VN - Ren'Py - Nudist School [v0.17] [Elsa]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Game is good, and I enjoyed it. Took one star off because there are several models in here that have been used in at least 3 other titles that i can name off the top of my head, with literally no changes to the default model.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been waffling between 4 and 5 stars - ideally, I'd deduct half a star for the poor english, but the fast initial update cycle makes me round up instead of down.

    • The renders are very good, amongst the best I've seen.
    • Genuinely attractive models.
    • Good facial expressions.
    • Yay! At least one teenage female with a natural bush. I'm fine with trimmed and shaved, too, but props for variety.
    • Enjoyable story, despite the entirely unrealistic premise ;)
    • Really, really needs a native-english proofreader.
    • Probably a side effect of the non-native language, but character relationships and interactions could be fleshed out more.
    • A small quibble in the animations: breast movements aren't quite right.
    I'm very much looking forward to watching this game, and dev, develop!
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is really good
    Story suprised me I thought mc going to a new school and school would be a nudist school But instead the goverment is looking for a few student to join a project about not afraid to hide your body
    The renders are really good
    No bugs
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Interesting concept and great models and not to mention a lot of variation in said models, (something that is often lacking these days).
    Awful writing, could really use some work. Story progression is really fast and often doesn't make much logical sense, (even for a porn game).
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Well I can't say much rn can i? IMO the game rn is good, the render is a beuty let me tell you and the story is umm well I can't really comment on that since it's fairly new in the development, I just hope there will be more exhibition and voyeur scene.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has some nice potential, the girls are all sweethearts (even Bailey) and for a hort demo, the 1 lewd is nice (I'm not counting the hand jobs as lewds).

    Ok, for new games I think I might enjoy I do a running commentary:

    1) don't do "but something happened" make a reason, like "but her parents moved and we've been seperated until now". It makes it more believable and logical.

    2) Childhood friend is perfectly fine, but call it something else: "she was my best friend while were growing up" Childhood friend is trope for "sister" in Patreon society. OR, if she's SUPPOSED to be your sister, then make sure there's a mod on F95 for it.

    3) She's a cute render, well done so far!!

    4) yes, please stop with the "childhood friend" it's just creepy... perhaps allow us to either define relationship or just call her "best friend" or something.

    5) Ah, nice Lancy appearance from Mysterious Lewd Island! So cute!

    6) Unless there's a hidden variable somewhere (Im not a programmer so I have no clue) don't make a "choice" a non choice. I mean, the result for shoosing yes or no is the same. Dont' do that. Either eliminate the choice or make it matter.

    7) Not sure if it's a translation thing, but "boobies" is kind of childish, use tits or just boobs.

    8) I'm not being critical here as I'm guessing English isn't your native language and that's cool, but if you're trying for a English speaking audience it's "take a SEAT, not take a sit" I've gotten used to it in many games that use translator programs, but just trying to be helpful if you're trying to avoid "engrish".

    9) Here is the perfect opportunity for a nice "trade" with Bailey and a good point to keep your audience interested. Perhaps provide the option for a "trade" where Bailey gets corrupted in a trade with MC, some innocent rubbing to start progressing later to full on sex later in exchange for homework cheating. As it is, the player is left cofused. a) I want to tell her to F the F off, BUT I don't want to miss out on potential lewds, so you're kind of forcing me to play against myself here. IRL, I'd propose a "trade" sex for homework. If she doesn't, no harm no foul, if she does, lewd.

    10) Perhaps give the option to NOT take the anti erection pill? I personally think that would be fun!

    11) Eliminate options once you choose them unless there's further progress: EG: Talk to Alnna, then talk to Alanna remains but is the same.

    OK, this has good potential! The renders are nice, the story concept in interesting. The writing is, sorry, rather basic but can be improved. The girls personalities are nice!
  7. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 156769

    Sometimes a porn game hits your fetish just right. If you're like me and you like a soft form of free use, where everyone is relaxed about clothes, sex and relations in general, this is where it's at.

    Nudist School has a simple premise and a straight-forward execution, but the story is just realistic enough to keep the fantasy palatable. The renders are very decent and there is some good if limited animation work to make the sex scenes come to life. There's also some effort put in to make the girls have a distinct personality, which works out very well for Olivia who is just the cutest.

    Nudism is an oddly rare subject for porn games to tackle so it's heartening to see such a good effort come up out of nowhere. Five out of five, can't wait for more.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Just played the beta and I very much enjoy the premise.
    Despite the dev not being a native speaker, some humorous scenes are present and translates quite well into a ligther atmosphere that is not only porn-based. This touch, the will to exploit something more than the nudist tag alone (which is quite already quite rare in itself, this one is a good find), is rather promissing for the future. I already like some of these caracters, and I can't simply give less than five stars for Olivia who is as endearing as she looks.
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    Promising introduction.
    The girls look great for the most part.
    What I'm asking myself is the setting: the girl are forced to go nudist, I can accept. But then there is the forced private time with Olivia, and if i don't mind the scene, i'm asking myself what is the coherence of this world between this action and the fact that Olivia was against nudist beach at first.

    I hope the personality of the girls will remain and that they will not just be "random girls accepting anything from MC because reasons".

    Other than that, the game looks promising.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll have to admit, the renders carry this game, the plot is okay and the dialogue needs proofreading as mentioned by others, but it's solid enough.
    Would've been a 3 star review but as previously mentioned, the renders are pretty great and I'm bumping up the rating to 4 stars because of it
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Rating v1.0

    I would love to rate this game higher, but... I have to assume that English is not the dev's first language. The text is rife with poor grammar, misspellings, awkward phrases, and stuff that doesn't make sense. This project desperately needs an editor/proofreader. Text is vital for visual novels.

    The story starts kind of generic, but the nudism twist is interesting. Honestly, the cliches are fine too: the writing just needs to be fixed.

    The visuals are gorgeous, however! Sex acts have looped animations. The renders looked high-quality and beautiful to me. I'm almost tempted to give 4 stars just because of them--and this is coming from someone who *greatly* prefers 2dcg to 3dcg.

    I'll be watching this thread. Hopefully the devs get an editor/proofreader because I would happily raise my rating if the writing gets fixed.
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4592215

    Great start to this game the overall premise of the game is amazing a class is forced to go to a nude beach to instill body "positivity" wink wink. The story so far is great does a good job of including a good backstory as well as great graphics and character development. Did I mention the great graphics? Good job dev I look forward to future updates.