It's been a while since I've felt this conflicted on what rating to give a game. It's worth playing, but I'm not sure if it's really a good game. This review has spoilers.
The h-content puts the entire game on its back and carries it from start to finish. In all forms of hentai, girls with large boobs often look deformed or unrealistic. This game doesn't have that issue. Both of the girls have some serious honkers, real sets of badonkers, packin some dobonhonkeros... you get it; and manage to look properly shaped. I've said it for their previous work and I'll say it again for this one: this artist makes the best blowjob scenes. On top of that, this artist excels at facial expressions. When FemC is getting railed/aroused/etc she's incredibly expressive. All scenes are animated and a good portion of them are more than just minor oscillating. The same sexual acts are used multiple times but they're all drawn from slightly different positions, so they're all unique and we get a good variation of the same sexual acts. One detractor but the male designs are unappealing and it does take away from some scenes. There is another issue with how the h-scenes tie in with the plot, but I'll get into that when I discuss the plot. Just be aware, the scenes themselves are all fantastic from an art/visual perspective but not from the story perspective. Luckily, the game's recollection room is stellar and has a fantastic "loop viewer" for the h-scenes.
The game is a glorified CG collector. The "gameplay" is incredibly repetitive and becomes boring after one playthrough (this game requires multiple playthroughs). Another major issue is that all h-scenes are random. There is some manipulation of how often they'll randomly occur, but regardless it's still random. Never, in any situation, are random h-scenes a good idea. They just force you to have to grind/play longer than you should. Usually story makes up for absent gameplay, but this game lacks an actual story and has almost no character development from anyone.
I'll generously call it mediocre as at its core it's just like every other academy-based NTR game out there. Don't get me wrong, that's not problematic as it sets a reliable foundation to build upon. The issue is that instead of building a house on said foundation they just pitch a tent and call it a day. There is no overarching story, it's legit just "go to school and try to fuck, not get cheated on, or let MC get cheated on." The one plot device, a lewd mark, is used to get the porn started but genuinely does more harm than good (I'll get to that later). The story should've revolved around the lewd mark, but only the porn does. The individual stories also all feel self contained. When FemC is cheating on MC with anyone, it doesn't feel like she's actually cheating or that there are other people in the world. This leads into the next area of review.
Corruption / NTR
It's ass. It being ass is because of the lewd mark and lack of meaningful dialogue or story. There is never a moment where the feeling of her being corrupted occurs. When she's fucking the other guys she never has guilty thoughts or thoughts of MC. The guy she's cheating with might mention MC, but that leads nowhere and is quickly forgotten. FemC doesn't even acknowledge having a boyfriend outside of the boyfriend's route and in said route she doesn't mention/think of/acknowledge any other men hitting on and/or fucking her. MC also has no reaction to her fucking around despite him knowing she is doing so. During all cheating routes, all of her blame for fucking around is placed on the lewd mark. She has pleasure from sex, but it's blamed on the lewd mark. She seeks out sex, but it's because of the lewd mark. None of it feels like NTR or corruption, it just feels like an odd take on rape during every single route... with one exception. During the "adultery" endings it's written like genuine NTR, but that's the conclusion of the story. It's out of the blue and has no build up, plus it's too little too late. She's not corrupted, she's enslaved to a lewd mark and with how the story goes I genuinely believe if she had the mark removed she'd instantly stop fucking the town. There is one twist to all this though, and that is the MC can straight up cheat on FemC with the Nun. This is an optional side route yet is the only moment of cheating during the story that feels genuine. MC is pretty much just a tool to see scenes, he's not really involved in anything aside from his own route. It's funny, in this "NTR" game the best route and only route that feels genuine in any way is the pure, non-cheating route with the MC.
I really wanted to give this a 4/5 because the quality of art is so good that anything less would feel insulting, but I have to be honest and give this a 3/5 (so average score, which is still good enough). Hentai alone can't carry an h-game. It needs gameplay or story and it needs to fit the genre it claims to be. This game doesn't do that. I like how MC isn't a small dick, giga cuck loser and how there is a non-cheating route that actually has a decent amount of scenes. These inclusions can be used to make the NTR aspects even better, as the closer MC and FemC are, the more impact her eventual fall will have. The issue is that despite having NTR in the title, this game doesn't really feel like an NTR game. Hell, it barely feels like a game... it's more like a scene viewer in which you have to grind hard to get the good stuff.