Just for some perspective on achieving 100% saves and how terrible the game's grind is in the current version 6.3.2:
210 total Weapon Cards. Regular/Busty versions use the same timer, so effectively 105 variants to grind.
Unlocking them all in the gallery requires using each card type for 600 seconds (10 minutes) in battle, AI does not count.
You have no control over what weapons are available each reset.
You have 2 matches until weapons rotate, so you better manage to survive for 10 minutes across both.
17.5 hours spent just being in a match with the right weapons. (and that's with perfect card rotation luck)
Add more time for menus/loading screens/clicking through the pointless blabla and the start of a match/playing 2 matches to reroll available weapons.
Stat Cards
232 Cards, you need to acquire each variant in order to unlock them in the gallery.
2 random cards from your own cell every 12 hours, 2-4 random cards from other inmates, 12 cards from packs every 8 matches (or after daily reset)
Allegedly combining cards can produce a new variant?
These drops are so random that calculating any sort of time requirement is beyond me. We don't know if different cards have different rarities. I've been using the money/materials cheat and playing for a while now, and the stat card gallery is still just about 60% uncovered.
Style Shop
Complete RNG as to what the shop offers. Offers duplicates - useless. Just check back daily and pray. Use regedit money cheat.
Challenges & Difficulty level 100:
Annoying but can be done via CheatEngine, videos were posted earlier in this thread.
Stand in front of each for 60 seconds... really?
For everything here you are basically at the mercy of RNG. Unless we find a way to, for example, manually reset ingame days, this would take hundreds or even thousands of hours to complete. The game is nice, presentation wise, but there are some glaring design flaws. Will they ever be addressed? Who knows.
I'm gonna say, as a newcomer to this game, it nailed the first impressions. It has more quality and depth than I expected, plus it wears its heart on its sleeve very well. The lewd content is, Patreon shenanigans with the passcodes aside, handled superbly, both rewarding the player (bigger busts for higher level dolls, ads, the gallery) and getting something too for punishments (clingy gigabytes). The gunplay, while messy to deal with 3 other dumb AI's and keeping them alive, is fun and fast-paced.
After a while though, maybe it wears its inspiration too often to have something the inspiration equally suffers from, being the weapon and map rotations. RNG this way is lame and doesn't change anything, other than you'll have a higher chance of being miserable on the arena with either lackluster weapons or the AI not using them to the fullest. Once I finally unlocked the gallery, it now dawned on me all the busywork you have to do to unlock...concept art? I mean, I love insider stuff for games, but on a porn game?
Laaaaaame. I wanna see animations and the like to whack it, not whack my brain and appreciate art :/
...did I mention the gallery hints don't, err,
hint at what ads you're supposed to be focused on?
I guess if they did go the whole Splatoon way, maybe allow the player to buy weapons, then incentivize using other weapons to either get extra bits/cash, or have a better system to unlock the gallery content.