RPGM - Abandoned - NTR Island [v0.1] [Boneca_SB]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The [3D game] tag is a lie.
    The game was [Abandoned] so super early in the production that you get all of 5 minutes of play.
    The [3D game] should be replaced with [RPG] coz you have to manoeuvre your MC (on the boat) in 8-bit grafix in [RPG] style, as may know that you can only move up,down,left,right - it's nothing like the [3D game]s we know of today that allows you to move 360d vertically and horizontally.
    Edit: In actual fact, most of the tags given to this ?game? are lies because you don't get to see them. And you only get to see the first 2 screenshots - the other 3 are non-existent, not even in the images folder.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Seems there are only two people on the boat (apart from the main character). Bernard with very few dialogue, the second looking more like a statue than anything else. And for someone with hardware issues, the creator has another game not onhold. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: