RPGM - Completed - Ninja Infiltration [Final] [OneCoin]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    gonna agree with everyone else here, why is it so short
    especially because everything else abut it is surprisingly well-made

    like they have a custom soundtrack and everything and presumably they had to hire an artist to get this far so like

    of course i'm not a game developer but i figure that assembling the team and setting the groundwork was the hardest part- the rest of things should come easy

    but as it stands this should be like a demo or something, not to knock the hard work that went into it but it should not cost real money if it's this short. there's a reason the save in this thread only had 9 minutes on it
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    I was very disappointed with how quickly this game ended before anything of substance truly happened. I know this developer is better than this -.-

    • The story is simple and easy to follow
    • You can avoid the NTR from beginning to end
    • The gameplay is very easy to win
    • Art is good
    • Super short game that is meant to set up the company’s next game. They have not made the sequel FYI.
    • Because the game is easy, there is literally nothing you have to do outside of healing when you lose too much HP and just focus on resisting.
    • No scene with the male protagonist. What’s the point of staying committed if you’re not being awarded for staying committed?
    • Only five h scenes

    The game sets this game up for a sequel but until the sequel actually happens and its actually more than 20 minutes, this game is just one of those games that can be summarized in the sequel without ever looking back.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is more of a demo than a game, and not a very good one either. The story makes little sense (why didn't she attack immediately instead of waiting for her husband to do so in the chapter 3? The most pointless undercover mission ever), the gameplay consists of three 'battles', all of which are identical, and with zero challenge. This whole mess lasts a good 15 minutes, that's it. What's the point?
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely terrible game. I started with the intro to the game, and as I watched all the intro cutscenes, I couldn't help but feel like it was running a little long. Plus, the girl seemed to be falling into corruption before I even get to play the game - she was already having sex with the guy. It was kinda strange.

    By literally the next scene she was begging for more in front of her husband, and then the credits rolled; I honestly thought I was still in the intro to the game right up until the final scene of the game. There's absolutely no gameplay, it's just a series of cutscenes, and there's literally 4 sex scenes in the entire game.

    This girl goes from "Nothing will come between me and my husband!" to "I don't care about that guy, now give it to me harder!" in what appears to be 3 days in-game, which amounts to 10 minutes in reality. Someone must've made this game in an afternoon.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Well, it took me less than 10 minutes (I skipped the story and prologue), and I cleared the game.... What can I say? 3 fights, you have 3 moves (attack/heal/surrender), enemies have 2 moves, only 2 enemies, only fight nothing more, 5 h scenes (short and so-so). Ya, personally, I don't recommend