Unity - Completed - Night Of Revenge [v1.0.7] [D-Lis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    A real masterpiece. I started playing it a long time ago from the 0.15 version onwards and saw all the improvements and constantly waiting for the new updates. Love it.
    Can't wait for a final release and a more structure solid story to complete the cherry on top of the cake
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Saika Totsuka

    I rarely post on this site, but it's such a waste to not praise this game. I have played a lot of H-games in my life but this has been my top 1 for a very long time, I've never seen such a game that has this much quality of animation.

    The VA is pretty ok it's looped here and there, there are variations when the MC is getting her mouth full of dicks or just plain getting fucked, and exhausted.
    Sound design is great, sounds crisp and satisfying.
    As for Gameplay mechanic I don't really see the benefit of using the magic book weapons other than seeing the cool particle effects and having variety in weapons, you could always just use the sword and gets the job done much easier other than that everything is good. Bosses are so much fun to fight, the amount of content right now is pretty huge, you could try it for yourself.
    The Menu when you equip things is kinda buggy, you can't exit out of the in-game menu when you equip things eg. rings, weapons, Ideas (currency).
    Animation though... I don't know what to say to you man this is too good, it's just amazing, hottest scenes I have ever seen.
    You could play this in a toaster or a Samsung fridge, it plays really fine on anything, except for that one level though the one on the violet slimes, and skeleton level for some reason it lags there.
    Story is not done yet there are some small talks and event here and there.

    In conclusion for what it is in this current version it's a great game that has a lot of work to be done, I would consider this to have potential to be a triple-A hentai game. truly a hidden gem I don't see enough people talking about this, this is what happens IF Asanagi directed a game.

    10/10 would erase my memories just to feel and experience it all again.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Joe Brass

    I believe this is the best game out there. This game has so much content, and it's not even fully finished yet.

    Lots of content
    Difficult but not too difficult.
    Lots of H scene
    Girl looks and sounds good :)

    Going through the menu is kinda annoying (I play on keyboard)
    Map can be annoying to navigate
    RARELY bugs out on me (Not so much a con)

    Not really many cons in my opinion. Overall I rate this game 5/5 for the amazing game it is!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is challenging . Maybe too much for some people...

    Obviously it has some kind of "Darksoulish" vibe to it and it is awesome! I know 4-6 games with with similar feel to them.

    Well. The sound is good too. I don't feel like I heard it somewhere else. And the actress's voice is nice.

    The main part of the amazingness of this game is definetely the animations: They are long, unique and I could watch them 3-4 times repetedly.

    So. The game deserves 5 stars.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Night of Revenge is one of the most top quality side-scrolling hentai games I've ever had the pleasure to play. It is well made, well animated, and gets updated regularly.

    Theres a persistent bug where if you click the mouse in the menu it freezes the UI, but you are capable to fix it by using your selection key (Mine is enter) to select an item and then back out of the menu.

    Other than that one bug, I've yet to experience any other broken system and throughly enjoy my time playing. The actual porn is god-tier and I can't wait to see more from him.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely fantastic game. The combat is fun, the enemis are varied, the h scenes are creative and engaging. There's a ton to discover - I love the varied loss scenes for each area and enemy. I'm eagerly looking forward to more from this game, and this creator.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game.
    The hand drawn animations (with some image manipulation) is extremely smooth and looks great.

    The gameplay is engaging, think 2D dark souls.

    The level design is decent, with shortcuts looping back to open easier routes.

    Where the game realy shines though is the h-events. Getting captured and having nefarious deeds done to you, while telling a short story at the same time is what makes this game amazing.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    So I've been playing this game for a while. It a really good game that need some fixing here and there, it also need a story line and maybe a walk through. The game is a little bit quiet, just some special sound effect here and there, love the rain sound.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Not everyday I find a hgame where I actually ignore the hentai because I like the game mechanics much more also the h is S-tier. If you play the game I recommend going a pure top fighter build where you have high STR DEX and END alongside some STA to be able to spam. Using weapons such as the katana, rapier and excalibur are the best swords I found so far. Didn't try mage build because it mainly is not my playstyle. Also nice maps and secrets! (I played without using the translations and yet the game was really immersive and intruiging with its setting).
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a legit platformer born of the Dark Souls series.
    The idea is, church-y vibes with sex.

