VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Nursing Back to Pleasure [Final] [Daniels K]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I've played through a couple of Daniels games in the past. Pine Falls might have been one of my first few AVNs and I remember it quite fondly. Also played Lancaster Boarding House. So I'm surprised it took me so long to come across this one.

    I've played through 4 endings so far: the Hazel ending, the Lisa ending, the good Church ending, and what I'm calling the work ending--an ending where you don't follow through with any LI and instead move to your next job location. I will likely skip the bad church ending as it's just a kill screen (I'm not explaining this, if you really want to know you'll just have to play and stumble across it). I don't really have any glaring issues with this one, though there are a couple or so small things I'll mention. The MC seems pretty normal. He's not rich, he's not Rico Suave, he's just a guy here to do a job: Help a patient get better as a concierge PT.

    I'll preface this by saying I rarely do blocked off reviews nowadays, but this one got ridiculously long. This could've been a 20 minute video, so I felt like I needed to spare you the length and let you read just the things you want to know.

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    Unless something weird happens with the story, I think this is a five star effort. It's borderline four at times, but I've really enjoyed this story in spite of how fast it seems to blow by...

    PS: Massive props for finding ways to make legit in-universe references and not just casual name drops. Couldn't find Pine Falls on a map? Ha! Like it's not even there. Seriously, it's been four years since I last played that and I remember the meaning behind that reference like it was yesterday.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I actually find this game pretty enjoyable. Girls are great, music choice are great, isn't too short of a game as well. Found myself thinking through the different decisions to make. Got a couple days of fun from this. Characters are great, especially Hazel, definitely love Hazel the most Tho I gotta say, some parts of the game can be pretty stupid. Such as being told you smell like sex, and being forced into doing some stuff... wtf?

    -Good Renders
    -Hazel, Lisa
    -Some pretty nice intimate scenes
    -Good music

    -Ending feels rushed
    -Some forced scenes
    -Plot gets boring after awhile
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    a bit of missed opportunity with this one. the dialogue and a lot of the story is so juvenile you'd think a teenager wrote it. the girls and scenes are rendered well (Hazel is perfect). charlotte having the bandages on the whole game was a little gross. why is a rich cult leader's house so small? why is a rich cult leader's family having to eat cereal for breakfast and one pizza between 5 people? lisa or the mom should have prob been converted to a maid character to help with the rich cult leader immersion.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I honestly have quite mixed feeling about this game. On the one hand this is product of fine quality, quite consistent story, and also finished one. Clearly creator put a lot of work in it. On the other hand, it has multiple flaws, that prevent it from being much better game.

    First, and most important one, could be summed up in one word - CHILDISH.
    I'll try to explain, because it feels that way for many different reasons. For the starters, all dialogues seems kinda naive. It feels... I can't quite put a finger on it, but maybe like how teenagers will imagine adult conversations are, instead on how adult conversations actually are. There also isn't much suspense, and pretty much every situation resolves itself in like 2 minutes.

    Next, behaviour of characters is as childish as it can be. Main LIs mother acts like a bitch and creates contradictions basically in every sentence. There are things being said, that come as blatant lies after a while (or right away), "I don't do anal, but ok I do anal and I love it". Or even better situation - near the end, no matter if you have relationship with Lisa Roche or not, when she and you enter house together one time, she suddenly says, she smells sex from you, and both of you must take bath with her, or else she will gossip about it everywhere in town. What the hell? She just behaves like a big child.
    Older daughter is comically antagonistic, but her pranks aren't little things, but rather close to serious criminal offenses. Like drugging, blackmailing with false accusations, or lying to police to have MC jailed. And everyone just gloss over it, like 'ok, she did bad thing, but that's how she is, besides she won't do it again'. And guess what, then she does it again. And always thinks about how to mess with somebody (even if it isn't MC). Basically personality of 12YO bully kid.
    Now let's talk about MC. He poses as rational adult, and yet in any case of actual confrontations is complete irredeemable pushower. Like burglars - dude is breaking into their home, MC is like twice his size, and yet what does he do? Screams like a girl and runs away, while throwing stuff. Only by accident ending in room with a gun, but even then he lets burglar go and don't call police. Or maybe when some drunk guy wanted to "hook up" with Charlotte. Try to get MC to push him and start a fight? Nice try, he only ended up with twisted arm and humiliation. The one and only moment when he acted like a man, was beating a guy, who promised to not defend. What a joke. Who behave this way? You guessed right - KIDS, again.

    Now, before I played, I also saw some reviews, where people complained about just skipping some stuff. I didn't understand at first, but now I do. This game has a lot of content, which actually is good thing, but fails to make you emotionally attached to characters enough, and also fails with any form of keeping suspense, and can't do anything that will keep players focused and make them be interested with what's going on. Sad, but true, and I also skipped some content in the latter part.

