I've never done that much save scumming in my entire LIFE !! card finding mechanic is just PURE DAMN TRASH RNG ! I SAVE SCUMMED FOR A 60 TIMES FOR A SIMPLE MONEY HOARDING. I CLOSED AND OPENED THİS GAME FOR 60 TIMES AND THAT IS THE SMALLEST THING ! and saving the game was a damn NIGHTMARE ! EVEN UPGRADING CARDS ARE SCAM. MOST OF THESE CARDS BECOME USELESS AFTER YOU UPGRADED TWİCE BKZ OF THEİR BULL SHT AMOUNT OF RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS !!! AND I DONT EVEN WANNA TALK ABOUT WHY A DAMN DEVELOPER DİDNT PUT AN INSTA-SKİP BUTTON FOR DİALOGS BKZ OF THAT BULLSHIT AMOUNT OF SAVE SCUMMING.

    but most importantly:

  7. 3.00 star(s)


    It's obvious that this is a focused game with a lot of content yet it would be hard to say that I've enjoyed it. Between savescumming and tiresome card battles, it was just hard to care about the sex scenes. Like imagine you're fapping or doing the girl equivalent to a sex scene, you came all over the place and get cleaned up etc and then you have to finish the card battle before saving and quitting the game. I'm leaving to your imagination if this has happened or not but I think this scenario explains the struggle I had with the game.

    The Cassandra's sex scenes themselves didn't land that well for me either, the main reason being almost all of them were due to blackmail. Too much "the dark haired man shuffled blackmail papers before the redhead's face until she knelt and started begging to do his orders" It's a kind of lazy, unconvincing plot device imo and it causes the story suffer from a lack of conflict. I would enjoy more if once Cassandra was on the hook there were a more personal, BDSM like dynamic, with her embracing her submissive, slutty, masochistic side gradually. Tiffany's scenes were better on that front but then again that dyke and all the lesbian content ruined like all her content for me. Also holy shit the game is brutal, I was expecting Cassandra to unalive herself with the tone the rest of the game going for lmao

    Ah yeah the writing itself was that overly wordy, unerotic exercise on paraphrasing. Yeah I don't care about that style, but that's not exclusive to this game. I guess it's still readable compared to that one popular game, white roses or something.

    The art is okay, I fucking hate the UI though. Like it's unresponsive, why the text box isn't transparent, or why the sprites go away with text box why I can't see Cassandra's high heels after the game making such a huge deal about it? Holy shit.

    Yeah 3 is good, no sound too. Would bump up to 4 if there were pregnancy.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first: play the card game only as long as it entertains you. The only content locked behind it is the ending, a few text-only scenes and a few images of sluttifying progress.
    Once you played it out - just use in-built cheats to go and play the content and use cheatengine to get the ending.
    Seems like a rather bad review for 5-star, eh?
    Reason is simple - content is mind-blowingly hot. This dev already had good writing in his previous games and he finally paired it with a good amount of art in this one.
    You don't only corrupt your rival. You also corrupt her daughter, her daughter's rival and then have them engage with each other. There are nearly hundred of scenes, and even though all of them are just a single image with text - quality of that text carries the game.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! I always love the level off corruption some of these games allow you to go for. This one felt very organic in how each girl is broken down especially the main rival. I would have like a bit more QoL stuff that saved time in clicking and whatnot but w/e.

    Great game 10/10
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    The biggest gripe I hear is the combat system which I'll admit is a bit difficult, but is pretty rewarding once you figure it out. The cgs are very high quality and the corruption paths for all three main girls are very well fleshed out with plenty of interaction. One of the best corruption games on the site.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Although I like the idea and the art, the writing makes it unplayable for me.

    It's written in a novel style prose that doesn't work well for a visual medium. The prose itself also has major problems which are magnified for a visual medium.


    "I'm as nervous as a newbie," he said out loud with a rueful chuckle. Taking another deep breath, the dark-haired man picked up his jammer, in case she had recording devices in her house, and put his game face on. "Let's do this," he growled, getting out of the car with his folder of evidence.

    * Show, don't tell

    The reader is told the character is nervous (by the character himself no less). Then he takes a deep breath -- a sign of being nervous -- making the telling redundant altogether.

    * Redundant details

    "he said out loud" is redundant. Saying something means saying it out loud.

    In a visual medium "the dark haired man" is offensively redundant since we see the man depicted. As is the use of dialogue tags. (Tags like "he growled" should be avoided at all costs.)

    * On the nose writing

    Since he visits her house we assume he got out of the car. We don't need to be told that.

    * Excessive descriptions

    Do we really need to be told he put his game face on?

    The part with the jammer is out of place. Either have it as a proper narrative point or leave it out altogether.

    Writing economy is especially important in visual mediums. The writing should seamlessly complement the scenes, not weigh them down, getting in the way of immersion. Reading several paragraphs of this type of prose for every scene is too grueling for me.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Pyorgara makes the same game repeated, which is fine - the scenario differs. You play as a dickhead guy locked in a power struggle with a woman who you must gradually wear down and reduce to a lowly sexual plaything. The art is decent and the sexual content is well written, even if you must suspend your disbelief somewhat regarding the overall plot.

