Unity - Completed - NPC Capture Academy [v2023-04-21] [Oinari Soft]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    So like everyone said, Its Paper Please but horny

    You play as an inspector who needs to see if the students ID is correct, while doing that you can vaguely interact with the students touching their bodies or even going to a ''harsh punishement'' which you probably now what is.

    its a fun arcade game its good to play when you have nothing to do

    the story doesnt really matter its really simple and you can just ignore dialogue and play

    I really enjoyed the art style, but the sounds where a bit weird

    I would give a 5* If the game had better sound effects specially in the +18 scenes, more variaty of positions or stuff to do with the girls would be good too!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun, arcade and lewd version of the indie hit Papers, Please. Enjoy trying to find the procedurally generated girl of your dreams as you check the IDs of high schoolers for errors. Rack up enough score and complete bonus objectives to make it to the next stage. The game ends when you finish about a third of the stages and the ones still locked are bonuses that don't even make the game harder. You can get past the rng of the girl design by purchasing items that can giver her a new random hairstyle, colour, or even her preferred sex act. It's all very enjoyable and the game is short just give it a shot
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    good gameplay is very simmer to papers pleas however the story is quite lacking and you can ignore it almost complete to progress to the different stages. characters do respite a lot witch is a slight downside other than that i a quic game you can play in a day

    personally i do like "the imperial gatekeeper" and "the black guard of oddm"
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    tl;dr: this game does not respect your time. It's not terrible but if you want to play "Papers, Please but porn/hentai" then just play Imperial Gatekeeper; it's better in every aspect.

    You can make this game much better if you:
    1) Reduce the sloooooooooog of taaaaalkiiiiiiiiiiiiing by around 80%. Or more, frankly. Or OR just give the option to click to finish/skip the current line of dialogue. Importantly: I'm not complaining about the "cutscenes."

    2) Reduce the time wasted on animations by around 50%... or more, frankly... again. I'm not talking about the "harder guidance" but just the normal special guidance. Time does stop during the "harder guidance."

    These two major problems are the biggest detriments to enjoying the game. If you're going for the all 3 stars in a stage, after the tutorial, it's always the same:
    -Get 8+ correct
    -Get 2 or less mistakes
    -and give a student a Love Letter, which is only done after completing the "harder guidance."

    Due to how much time this game wastes, getting all three stars is actually kinda hard. While you don't have to point out ALL errors on a student's ID to report them, you must pick at least one. Furthermore, you can't just casually pick one for a love letter because you don't have time. The correct strat is to process at least 7 students correctly and then give the love letter after that. Like in "Papers, Please" fashion, even if you run out of time, you'll get to finish the with the current student.

    I guess there is good news: you can just click a button in the options to unlock all stages -> then just play unlimited.
    Bad news within this good news: you can't select the location, so you gotta exit and re-enter until you're in your preferred location.

    Forgetting all that, just casually playing without caring about getting things right or wrong -> you'll end up finishing a stage after like 3 students if you give them all "harder guidance." The time wasting still sucks!

    Oh yeah, the game doesn't tutorialize or discuss the "Re-interview" at all, but it's where you can recall the love letter'd students and use your items and stuff.

    Music and SFX are really low quality. Like 1/5... unless you like 2 second music loops.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Ideally, it's the kind of game you would revisit if you want to jack off quick, but I'm archiving this. Gameplay is clunky, animations are too slow, there are limited actions you can take, and there's literally no reason to us "special education" to students unless you want to fuck them.

    I want to emphasize this enough: JUST CLEAR THE STAGES AS YOU NORMALLY WOULD. No need to check and make every single NPC to check if they're hiding the document you're looking for - they aren't.

    There is literally no reason the play the entire game yourself. You might as well use the "Unlock all stages" button on the upper right and play endless mode or maybe fuck the principal.

    Overall, I'm giving this three stars just because of the fact that the art is good. Everything else is negligible.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Game version: v2023-04-21
    tl;dr: monotonous and clunky gameplay for monotonous and clunky rewards

    NPC Capture Academy (NPCCA) resides in the niche genre of "pornographic Papers, Please" in that you check paperwork, find discrepancies, and administer a verdict accordingly. Unfortunately, NPCCA is so underwhelming that, even in the sparsely-populated genre, I find no reason to recommend this game whatsoever. Fundamentally, a porn game needs to have good gameplay (otherwise it’s just porn with extra pointless steps) and good porn (duh), and NPCCA fails at both.

    NPCCA’s gameplay is insultingly easy, monotonous from start to finish, drags on for far too long, and lacks even the slightest hint of user-friendliness. You are only ever tasked to check one type of document (student ID), and spotting fakes is effortless as they always come with multiple mistakes (2-3 of the 6 variables). This, combined with its deceptive length of 15 stages (3 sets of 5, with the first set being the campaign, and the other 2 lazy re-skins of the first set with zero story impacts and copy-pasted stage requirements), means you’ll have experienced 99% of what NPCCA has to offer on the first stage. Also, despite working against the clock, you can’t fast-forward dialogue, so a good chunk of your shift time will be spent doing nothing.

