A 10/10 game recommendation to those who want a great story to enjoy that thrilling, great suspense, and romantic interest where it builds off the story through each individual experiences.
Gameplay : Most choices do matter to a certain degree, and affects the ending, which will all turn out good, but just minor differences (how scenes play out). I highly recommend checking out the MOD which highlights the proper choices to get the best ending with most scenes, but you can just use the stats that is in-game *Should come in game or from the mod*.
Story : *SPOILER* This world that the MC lives in is taking place during a "zombie" apocalypse. I emphasized zombie because in the story, the MC didn't like describing the situation as zombies, but just people infect. He lives with his adopted daughter in an apartment in a city somewhere in North Carolina. While scavenging for food, certain events lead to another, as well as his relationship with his adopted daughter. But meanwhile, miracles happen when he reunites with old friends and find new ones, that soon also turn romantic as time passes on. Each character has a different dynamic with the MC, and the connection can be felt between all individuals. Some healing from their past traumas mixed with new ones, while others dealing with much loss that they can't get over until the MC appears in their lives. He embarks on a journey to get out of the city, as each day resources become scare and dangerous around every corner increases.
Visuals : Pretty good visuals that you can tell there was much skill and time put into the game. Lighting was great, many sound effects, and details that you can tell going into the game. Each character looked different (except enemies or infected), so it wasn't just a copy and paste. The physics of the scenes were great, body parts move and even jiggle (IYK, YK).
Scenes : Scenes are pretty great, with a lot of animations. When I mean a lot, I mean like every single scene is an animation. You can see each body part moving, like in real life. Obviously, there are even close ups that can be selected as well, for those who are into that I guess. The only thing I would change is the voice effects, they are repetitive since its the same exact voice line for all characters, but I can't complain.
Customer Support : N/A
Overall, a great game that is worth the try, and the story + its content lasts easily for days. It wasn't boring, instead keeping you in suspense of wanting more. I could honestly see myself reading this as a book, even it without being a VN. The endings are great, scenes are amazing. I couldn't have asked for more.