Are you talking about the image of the new house design on Patreon? This is now the 3rd variation of the house design. I'd rather have more story progression than constant reworks of the house or characters. It feels like the story has been stalled in efforts to create a better home design or make a character look different (Yuki). For me, I couldn't care less about the house. I just want the story to continue since it has been several months.
Would you prefer to have a rework of the home or story progression?
I'm not sure if you follow LoveStory with Devoted Wife (DW), but I am afraid this may end up like DW. DW has gotten to the point where the story progression is minimal due to constant story changes or content being taken out, modified, or put back in with nothing else worked on.
I understand where you're coming from, but considering what kind of game this is the environment is very much a key part. Ideally, yes, we'd be getting story progress, but I can clearly see that good work is being put in. Afterall, the first environment design was a nightmare to navigate, and the 2nd one was just rather boring, this new iteration is a huge quality leap. That being said, yeah, heres hoping for story progress in the next update.
On the other topic you mentioned, Devoted Wife. I've been following that mess for a long while now as well, I can't blame anyone for being apprehensive about a title after taking a good gander at the wasted potential in that one. Its also pretty sad to say, but i've seen a lot of Western H-Games with the same issues.
I suppose its also important to recognize that NTRcorp is a bit unsual for an H-Game, its not an Rpgmaker title or a Renpy VN, its a Unity engine isometric adventure game, seemingly being made with 100% original assets. Progress is just kind of naturally going to be slow, ya know?
But anyways, lets hope we get that update soon!