Others - Not My Body! [Build 38.1.11 - 2] [Pululon]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    [Build 38.1.11 - 2]

    It's good. Buggy, grindy, obscure at times, but good.
    Would recommend if you are patient, otherwise waiting is better.

    [ + ]​
    • The art style and it's presentation are unique;
    • The story looks like it will be interesting;
    [ - ]​
    • Stats and perks are way too separated, split up and need to be unlocked, some aren't really useful;
    • There's a really inconvenient limit to store "skill points" and weird amount required to use them;
    • Minigames are kind of laggy, weirdly calculated, genuinely bugged;
    • Inventory is a cluttered mess (can't stack items, many storages);
    • Must return to own room for commonly repeated actions;
    • Most aspects like events, minigames, items, don't have proper or any descriptions,- what's the point of skills, if you don't know which apply?;
    • Unreliable- had a crash, a freeze, a save loss, sleep and passage of time slots is unreliable;
    • Not all scenes work (it seems to have a huge set of scenes for each clothing piece, some of them leave an empty space on the screen, where the character usually is);

    It's good, the art is fantastic, and gameplay is heavily impacted by the kind of necessary grind and unreliable game features.
    If it gets fixed and made o favor the player more with less grind and more convenience, I can easily see it as 5 star.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    TL;DR = interesting game concept ruined by MANY GAME BREAKING BUGS!

    Story: 1/5
    + You play as a girl that has sort of amnesia. Her body has somehow changed and she doesnt know why.
    + Heroine unlocks perks, skills and her memories by visiting people and doing perverted things.
    - There is a breaking of 3rd (4th?) wall in this game. Characters talk about people playing this game. I was not amused by this.
    - Unfortunately it is very hard to progress with the game's story, when you get very often interupted by game breaking bugs and you have to RESTART the game from the scratch.

    Art and Sex Stuff: 3/5
    + Art style will remind you of comic books. You will see some panels with images and there will be text bubles around.
    + If you get used to it, it can be pretty nice.
    - Unfortunately comic books lewd scenes are very basic.

    Gameplay: 0/5
    - Author of the game has created some sort of his own game engine, but it was terrible decision, because it is buggy!
    - Gameplay is terrible, because the game is riddled by MANY GAME BREAKING BUGS! Those bugs will lock you out of progressing. Many of those bugs are random and sometimes they trigger, sometimes they dont.
    - Unfortunately those BUGS will often corrupt your older saves files. Loading the game might NOT help you!!! So your only solution to that kind of bug is RESTARTING the game from the scratch.
    - After you restarted the game you can only pray you will not encounter some different bug! (SPOILER ALLERT: you will encounter bugs again and again!!!)

    - What is the worst part about those bugs? Author of the game has decided to mostly ignore them! He only continues to add new content (with new bugs).

    My personal experience with bugs: My first playthough ended after 20minutes when bug locked me out of main story line (Talking with quest character freezed the game). LOADing older saves didnt help! RESTART! 2nd playthough ended after 30 minutes by a bug locking me out of one quest location. I RELOADED 10 minutes old save game! My 3rd playthrough ended after 15 minutes, because a bug made me unable to change clothes! LOADing older saves didnt solve issue! RESTART! At this point I angrily deleted this game.

    To sum it up:
    This game might be nice, but it is ruined by bugs. Playing this is an exercise in futility. Stay away.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I like the game and the mechanics of it. The scene are pretty good and the gameplay is also interesting.
    I had so many crashes or bugs, it's ridiculous .
    And I am not talking about simple graphical bugs. Those encountered will make you get stuck in the story which forces an entire restart.
    You need to restart the game so often because of some coding error, it is just maddening.
    I really enjoy everything else though.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Extremely buggy. If you talk to the wrong NPC at the wrong time to whole game locks up.

    The notifications will tell sometimes not update and will continue to tell you to do something you've already completed.

    NO OPTIONS MENU. How does the developer forget to add something like this? Why is there no option to the music?

    Minigames are confusing as hell. I just always skip them. No clue how to actually do any of them.

    The story is ok. I wouldn't call it "horror" it's really just a mystery.

    Getting to the sexual content takes a nice long grind.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    - UI, while quite decent, needs to be checked/refined, there is quite a lot of unnecessary stuff that just gets annoying the longer you play
    - energy/time systems would be a pain if not for the cheat menu/passing time
    - skip minigame popup, I skip them all and it would be nice to just toggle it
    - can speed up a screen in a scene, but can't just load it instantly

    The bad:
    - bugs, there is a lot of bugs, some small that you will ignore, some will lock a quest or force a restart (there are autosaves so it doesn't hurt, but it is annoying)

    The good:
    - art
    - writing and scenes
    - sound is fitting most of the time
    - porn is great
    - everything other than the game engine and some gameplay elements is great

    The content is all amazing, the art, the story, the porn, the setting, the writing all of that is just great... but bugs and a little clunky/unrefined gameplay are a pain.

