Collection - Unity - NowaJoestar Games Collection [v2023-09-08] [NowaJoestar]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't know why no one has posted any reviews. I'll just tell you that this creator's kill a bitch game is fantastic. The story is absurd and comical, the combat at the beginning is heavy and repetitive but it is that way because the game is designed that way so that you can play it again in newgame+ (don't worry if you spent your time farming exp, the game rescues it all progress in new game+), so you can enjoy the variety of erotic animations on each enemy without risking getting killed. I was satisfied when I completed 100% of the game and I couldn't stop laughing at the funny and absurd behavior of the protagonist. You can see that its creators put a lot of love into this game and I dare say that it is one of those little gems that people don't notice because of the presentation it has in the forum. . Now I'm looking forward to Eden Waifus being finished.