I just keep thinking of some doujin where a guy found his wife sleeping with another man and then he declared that if a man fucks his wife then he will have to fuck his ass. The other man goes pale in the face and the wife swoons, thinking her husband is so manly for this. It was very amusing.I interpretted their post as being about the toxicity of the relationship before the cheating. Because this is an awful relationship and I, too, prefer it when the relationship is good and loving but the cheating happens despite how good things are. It lands with better impact when you actually like them, otherwise it just feels like "good, whatever, I don't fucking like that character, I don't care"
Even worse when the protagonist is the cheater. WHERE is the fun of cheating on my significant other if I don't even like them? I need to have a good relationship for cheating to mean a thing to me.
Eh, you don't have to have a good relationship with them for cheating to mean something. Cheating, to a point, is about power and impacting someone else.
Is the home relationship bad before the cheating happens? Yes. You want the *cheating* to be the impactful part, as someone who looks for the negative aspect of cheating (usually those who love NTR because it makes them 'feel something') in how it impacts and makes the MC's life a downward spiral.
That's depressing AF quite honestly. To me, the cheating is about respect, or the lack of it. Yes, there is the impact of some dude has just fucked a woman you cared about or who was a part of your life (even if that part wasn't that great) but it's also about the fact the woman you supposedly trusted just shit all over you and deliberately attempted to cause you emotional harm. or she's just a dumb-ass who can't think past her own pleasure, which again shits on the MC because someone who supposedly cares about him in some way did a deliberate action that she knew would cause grief and negative feelings.
Your view is all about the MC feeling dejected, rejected, lowering his self esteem, shattering his pride and faith in his wife. As mentioned in an earlier post, there are already DOZENS of these cuck/NTR styled games on the site, this one shouldn't be another of them.
My view is all about the guy getting kicked in the balls, and instead of being a sad-sack reject who then wallows and/or actually gets off on his former trusted partner shitting on him, his pride and self-esteem, the MC fights back and makes everyone else feel what he felt. Instead of wallowing or simply accepting his wife is a slut, he get's even both on her and all the men who willingly went along with her.
In the case of the wife being a witch/bitch before she cheats, this actually makes the revenge easier because there is no emotional shattering of the guys world like if the (supposedly) loving wife cheated as you'd prefer. Instead we have a "
Oh you bitch, well you want to cheat, let's see who gets the last laugh" approach from the guy who just got shit on. The MC 'cheating' will of course be fuin, and mean something, because he's doing to others as they did to him. He's taking their pride, their respect, their hard work, their trusted partner, family member or whatever is important to that other guy, and stabbving the other guy in the heart instead.
That 'revenge' and making someone else feel the pain they deliberately dealt to you, is the entire point of the revenge story. Sure the sex for the MC with the women outside the marriage would be a good side effect, he may even get a reputation as the best lover in the town, which would also be revenge on his ex for how she acted. That's the fun part, that's why the cheating would mean a lot to the story if the MC did it.
We don't need another cuck/NTR type story. This one, at least how it's written, has the possibility of being a good revenge for cheating story and I for one, am glad to see it. There are probably less than a handful of these revenge stories on the entire site, and the normal cuck/NTR/sad-sack stories are already here in the hundreds.