Not a bad game. Even with all it's faults I actually enjoyed it quite a bit. The story is obviously NTR, as you can tell by the title, and follows a superheroine by the name of Mina, who from what I understand of the translation gets more powerful from semen.
- The game has very nice art, especially if you enjoy tight clothing, spandex, or plugsuit-like outfits.
- The game has a nice variety of CGs, ranging from bloomers to plugsuits to idol outfits.
- The game is pretty easy to complete, requiring at most a basic awareness of how turn-based combat works and the use of new abilities you get. Getting all the H-scenes for recollection can be done pretty easily in a single playthrough.
- The machine translation could be much better, and in some ways it is at best serviceable and at worst it comes off as really weird. However, considering con #2 I am not surprised MTL was opted for.
- This game has incredibly long H events, with text that can take a solid 20-30 seconds, if not 45+ of holding fast forward to get through. There are multiple CGs through each event, but they can often feel like they take forever and fast-forwarding with X or Enter is not fast enough.
Other/Misc (Neither Pro or Con)
- The brother/Onii-chan has a genuinely comically small penis. Even for an NTR game this was surprising.
- This game has a TON of anal scenes. Vaginal scenes come towards the end of the game but they feel worthwhile to move up to.
- The game does feel like it has obvious padding, with you having to go through new variations of similar events all at once before continuing the story, which can really put the MTL translation and extremely long h scenes in the spotlight. The variations do feel different each time, but you have to go to every location and re-do a majority of them 4 times in a game that is less than 3 hours long fast-forwarding most cutscenes.
- Pregnancy is ENDING ONLY. There is no pregnancy mechanic in-game.
Overall, I really enjoyed the game despite it's flaws. While the game definitely has issues that might be deal-breakers for others, I genuinely feel comfortable giving it a 4-stars in terms of my own personal enjoyment. The art is good, the MTL is serviceable enough, and if you enjoy body-tight outfits this game will not disappoint with it's CGs.