    NPCCA’s porn is uninspired and lacks variety. Though the NPCs do have variety (fair selection of names, hair selection and color, faces, breast sizes, and uniforms), their overall figure is virtually the same, so people looking for different body types should look elsewhere. Each NPC also has one fixed position (out of 6, 3 of which are groping, cunnilingus, and blowjob) that can only be changed with various store items unlocked fairly late into the campaign. Oh, and, before you can roll the dice for sexy times, you also have to bring the NPC to orgasm, which involves clicking her parts, waiting several seconds (reminder that you are working against the clock), and repeating for ~6 times minimum (upwards of ~15 times, depending on how horny she starts with). Somehow, the dev managed to make the porn part of their porn game feels more like a chore than a reward (not helped by most stages requiring you to use a love letter, which requires sexy times beforehand).

    NPCCA could’ve been so much more, but it isn’t, and until then it doesn’t deserve your time.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    Not enough.

    I love the Papers Please genre of gameplay for lewd games. It is fun and interactive with a goodlewd gameplay.


    This one is pretty poor, depth wise.
    Not enough interaction. Not enough lewd choices. Not enough story. Not enough reason to play.

    I finished it in about 40 minutes I think? And that was more due to how slow the animation changes are than anything else. It felt like a 10 minute game that was stretched poorly.

    "Sometimes, some of the girls don't listen to you."
    ...no, sometimes they have a single line that is rebellious, that literally means nothing.

    "The player decides everything!"
    ...is the id right or wrong? Wanna poke her til you get whichever repetitive scene she has?
    ...I hope so, because those are your choice. hah.

    3/5 for doing a papers please style game with loli school girls. Ya got me there.
    -2 for just not really being fun or rewarding imo.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is both simple and enjoyable. Quick to finish with a moderately short plot and a decent art style and animation. Unfortunately for me it left me a bit unsatisfied gameplay and lust wise. I honestly feel like there could've been more story and mechanics to the game. Overall I still think it's a pretty decent game and recommend everyone interested to give it a try.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    Animations are mostly good! Cowgirl's a little janky but still fine.
    I like the art style. It's clean and consistent. Sometimes there's some oddities with accessory and hair draw order but there's ways to re-dress your saved partners.
    The MTL is a bit rough. I'd love to spend an hour or two making things sound a littler smoother if I knew how.

    Might not be everyone's favorite, but I've spent a few hours on it and have enjoyed it. There's maybe an hour's worth of content for the average player.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    That's only the second game like "Paper please" with "The Imperial Gatekeeper" I wish there would be more games like these.
    The drawing are less good than those of "The Imperial Gatekeeper" but it has better animations.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Gameplay is Papers Please, but never gets nearly as hard or stressful. Also, the main story is completely unrelated to gameplay. Can't give it too many points for immersion for that one.

    Long story short, you live in a world full of NPCs and you have main character privilege that allows you to molest anyone you want. They kinda don't care.

    It's a really regular game, though the translation is somewhat bad. The scenes are somewhat limited, and since you can't buy everything to customize a character, you have to keep a large group of girls to fulfill every niche.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Mechanics are not well explained, but from what I could figure out it wasn't fun. Still quite buggy and poorly translated. At times, no translation at all. Although it's simple 2D animation it's very poorly optimized. Subjective, but the art is not very arousing to me.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    Major issue is the lack of depth, not even worth the 10 min it took to play through. It's basically just a school-based, h-game version of Papers, Please! Despite being completely in Japanese (minus some of the credits, which i found ironic as they took the time to translate that but not the rest of the game), you really don't need to know any japanese to play the game. Although, I still don't recommend downloading this--while there are "infinite" girls (about 3-4 bodytypes, and a shit ton of hair styles) there are only 5 scenes total (if you exclude the pre-scene groping). 2 oral scenes, 1 riding scene, 1 from behind, and 1 titty fuck. So if that sounds worth it to you, then here's how you play:

    You can click on the girls to interact with them and increase hearts, and the entire mechanic of checking their IDs comes down to whether or not you can pay attention to numbers. The first number needs to be in the range of numbers shown on your card; the second number is the class number and only matters on classroom levels, and the last should always be the same. If any info is wrong, click on the wrong info before pressing the angry face button.

    Seriously though, I wouldn't waste your time lol.
  14. 3.00 star(s)


    The novelty to this game would be much stronger if not for the much much better alternatives that exist in this genre. This is completely average, maybe more boring than anticipated. There are levels with a small increase in difficulty and challenges, but you essentially get everything NSFW you can out of this game in two levels. There isn't anything truly rewarding for getting all the stars or reaching the final stage. Girls in this game have different personalities and sex positions that are randomized, but you get easy access to any student immediately, hence it feeling stale by the last stage.