    If not for the amount and quality of content I would rate it 3.5/5, taking the content into account I would rate it 4.5/5 if I could, but I can't so 5/5.
    Likes: Rauls
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    From the very beginning, I didn’t really like the game, the game’s feature is:
    Absolutely everything is black and white, after 30 minutes your eyes get tired of reading and looking at all this
    There is a plot but it is written in 3+
    Again, our heroine is an ordinary person in her free time, and then a raid comes and our heroine becomes a straight strong person. In this respect, the game is similar to the game THE LEWD KNIGHT unity engine

    The principle is the same. There are a few differences but the same. The cheats here are buggy and buggy. Clothes all in glitches and bugs.
    A few years have passed, but I still did not like the game much. Maybe because there is no picture of a juicy, colorful o_O
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    This is trash, and it makes me sad because I love the premiss and the MC, but the game itself is just a big pile of junk, poorly written and buggy as hell.
    The UI is absolutly terrible, there are buttons that don't even work, the game tells you to do certain things but what you really have to do is something else.
    What a waste.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    While the game has bugs and the interface feels like a cross between renpy and unity engine, I've still enjoyed it immensely. The story is great, sex scenes are well written and quite immersive, Hours of content. And artwork? OUT OF THIS WORLD! I've seen lot of people asking author to add colour but I feel black and white works perfectly for this horror genre, I mean it looks something Bai Asuka's work if he ever drew western comics.

    Do save a lot, and hope the dev fixes the inventory and other numerous glitches.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Its clearly a fairly high-effort project. The writing isn't particularly bad. Its boring out of sex and decently hot during. The art is consistent and likeable.

    The actual game is awful. Not just the fact it barely functions. So poorly they added cheat options as a band-aid fix and the fucking cheat options are too buggy to work. And then a gallery unlock, which is too fucking buggy to work. No. The core gameplay, even when it works, is fucking tedious. Half the game has nothing to do with the other half, its boring WitchBlade looking fights against random monsters who aren't really interesting narratively, aren't sexy, aren't fun to fight.
    There's no real indication of where to go, when and why.
    You have like 40+ completely pointless... no... actively detrimental costumes to wear... which seem to only exist to make the game annoying. Scenes are only drawn for, usually, 1 costume. Maybe 3. So if you want to interact with those scenes, even just something as mundane as going to the gym, you have to change into the outfit that was drawn. But you can't change when you want. No. You can VIEW outfits at any time. But to change you need to go to the world map, click your house, then your room, then the wardrobe. Then click back to your living room, back to world map, back to where you were. Its so fucking tedious. And you have to do it so fucking much.

    Of course it is, also, as noted, absurdly buggy. And unresponsive. Buttons simply refuse to work half the time. If you're not using auto-text then its like 50/50 if holding rmb will advance text or do nothing. Every single time a scene needs to advance 'hold rmb to advance' still persists even though that part is over and sits on top of exit, so you need to press rmb until it notices you did to be able to click exit to move on.

    The 2 stars are for art and okay (if repetitive and overly fast to have characters insult each other even if they're genuinely nice people out of bed) writing.
    The - 3 is for the games tedious design, lack of functionality and the updates continuing to never actually fix any bugs ever
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The Best and the worst game at the same time. This game has the potential to be the best game but it is full of bugs and slow. If the creator uses a better engine and colors the photos, this game goes to the top.
    Art (if they are colored): 10
    Engine: 0
    + it is full of bugs
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite games on here, awesome drawings and many different clothes, gameplay elements, story. Lewd scenes are really hot and there is lots of unique content.
    Unfortunately, also one of the most frustrating games due to progress breaking bugs. Some can be fixed by editing the save text file, but it is hard to know what is what.
    Likes: mteir
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Realy good game. One of rare porno-horror. It`s story and art style give some Junji Ito vibes. With a less intensity than Ito works, you don`t start fear normal things after that.
    Good scenes, comic style realy better than basic VN, cause you can read text and watch at art at the same time.
    Gameplay has enough variety so not so annoyng at repeatable parts.
    The two small problems in game is:
    White on white style. Can hurt someone eyes.
    And minigames. It`s skipable, but simple not fit here.
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Scarlett's nightmare

    I really like the premise of the game and the story was really engaging. There is a lot about this game that is great. That makes it so frustrating that the UI and the engine drag it down into unplayable territory like that.

    The engine is slow and unresponsive and actively seems to be trying to make this game worse. Then there is a number of poor UI design decisions that will wear you down over time. There is endless right mouse clicks to move forward and the delay between each step seems completely arbitrary. Sometimes you can hold it down to make progress, sometimes you don't. Paired with the fact that new text appears all over the screen, it makes for extremely uncomfortable reading. Of course , eventually, your right mouse click does nothing and you need to go find the "End" button to move on from the situation. There is tons of little things like that and the unresponsiveness of the engine make every step of the way just a liiiiittle bit worse.

