Ren'Py - Completed - No More Secrets [v0.11] [RoyalCandy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game! Really good characters and gives you a lot of fun times. Beautiful models. Good story progression. Really great scenes. You need to try it out. The developers has done a good job with this.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of the best I've ever played.
    the characters are well constructed, very beautiful images, story that makes you want to see the end.
    I recommend it, I rarely waste time reviewing it, but this one deserves it.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty typical harem VN. Nice renders.

    What set this apart as unique at least at first is that rather than following the usual "naive/scumbag MC with a magical dick fucks a bunch of girls whose lives revolve him" setup, at least in the beginning things are more realistic - most of the people you deal with belong to a school with a bunch of pre-existing relationships, sexual and otherwise. The first few chapters set up a wild party that unfolds pretty realistically, at least compared to normal VN standards. It all has sort of a "early 2000s high school drama/romance movie" vibe to it.

    Sadly, it eventually does devolve into a string of sex scenes with girls who are all in love with the MC. But that's what keeps the Patreon numbers up I guess.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    No more secrets v0.11

    As much as I love No more money this one will have a special place in my heart. Debut work of Royal candy and it's such a hit. This one got funny characters including female and male. Story is slowburn and got nice pace. Don't let the sandbox tag scare you, it's not your usual sandbox games where you have to open map, or you have to go to certain locations at certain time. This one's more like free roam. You have to click through some rooms but there's only few clicks. Honestly this one could have been made as a complete VN, then it will be more popular but I'm glad sandbox is not grindy. Yeah MC is kinda asshole to girls at start but he got his own charm you see it as episode progresses. Steven was nice bro to the MC. In my opinion this game is better to play without incest patch cause it got more reality. Incest in here is not like in No more money since it's not provided by dev


    + Renders
    + Story
    + Characters
    + Humor
    + Story pace


    * Character image on text box ( usually I don't like this thing, but it's not annoying or that much distracting like in other games)
    * Sandbox ( cause sandbox is not grindy )


    - No animations
    - At start sex scenes are shorter and there is no that much sex talk during scenes ( but it will improved in later episodes
    - Endings ( wish ending was more extended than a short narration with few renders )
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable despite the numerous grammar errors and typos which is understandable given the game's developer doesn't speak native English and probably had trouble translating and proofreading. The girls look great and the lewd scenes are quality and plentiful, along with branching that keeps the story engaging.

    One thing that puts me off a bit is how you're forced to act like a POS most of the time and can't really "change" Brian to redeem himself before the ending. I know the main goal is to "find everyone's secrets" which requires Brian to be morally questionable but it was a bit of a stretch how horrible of a person Brian is and continues to be.

    There are dialogue options that make Brian less of a douche but everyone still treats him like the asshole he is regardless of your actions anyway. Another issue I have is the abrupt ending which really feels like something is left to be desired, but I still had fun nonetheless and urge giving it a shot (especially if you're into the whole school setting trope).
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Funny AVN, here are some of my thoughts:
    - Story: Not to be taken seriously, it's kinda funny actually. I'm not gonna say it's bad, just above average. On the good side I have to say that it's not boring.
    - Characters: the MC is an idiot most of the time luckily you can make him look less idiot by picking the right choices (by the way this is the first AVN I play where I cannot name the MC which in this case I appreciate coz he is an annoying douche). The Girls, I liked some of them, so, not bad at all.
    - Music: No Music.
    - Renders: Nice renders, and considering this AVN is like 5 years old I can imagine them being excellent at the time.
    - Animations: No animations at all.
    - Others: I like its "lewdness". I mean it has some pretty hot scenes.

    Overall I'd say it is worth checking out, it's not that long. So I'd give it a 7/10.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Pretty fun game, enjoyed the experience. Each characters are different, and have their own unique personality. I really like Jeanne, Lizzie and Brandy, with Brandy's route being one of my favorite ending, as she's just a really nice and sweet girl. There isn't any sound or animations in this game, but the beautifully designed characters does kinda make up for it. Story is kinda ok, but it feels a little rush towards the end of the game.

    -Renders are good
    -Lovely looking LI's
    -Characters each have their own unique personality
    -Nice minor side stories

    -Lack of sound
    -Hard to navigate around the game
    -Messy harem route
    -Rushed ending
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I enjoy the game but the ending seems rushed. The sex scenes were good and there is no grind or so. I enjoyed the story at the start but later felt the story was less interesting. I like the design of the women in the game.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Yeah, it's an older game so that means no animation or no sound for that matter but the renders are good the girls are gorgeous and the story is kinda interesting but the story is mostly setup here. so yeah enjoyed and now that it's "Completed" I replayed and finished the game. And I play always with the mods so yeah play once and get all most of the story in one go.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The VN was overall average, the story concept was great and the girls were cute, but the sentences were sometimes a turn off and amaze me the way MC talked he still could get the girls laid. I think the VN would have been lots better if it was written by a better writer, glad the renders and cute girls made up for it though.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    Some minor spoilers below, be aware. You won't miss much though, since the ending is completly rushed.