    I think the worst part of it is the incomplete machine translation which ordinarily I don't have a problem with, but the principal's dialogue remains raw and untranslated. There's also no sexual interaction at all with the principal despite various dialog scenes that again, you cannot read. I think including this character but doing nothing with her at all is a lousy decision on the developer's part. I guess they plan to change this in the future, but for this build it's a sore spot that shouldn't have been there from the start. It's a good thirty minute time killer, maybe.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Fairly dull, confusing, Papers Please-like game.

    The gameplay itself is frustrating, especially when the documentation definitely doesn't match the ID cards that you're given, but it passes anyway. Get ready to learn by making lots of easily-preventable mistakes. Thankfully the scenes can all easily be redone without any penalty.

    There's a needless timer for each level whose only purpose is artificial difficulty and actually hurts the player's interest in stopping at a girl to feel her up for a while before moving on to the next girl.

    The animations/scenes are pretty standard. Decent quality. Vanilla content.

    Needing to learn how to use the UI isn't very fun when the bright green button says "NO" for some reason and you have to remember to click an alarm each time to send in the next girl, among other things.

    The random generation of each girl is a nice touch but is overshadowed by the irritation of everything else.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Another paper's please inspired game which I love, we need more of those games, but the execution on this one is not the best so far. So far the gameplay is- student comes - undress - fuck in one of few positions - repeat. Hope the gameplay will improve in the future.
    Art 3.5/5
    Story 1.5/5
    Gameplay 2/5
    Fapability 3/5
    Originality 3.5/5
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    Game play is externally simple. You check an ID card and make sure it matches the requirements. Unlike other games in this "border inspection" style, there is no difficulty in the inspection at all.

    There is only 3 numbers and a symbol to look for and that is it. It takes two seconds to check the IDs. The game is split into stages where you have to collect three stars. These stars are easy to get as they only require you to make no mistakes, which as I said is easy to do. I was able to collect all of the stars in under an hour.

    The sounds are very simple and the art isn't anything not shown in the screenshots. I've seen other people complain about bugs, however I personally did not see any.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    Has more bugs than Ark survival:Evolved. Everything you do or can do is bugged in some way. Cannot swipe off warning messages so they take up a good chunk of the screen, Special Guidance gets bugged out and you cannot interact with it sometimes. Thrice I had to force close in 10 mins of play because doggy scene got bugged out and I cannot interact with the special guidance menu.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The art is really cute, but the game is tedious and slow. The porn seems to break 50% of the time, but when it does work, it looks cute despite how basic it is. All in all, just okay.

    I'll never not be shocked that this is somehow a genre that is growing in the h-game industry, but it's better than some of the alternatives. That being said, the levels are time based, and everything in this game is built to annoy. Every time you interact with something, you have to wait for the character to finish talking before you can interact with anything else. This means that when you point out what's wrong with someone's ID and then try to send them away for it being wrong, you have to wait an agonizingly long time to actually get it done.

    You do not have time to enjoy any H content and also get 3 stars on the levels, so you just have to treat this like a regular game for a long time. This would be less of an issue if it wasn't seemingly built to be as annoying as possible by simple virtue of tedium.

    Of the 4 h scenes I saw, 2 of them were so broken that only the legs and head of the girl were visible, meaning she was just a floating head. There's no actual finishing sequence, so it's just a glorified, relatively bland sex loop of middling quality.

    This game is alright, but it's just not worth much. Unless this Papers Please genre REALLY gets you going, there's just not a lot here.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    After playing around with it, the game is fine. It's basically Papers, Please! but you're only checking their student cards for discrepancies and not much else. The randomized characters can look cute and the animations are decent enough.

    But there needs to be more. Specifically, money is barely useful. This game obviously borrows it's themes from Papers, Please! and the big use for money is obviously daily rent. Imperial Gatekeeper (another hentai game that pulls themes from Papers, Please!) handles money much better by charging you rent and having expendable items that assist you in gameplay. There's no point in doing well in this game if your paycheck doesn't matter.

    Another issue, there's no gameplay reason to strip search the students beyond the sex scenes. There really needs to be some sort of "contraband" or forbidden items that the students might hide on their bodies or bags or something. Maybe cigarettes or lewd items like a dildo in their bag. Maybe the girls can wear inappropriate underwear and you can detain them for it. Imperial gatekeeper does exactly that, you need to strip search people to find weapons on their person.

    Also a story, or rather a lack thereof. Needs some sort of backstory to what we're doing and why. Maybe an upsurge in inappropriate items on the students or students from different schools causing mischief in this school. Just some sort of explanation.

    The game is fine. I honestly kind of like it and can see potential. But it needs more features before I can consider it great. Maybe they were trying to make a more chill experience but there needs to be some sort of stress to move as many students as possible.