Others - Completed - Nightmare School [Final] [Tsuyoi Ko]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    School. G-g-g-ghosts?!.

    -Story, Originality
    Cool story progrressing from game to game.

    Doodly art. Nice.

    Some music, some h-sounds. Basic.

    1 ending, I think.

    It works.
    But movement is junky.

    Didn't see any.

    H-scenes cool, but too short.

    -Voice Acting
    No voices.

    Didn't see any mistakes.
    Cool that there is translation.

    -Amount of content
    Good amount of content.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Very low-quality visuals, like seriously, squiggly line people? I do like some of the fetishes (milking and being put in the stocks), but I just couldn't get over the animation. Also, painfully low movement speed. 1.51 out of 5, barely rounds up to 2
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It is a pretty short game. I watched all different endings and it took around 30 mins.

    It is basically non existence so MTL isn't much a problem.

    It is pretty linear. The NPC give you a choice and you just choose. If you reached a bad decision, you just spawn nearby.

    The art and animation is pretty simple. The "nightmare" is just doodles made by black lines.

    Overall, it is a ok game but not enough for even a quick fap
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    In short, I think the game is OK. This really isn't a complex game - no battles, just choices, some ending in bad ends but not holding you back too much. Scenes are very short and a bit crude. Art isn't the best. Completed in <30m inc. fucking around. Has a free mode at the end of the game. It doesn't do anything egregiously wrong but it's not amazing either.

    In Long:
    I actually reviewed the previous game from this group (Nightmare Mansion, linked in thread) and this game does actually fix quite a few of the complaints that I had... but also has quite a few that still remain.

    Art is still a bit on the crude side, but has been neatened up a bit. Screenshots represent it fairly well, so if you find how it looks unacceptable - well, you've got what you need to judge it already. Backgrounds and character art seem to be better. The bad things™ (ghosts, demons, not sure what) are drawn as scribbles and do fit the horror tone in the wider game, but it's hard to take them seriously during the erotic scenes. Said erotic scenes are about the same quality as in the previous game; Very brief, usually only a few pictures or short animation loops long, with little text description. Would really have liked a bit more detail.

    Sound... exists. It's used fairly sparingly, occasional monster and movement noises. Not much in the way of sexual noises. Not a great deal to say about it really.

    Story/Writing - Story is still quite sparse, but there is a bit more of it this time. We do get some backstory with the characters, but it's still kinda limited, and we seem to just be dumped in the school. The school contains some snippets of text about the scenario, but not a great deal.
    The translation is not amazing. It's functional - seems better than MTL, but there's still some odd word usage and phrasing.

    Gameplay is pretty simple. Each floor gives you a few options as to what you can do. You either choose the right option and get a Fragment of Light, or choose the wrong one, get a bad end scene, and then get dropped off right before that bad choice. Carry on until you finish the game. Some scene give you choices within them, but with the same basic outcome - win or get raped and restart just before.

    Mechanically, I quite like what these guys do with the RPGM engine. It's not super-complex but the game is presented in an interesting way in-engine.

    Did not notice any bugs in my playthrough.

    Compared to the previous game:
    - No dumb unskippable video at the start that spoils the story
    - Movement speed improved. No awkward map angles that cause collision problems.
    - Free roam at end of game has the sped-up move speed again but I didn't notice a secondary story like before. Though I guess that's integrated into the main game this time.

    Overall - I think it is an improvement on their previous game, but it's more just "functional" than "good". They've fixed a fair bit of what I found knocked it down a peg, but going forward, I think they need to polish up the art, flesh out the scenes, and improve the translation.