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Aug 18, 2023
Wait, she puts you all the way in if you're *not* max affection with her? I mean I guess it makes some sense, but it's a little annoying.
Yea, I noticed that while I was really..really struggling to get all images.
Regina does the same thing actually, Regina is much more possesive if you acted scared and more distant.
On the other hand Madea is more like "Well, whatever." and becomes much less possesive =(I believe) she sees you like a good friend with some benefits I guess?
Put it together that having sex/relieving each other is perfectly normal in their culture even without being together, true guess it all makes sense.
+All this tells us is that max affection Madea is more respecting of your boundaries, and tries to be much more subtle probably to not shoo you away and keep you attracted to her.
Unfortunately this makes lower affection Madea scenes better
+On the other hand, Regina becoming more possessive when you are distant to her is alarming actually. Says a lot about her personality. Although I think we know the devs are not gonna do anything with it
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Apr 1, 2021
with this game being less popular than GG, and kemono not really updating anything as of late, I'd guess that it's more likely we get the next update once it comes out.
5.00 star(s) 2 Votes