    It is sad that the ending was so extremely rushed, what a disapointment. Most of the girls were extremely likeable, the redemption of the MC was nice to see, and the plot, although a bit cliche, still fit well into the game.

    Even though, it's sad that many things in the end didn't go as promised. Rene was shown as the main rival, but his presence through the game is barely noticeable, with the exception of the start, it is shown the involvement of Phil, but it isn't given any reason as to why, there is a timeskip who completly ruins the flow of the story on it's climax, some girls tag along with the MC just because...

    But what bothered me the most were the endings, I mean, I kinda understand why the girls don't want the MC to cheat, but at the same time time they accept harem with some and others not... why? I can understand for example Lizzie and Vanessa, but why they accept Amie and Jeane? Or even if they accept, why isn't that explained? Even worse, not long ago Amie will break up with the MC if he accepts Julia, but at the same time she's ok being with Lizzie and Vanessa?

    Don't get me wrong, I love harem endings, specially family ones, but if you have something that goes against the girl personality, at least give reasons as to why she accepteds this or that. Because the way it was it seemed completly random, even as to why some girls getting bothered with Stephania, but not with the teachers... I mean... And it made me sad specially for Stephania, because while she was a bitch in the early game, it would work great as a redemption arc for that character, to finally find someone who actually loved her and not just having sex.

    Man I'm really sad the game ended like this. I was really enjoying some character development, the "corruption" of some, specially Lizzie and Jeanne was made correctly, not too fast, not too slow, there were reasons as to why the feelings were shown on those characters, the conflict as well... but the end was a complete mess. Sure some writing wasn't the best, could be polished here and there, it definitely deserved something more. It really seems the dev got bored of the game and just wanted to finish it, which is sad because, again, most of the girls were extremely likeable. There aren't many games out there in which is I see "I like this girl, but I don't like this, etc etc". Besides Daphne, I don't recall seeing a girl who really didn't call out to me in this game, which gave me even a bittier taste after seeing the ending. Not because there wasn't an harem ending, but because of how there wasn't.

    Finally, just a small question? What the hell happened to the missing student? MC and girls smashed in the ending and she suddenly isn't important to the plot and that's it? Man...

    Sorry for the long rant, but I had to vent. When I dislike a game I simply ignore, but it wasn't the case. The game and casting deserved way more. The fact that the reviews on this game aren't bad probably show many also liked the game, and maybe also got disapointed with the ending.

    I just wish this isn't a sample of what's to come with "No More Money", because again, besides one or other girl, I'm really liking the characters and the atmosphere within the game. The fact the pace is slower might help on them, due to the quality being higher, since is a more recent game, the disapointment will be even greater. Since I'm liking No More Money so far, and I was liking No More Secrets, I was wondering if I should support the dev monetarily (I'm not rich, but I like to be fair), but due to how this one ended I really think I won't. Sorry again for the rant, but I really got disapointed. Some may disagree, I don't want to shit onto the dev as well, but it's my opinion.

    I still give it a 4 because of the experience overall, because while the 2nd half was definitely rushed and the game went downhill there, 3 stars wouldn't make justice for what the game does right. Renders, girls being likeable, an intriguing plot (even if the conclusion and it's writing was a complete mess), etc, are really great, specially for the age of the game. Still, it's sad as to how downhill the game went, because even if the writing wasn't the best, the points above, along with the good atmosphere of the game, and the redemption of the MC would give an easy 5 on this game, if the ending wasn't so rushed. It really seems the dev got bothered and wasn't to simply end, which doesn't bring justice to the rest of the content.
    Likes: Lerd0
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    the girls are rendered beautifully (no goblinas) but the scenes can get wonky. the story is nice and long but the dialogue is mediocre and edgy. no animations. can get softlocked near the end. in-game point-and-click navigation is pointless. there are much better games to play in the current year, this should be near the bottom of your list.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice render. The story and multi ending are good as well.
    Jeane are great. I do not understand why someone want her to be more older. She is perfect to me.
    I really like the author. We need the simple/short game with nice harem story like this instead of those game that need 3-4 years to finish or to hard to play.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    V0.11 Completed

    Nothing much to write about to be frank.

    Writing isn't its best. Narrative is cliche, the usual school setting where you try to bag the girls, theres nothing that makes it stand out among games of similar genre. It got boring mid game, just bland and dull slice of life with mediocre character stories. End game has barely anything to it and it quickly transitioned to the epilogue with kinda a slide based closure, disappointing and unfulfilling to say the least.

    Characters are your standard school setting love interests, so expect the usual personalities and characters that have been overdone millions of times(consider that a lot of VNs are highschool, college setting & a student MC). Their character stories are rather unoriginal and uninteresting for the most part and this hurts the game as slice of life narrative relies heavily on the cast. There was effort but i guess writing wasn't the dev's best suite, it lacks maturity.

    Models, renders were good for its time. Animations aren't nothing to brag about, plainly obvious animation loops. Lewd scenes are vanilla and lackluster.