    This particular one of their games features probably the largest quantity of sexual content and various endings, which is good. It also has a resource management/duel mini-game. Overall the story sprawls a bit and feels a little unfocussed but it's not the end of the world.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a good game if you're after actual gameplay rather than just an interactive hentai. Super grindy; you have to break down your adversary and then compete with her for the limelight, using humiliation tactics to ruin her credibility. I enjoyed playing it but after going back to it for a few sessions I just ended up using cheats to speed things up.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    Complete trainer game. I had bad experiences with trainer games in the past, so I was surprised how fun it was. The card game was entertaining and if you use the cheat function it’s not too grindy. Mostly a corruption game rather than a bdsm game though. You try to defeat your rival by pushing her limits and corrupting her by blackmailing her into exposing or humiliating herself which also weakens her cards in the mini game. You can also corrupt her daughter and her daughter’s rival.
    Has mainly humiliation, exhibitionism, one or two bondage scenes, prostitution and gangbangs.
    The only thing I did not like was that there are a lot of different endings with the conditions for and number of the endings being pretty unclear. It depends on the state of the girls’ corruption and which scenes you activated – Since it seemed pretty frustrating and grindy trying to get all endings, I downloaded a file with all endings once I finished the game.
    Recommended for people who like corruption and trainer games.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Excellent writing and story hidden under a lot of grinding and an user interface resembling flash games from the early 2000's.
    The game is time consuming to the point that it overstays it's welcome and it would have been a smoother game experience being an illustrated text-based game with a clean UI.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    wow, this was bad
    even on my 3rd attempt to play through, this doesn't get enjoyable at all.
    the core gameplay is a hideous card game which you painfully work through, even when you use cheats
    when it comes to the h part it also falls flat. there are sometimes pictures of the action but most of the time, you wish you didn't just have to read a text with a blank screen.
    couldn't enjoy nothing of this, except the basis of corruption from a strict valkyrie to a morally degenerated whore.... but even there, the execution of that was way to minor
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall a good game, B-tier. I spent about 5 hours but didn't get an ending because it was too much of a grind. I got most of the scenes, except for one which I think was bugged?

    -High quality art and very nice character design
    - Nice outfits and gradual corruption
    -Unique combat/card system
    -Great scenes and text description
    -Lots of fetishes

    -Battles become very long and tedious, way too much grind
    -No audio
    -Have to do 1 battle to unlock 1 new scene, without cheats this is very time-consuming
    -Some dialogue near the end becomes a bit unrealistic

    Full review:

    There isn't really a story, it's more of a backstory adn then its just the MC trying to corrupt the girl. I think it's very well done though, it's slow corruption (due to the lengthy battles, more on that later) which makes it feel slightly more realistic compared to games where the girls switches from naive to slutty super quickly.

    The combat system is very polarising for me. On one hand, it's very creative and unique (at least in my experience) and it was quite fun at the start, especially since you have to change your strategy a lot. But after a few hours of playing the battles, it becomes so fucking tedious. Of course it didn't help that I kinda messed up and progressed gaining glory too quickly (thus increasing the resistance) which made the battles harder and therefore longer. I ended up just using cheats to skip the battles because it became so boring. I only did a battle when I progressed with altering Cass' clothes, because that is reflected during the battle. But yeah, the battles become too boring and too grindy because you have to do 1 battle to unlock 1 scene, which is a really poor design. I do love how as you corrupt Cass, her cards become weaker, and you also unlock sexual cards, which is really such a cool system.

    The character design in this game is great, Cass and her daughter Tiffany are super fucking hot and their scenes are amazing. I do wish it was more than 1 CG per scene, but it's still really good as the text descriptions are great. The art quality is very good, except for the main menu - im not sure why it looks worse than in the actual game. The scenes are really good, especially because there are so many fetishes. I do love the one bestiality scene and the one scene where Tiff drinks cum from the glass. Honestly all the scenes are really good, except for the ones where Emily is like kicking Tiff, that's a bit too much for me. I love the variety of outfits that the characters have, especially with Cass of course. There is some slight inconsistency if you unlock different things first with the outfits, but it doesn't affect me too much. The main issue with the scenes is, as I already mentioned, the low frequency due to having to do 1 battle per scene. With the cheats you can just skip the battles so it's not that bad though.

    Some other issues are that there's no audio, i wouldve loved some moaning during the scenes or just some background music so the game doesn't feel so quiet. I also think some of the dialogue near the end when the girls are super corrupted are a bit unrealistic, one example is with Cass where you tell her to transfer all her money from her banks to you and she just does it? like what amount of blackmail would ever make you do that?

    Overall it's still a good game, with great scenes and art and a unique combat system which is unfortunately too grindy to full enjoy. I would still recommend playing this game, just make sure you turn on the cheats after a few hours so you don't get bored out of your mind.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This game rarely mentioned by anyone in any lists, but it's really decent in delivering enjoyable eroge experience as well as in developing corruption, bdsm, blackmail, domination tags. I guess that card deck building gameplay must be too complicated and repellent for alot of players, and most of them gonna fail at first try, but this game worth it. Just try again after lose and focus on how not to lose much of resourses instead of trying to deprive your opponent of it, later you gonna get stronger cards and game will get easier.
    Plot: protagonist blackmailing his hottie opponent at career stairway, corrupting and degrading her in a lewd way and then use her own daughter to brake her completelly. And story is well written, with hella hot scenes. It feels like hand drawn "Insight of you"(other cool game), but more novel-like.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    After the redhead, the main focus of the game, stops being a character and becomes a braindead retard who, in the few moments of clarity, starts sobbing for what her life has become, it stops being sexy, it's... Sad.

    I'm into domination but I would have preferred her becoming a crazy nympho than... That. That's not domination, that's... Just shoot her already, you know?

    In a few word, this game goes too far. Not for the pissing, the forced sex, the prostitution, the dog (glad I could skip that one), but for the disgusting treatment of a human being. Just... Not sexy. Not at all.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Despite the small size of the visuals, this game is, simply put, a porn GAME. Yes, there is porn, yes, this is hot, but the card game is as enjoyable as the porn itself, if not more.
    4/5 out of 5 given the small resolution, but the rest is outstanding.