    Combat 10/10:
    Combat is solid, you get a parry and a brief execute window(just like DS).
    Mana and Health potions that recharge at shrines, fog walls, different weapons and attacks with massive areas to explore and traditional boss fights on top of roaming mobs. It's not as hard as DS tho!

    Artwork 15/10 : (Fan art already exist for this chick!)
    The main character is incredibly thicc and soft.
    Her ass jiggles with a mind melting smoothness, Areas are very well made and designed with secrets and item pickups. With the added promise of more outfits in the future.

    Animation 15/10:
    The grabs are multi-stage animations with a massive variety.
    +Her ass's jiggle (it's truly magic)

    I would urge you to not use your mouse to navigate menus. Use the Space bar and your interact key for all menus or switch to controller.
    Give this game a try, it's one of a kind!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    TL;DR This game for me elevated what it means to be quality H-game to new high.
    Graphics: Very pleasant and sharp and what's more important game actually has a style.
    Gameplay: Not super original (it's platformer so), but very good in implementation. Also gameplay is unique and plentiful enough to play this game even outside of H elements.
    H-animations: They are fairly good and sexy but in some of them you can clearly see different body parts connected together and not a character (if this make sense). So animations are good but some can be slightly improved.
    Controls: My main gripe (if i had to choose) are controls there just isn't enough feed back for me, but don't get me wrong after like 10 min i was used to it.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally it's here, this is some pretty good game. Decent difficulty, fun gameplay, cute mc and some hot hardcore scenes. Art is also good.

    This is a must play. A pornographic bloodborne with a castlevania gameplay, a beautiful combination. There is no vanilla sex, just in case.
  13. T
    5.00 star(s)

    The Doom Slayer

    [Rev @ v0.37]
    A worthy opponent of the game Alien Quest Eve, but this is even better in terms of update consistency. The combat is enjoyable and well made. The translation provided in the thread is excellent and wasn't that difficult to install as it seemed at first sight.

    There is A LOT of scenes and the best part is that almost all are not 1-2 second loops but instead have even a second animation triggered after the mc cums from the first animation, so make sure you stay long enough in each animation so you won't loose the whole experience. Also the quality is superb.

    The best part for me personally is that even if some stuff are pretty dark-themed there is no gore involved and the mc enjoys it rather than being hurt. That would be a dealbreaker for me , but thankfully that's not the case. Some scenes personnaly were not of my taste but nothing too extreme thankfully.

    It has some flaws like if you use the mouse in game you cannot press backspace and exit in game menus and stuff, but you'll find the workaround easily like i did. Also the jump-and grab a ledge should be improved it ends up being frustrating.

    Overall the gameplay is that good that i regretted that i went to gallery mid-game to experience all the other scenes instead of earning them by progressing to other levels , which in the end feels hotter.

    I really wish that there were more than just 1 lesbian scene, more female enemies would be awesome like a woman dominatrix. Also futas would be a nice touch.

    Edit : Grammar and version statement.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    [Rev @ v0.37]

    Lovin it~

    Art's fuckin amazing.

    Story doesn't exist and UI is in moonrunes. The former doesn't bother me as it's an action game and I'm a Dark Souls junkie. The latter doesn't bother me because correction directions are in the OP.

    The porn is delightful. I didn't see anything that was less than hot, but I'm a giant advocate for tentacles, monsters, lesbians, pregnancy, bondage, big boobs and orgasms. There're minor depictions of blood and violence in the backgrounds / enemy sprites, but not during the sex. No toilet fetishes either. The only beef I have is some of the animations operate on Hentai Logic or would result in internal injury, but since there's no gore and the MC doesn't seem truly hurt I have to remind myself that not everybody believes wild goblins and possessed villagers need to observe tantra.


    ...[Fapping intensifies].
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It's finally on f95.
    One of the best games in my opinion.
    The combat is very fun, you can literally enjoy the game with 0 porn and still have a great time. The hardest difficulty is very enjoyable, but maybe that's the dark souls masochist me speaking.
    The porn is great, the only flaw being that you have to lose, make a mistake to get to it. (But at the end of the day you got a gallery so no problem)
    What could improve the game is eng translation, but it's very playable without.
    Looking forward to future updates.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    The bloodborne of porn games. A well made side scrolling RPG with great animation and game over scenes. A large variety of enemies, weapons, and attacks puts the game ahead of many others of the same type.