Non-VN games where woman tries to bang men non-consensually or harass them sexually?

Apr 13, 2023
This question of mine is 50% request.
50% shower thought.
And 100% bullshit.

Yes, I've seen Karryn's Prison.
No, I'm not impressed by that fairy-tale.
Quite the opposite, I'm quite perplexed by the fact that that game's big idea wasn't built upon by other game developers.

What I have in mind is some hybrid between Karryn's Prison (slow corruption of playable character), RapeLay (semi-consensual / not-quite--consensual stuff) and, surprisingly, Hitman series (or whatever is your favourite stealth action with an option to blend in the crowd).
Where girl/woman (as a playable character) roams some urban environment just to catch some poor guy off-guard and do fun things to him.
Unless either he runs away or you two are being spotted by someone.

I can bet my best hat that there's a metric ton of visual novels of this kind...
...but what about non-VN? Are there any proper 2D or 3D adventure games where you have to physically schmooze around, looking for a stray boyo to yeet with your very own hands?

Google has been very unhelpful. Maybe you, conoisseurs, can show me the right direction...

P. S. I'm fairly certain that I've tried to create this theme in Off-Topic sub-forum...
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