    Overall it lingers at slightly below average for me, its not that bad but not good either. I'd give it a 2.5/5.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    the writing is poor, the english is broken and the character - whatever you choose to do - is always an unapologetically sexist asshole. not sure whether the author thinks this is what "popular kids" are like in school, but being so cartoonishly douchey doesnt make you popular, just annoying. so, not realistic depictions either. same goes for other characters.

    other characters are also flat without fail, which means you neither care about the mc or them. the visuals are dated, but that's partly because the game is 3 years old so i'm not holding that against the game, though it cetainly didn't improve my experience.

    one bonus star, because the game is finished, the author put some effort in and the idea of everyone having secrets is interesting and spices things up. too bad it's poorly exceuted and remains without impact, because - as stated previously - the author does unfortunately not know how to write interesting, multidimensional characters.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    A good game, I enjoyed it.

    The story was interesting enough to keep reading. The writing isn't that great, some of the flirty jokes and the whole bad boy shtick was pretty cringe. The second half and ending felt pretty rushed and wasn't as enjoyable as the first half of the novel. More fleshed out characters and relationships would have been great.

    The renders looked good, there are no real animations but there are some back and forth diashow-like sequences.

    There is no audio at all which makes it less immersive but it's fine because the story wasn't that interesting anyway.

    The biggest Pros are the interesting cast of characters and a decent novel length.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Gonna give this 5 starts..why. First great graphics, good story and dialogue was really good. I played with the mod to see all the scenes and endings in one go, but it still took many hours, so lots of game time.

    Lots a variety, lots of sex, only a couple of animations. Most sex scenes were stills but lots and pretty well done.

    Didn't find any errors or bugs, and it kept me engaged till the end, and didn't use skip or skip unseen text at all (rare for me)

    Completed! So that is a big plus. Lots of endings, many variables. Ending sequences were not a click and done, there were multiple shots, sex and a story to each ending. Still wish for a few other options in the endings but, this is pretty damn good.

    All and all, a very fun romp, great all around and finished. Yes nothing is perfect, but for a completed game that has this much content and story....5 stars.
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Agreed to shmanzu's review below, its a game where the male character is just a brat who doesnt know how to be a decent man. Like why did you complain when somebody help you by giving you a room after your mom died and your father jailed, and then felt used by your mom's friend that cared about you then married to a man who help you? Not only that, stealing $3000 (or 1K I forgot) from him aswell? What a bitch. I mean I know what the reasons and what the secret about them, but still, what a dickhead.

    The scene option is inconsistent. At first few episode its text based option to choose how you fuck someone, and then the rest to the end using a button with illustration/icon. Which is fine by me but its better to remake the old one with the new one to avoid any confusion.

    The scene animation is average, its click to move your penis type of animation. I mean it doesnt require animation to be a game or to enjoy it, but fully animated is better. At least fully animated with 2 frame/pics per thrust/pump.

    Despite all above, I love the render and visual of the female characters. Some of them is repeatedly used on other games, but some of them is good. The comedy is good, well atleast for me, but some of it is cringe and corny. So I put this game on my "good game, worth replay it, but with caution" list.

    Worth to play.
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Before I Forget

    I struggled to get through this but I did. That counts for something.


    It was juvenile, immature and filled with a bunch of head scratching/cringe moments. Packed with the usual stereotypical cliches like the character Rene being the typical big bad boogeyman. This led to countless annoying racial undertones, not to mention to obsession over his "Big Black Cock". I wondered at one point if Brian and Steven wanted to fuck Rene all along and keeping him from Lizzie and the girls was all a ploy. In the Jeane incest thing was pointless, it would've been better off if she was just the foster mom or guardian. Brandy was probably the only decent love interest.

    Considering this debut in 2018 I'd say it was good.


    Didn't fit. Sometimes the teachers was talking like street kids.

    Overall, I didn't see the appeal.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    No More Secrets [v0.11] [RoyalCandy]

    Reading from the preview of the story line gives us an expectation for some interesting secrets about MC’s father in prison and expected some interesting investigation but end up disappointment; no action planned for this task. The MC continues his daily regular life without any feeling for his father. Just describing a normal boy grown up and deviated from good character to bad character during his late teenage later realized the mistake and improved as good character by himself nothing interesting in that part.

    For the entire story; MC’s father is in prison and mother has passed away before the MC grew up; No siblings in this scenario I am wondering why & how this is considered as incest. MC is not related to anybody around him but for the fact he is grownup in adopted family.

    MC’s screw up for birthday gift is real nonsense by leaving it to his best friend who is very childish and mischievous who swap the gift from other guy is real nonsense. Funniest and intolerable fact is that MC knowingly accept it and play along which is not a good portrait.

    • A simple story emphasizing polyamorous.
    • MC’s Sex approach with his merely mom like character (Jeane) is well described / portrayed.
    • Good quality of image renders.
    • Good quality of animations.
    • Playability, performance and grammar are all just OK no issue.

    • Sound: Almost no sound except background music.
    • Lack of guide for navigation; the player has to familiarize by trial and error. Not a big deal / trouble
    • Lack of seductiveness in sexual approach.
    • No / nothing secret could be observed.