5/5, I want more of this type of writing, i want to inject it directly into my veins.
Fun characters with good dialogues play off well with each others are my absolute favorite shit ever.
The only flaw of this game is the horrendous free roam section, i finished the game and seen all events and still get lost sometimes in the mall, please delete it from the face of this earth.
So anyways, i really want the dev to make another game but with hololive characters minus the free roam, that's it.
Fun characters with good dialogues play off well with each others are my absolute favorite shit ever.
The only flaw of this game is the horrendous free roam section, i finished the game and seen all events and still get lost sometimes in the mall, please delete it from the face of this earth.
So anyways, i really want the dev to make another game but with hololive characters minus the free roam, that's it.