    As much as I like the premise of this game, it is unplayable for me in its current form. It is such a shame. There is a good game in there.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    An amazing game, exciting, it gives chills and makes you want more and more. the female characters are really well drawn and sexy. some bugs, but hey, those can be fixed. the black and white artstyle is quite unique and it looks really good making you throw out the window any skepticism you had before.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    3stars. v0.36
    okeish. but not good enough

    with content.
    though i naively believed that there will be 6 chapters with main story quests chains not 1,5 which i completed. however additionally there is some content related to 2ndary quests, jobs and hunts)
    generally nice art
    at some point i just got tired of black and whitness.
    also im not in favor of the inconsistency between static depictions which are almost trace-art and comics-ish depictions in scenes

    ok ingame hints and cheat systems ( id need at least +1 time button be available all the time )

    no good
    tolerable but not optimized ui (bulky and with lots of extra clicks)
    occasional game window freezings upon some actions (could be my laptop though it seems other users also experienced it)
    some bugs here and there (including monday bug, though saves can be edited via notepad)
    no renpy-like instant text/scenes skipping. so you need tons of skip-clicks during dialogues, dreams and scenes (with the latter fastest rewind helps ; also exit sign works like 'skip all interaction and progress futher')
    if anyone reads - the text size is rather small.
    it tries to be original i assume. however, all these magic things are never good for my immersion. and horror elements with ugly creatures and killings surely dont make things better for me
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Played on version 35.2

    Recommendation level: Worth a try

    ++ A lot of detailed CG and variations
    + Nice art
    + Good writing
    + Decent Gameplay

    - Unintuitive interface and controls

    Comment: I was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed this game, it's definitely something new and interesting. Though the creator intended for it to be a horror/mystery I was having a hard time feeling that kind of atmosphere. The only downside I found with this game was the awkward interface and controls, the pause button is bound to the same mouse button to continue which sometimes made you pause the CG just before a transition and it was a bit hard to know whether a scene was finished or not. If you're looking to try something unique and new to play definitely try this one out, it has quite a lot of content at this point to entertain you for a few hours.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this is a hard game to review.

    There's a lot going on with it. Possibly too much.

    If you ignore the main story, it can be a sexy life sim romp. Work different jobs and get into a number of sexy situations in most of them (City Bar and Day Waitress don't seem to have any sex scenes).

    Follow the main story, however, and it becomes something much different.

    Honestly, its a little dark for my tastes, and the main character is hard to sympathize with as she kills people, some of whom don't deserve it.

    Also, imo, the main story is a bit too talky for a sex game and can drag on a bit. Which is a shame, because many of the sex scenes are gated by story progress.

    Be aware, the art is all black and white, but since the artist is clearly trying to make it like a comic book, that doesn't actually bother me.

    What does bother me about the art is the strictly personal preference. I'm not generally turned on by overly voluptuous women. The main character's breasts look bigger than her torso in a lot of scenes. Call me picky, but I prefer art that at least attempts to replicate reasonable proportions.

    Additionally, the writing is both surprisingly good and bad. Each scene has a lot of internal and external dialogue, which is good. The writer does a good job setting the scene and letting you feel what it going on.

    On the other hand, it was either badly translated or English is clearly not the writers primary language. So be prepared for grammatically broken and almost non-sensible sentences in almost every scene. You can understand what they were trying to say, but its broken at best.

    There's also a lot of content. Like, a lot, a lot. More than some finished games.

    On a final note, the game is very buggy. Save often.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this game has potential to be great, but for now there are too many problems with its presentation. It's still worth checking out just for the sake of novelty.

    The first thing you'll notice is the art style, reminiscent of old comics. I like it a lot, and some scenes are done exceptionally well, but at the same time even after playing this game for about 30 minutes, I'm starting to understand why the majority of modern works that utilize this style tend to be of noir genre. Looking at a mostly #FFFFFF white window will tire your eyes. It's tolerable, but it's not exactly pleasant.

    Then comes the text, and from the very first screen you will notice that there are a lot of grammatical mistakes, to the point where every third sentence isn't structured properly. It sorta gives the text a unique flavor, but at the same time it bothers me more that I can tell that the dev is not a native speaker.
    Still, what's there is a decent read, even with the mistakes. The comic style limits the amount of text and reinforces it with a picture. Pretty nice.

    And, finally, the gameplay, like everything else, has a potential, but is hindered by the UI and the controls. You can tell the the dev had some influences and inspiration, but didn't flesh them out completely. The UI has a lot of inconsistencies that hinder the navigation. The simplest example is the protagonist's apartment: trying to leave it requires you to actually be aware of the room you are currently in, because every room has it's own version of "leave the room" option, each in a different position and in a different form (either a door or an icon, or a door with an icon that you both have to click), so you can't just tap the same spot one or two times to go outside.

    Again, this game has pretty much everything in place for it to be a good 8/10. But it needs to weed out all the mistakes and inconsistencies.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Graphics is superb with a feeling which you can get from an old, black and white comics. However, everything else is built around that. Plot is boring, pace is terribly slow. Grind is enormous. UI is clunky and makes you click hundred times even for the simplest task. There are tiny little icons for everything and the clicking games are.. dumb.
    Once these issues are addressed, then this could be a fine game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)

    Danny Boyd

    A bit different, but it's an excellent game except for the fact that it's a grind at times and that I haven't found a way speed things us permanently instead you have to do it per scene (under options).