    Now, the endings are good, and actually managed to please me, after rather boring experience of latter half of the game. I'd say it was very satisfactory, and that's probably why I'm giving 4 not 3 stars for this. But it's worth mentioning, that every ending did skip some things, that seemed to be pretty important earlier. Like no mentions of Bonnie, no follow up on burglars after that one "super important" choice of giving alibi or not, nothing after this one weird event with money thief, which also had a choice and renpy variable. And probably there were also other things, but I can't remember now, even tho I just finished playing.

    From the graphic side everything looks nice, maybe other than dev clearly liking to reuse some character poses. While thanks to the skillfull manipulation with camera angles and characters rotations it wasn't very noticeable in most cases, that one 'running' pose is so characteristic, I see it everytime, no matter how he tries to hide it, this was awfully generic.

    And last thing - I don't understand why sex scenes have to be split on so many different positions. It felt like characters had to stop and change it every minute. 3 dialogue lines, BANG, change. And again. AND AGAIN! And yet another time! It's unnecessary and unnatural, I'd prefer if sex scenes only consisted of 2-3 properly done positions with longer dialogue parts.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is quite ineteresting. The small issue is that the squirting look too much like morning pee and also the endings could be better.
    Graphics: 3/5
    Renders: 4/5
    Hot female: 4/5
    Fetish: 3/5
    Clothes&Lingerie: 4/5
    Animations: 3/5
    Story: 3/5
    Gameflow: 4/5
    Amount of content:3/5
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely loved this game. I was a little leery going in after a few remarks here about the writing, but I actually found the characters to be compellingly written as a rule. I found them interesting and was genuinely intrigued by several of their stories.

    The plotting overall varied a bit, from earnestly solid to playfully hackneyed, but I didn't find any of it too egregious. Some of the concepts rolled out in the later chapters were a bit over the top, but the game wasn't especially plausible to begin with, so it didn't feel to jarring.

    The renders and animations were top shelf. The sex scenes were great. The physical attributes of the female characters were generally varied (with perhaps a good deal of emphasis on big tits, but that's par for the course. I absolutely appreciated that one character was depicted with a full on bush that went all the way around to her asscrack. Maybe not the most popular choice for all audiences, but a worthy nod to realism in the female body and I, for one, wish we'd see more of this in the field overall.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    First hour of playing was nice, I was thinking this is a nice, decent game.
    But then I changed my mind, I didn't like the writing, the plot, a skipped a lot, straight to the choices.

    Anyways, not a bad game, you can spend some time here.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    "Blanket game? Kiss random boys and girls for no reason?"

    I don't mind girls being experienced, just don't be pointless, one innnocent and one catholics girls kissing boys and girls for just a game.

    It just ruined the characters from what the game has build in last few chapters. I know where the scene is for, to get MC a feel on girls, but still. the script feels so unnesscery and cheap.:unsure:
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    A "good" VN and like many here I've played many, which is why I feel I'm being fair with the rating.

    • Models are nice, but basically all the same bodies (full ass; big tits), except the one time Bonnie.
    • Story starts off well but seems anti-climatic. I totally understand what others reviews mean that it feels like a rushed ending.
    • The fact there are only two endings, when there are at least 6 girls the MC hooks up with was kind of a bummer.
    • Even though the models overall were very nice the animations were pretty weak.
    • It was a lot of the "samey" sex with the girls and only a slight variation with Nicole...missing variety . Suggested variation is to take any number of fetishes and have each girl be that fetish (e.g. dom or sub).
    It wasn't a waste of time and worth checking out (as some gave it a 5-star), but I think there are better VNs out there. Unfortunately a lot of the story left me wanting and the last 30% I was skipping to the fap content.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I personally really liked this game. It was not very crowded. I want to say that a very long story often becomes boring. This does not happen here. This game has different endings with different characters. Graphically and animatedly, it was very well done. One small note. It seemed to me that the author rushed the ending a bit
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    Started out really good, middle was good, ending was not good. It seems the ending was rushed. At the end you get a choice of 2 paths - one leads to a three way relationship with 2 girls, other goes to a contest for your life that is apparently impossible to win. This would easily be a 4 star if not for that end - an impossible to win no matter what choices you make situation is a "bastard dev" move. The 3 way relationship part seemed rushed. Possibly other ends, I didn't have anything with other girls in the game.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This VN had a lot of promise. The premise was really interesting and started off well. The models are decent and the visuals are quite good. Animations are okay, just a lot of inconsistent movement.

    The one big gripe I have here is the overall writing. It's not good at all. The way the writer wrote the things the characters say is quite boring. The scenes are awful and need more dialog to make it more believable. A whole scene of "Ahhhhhh....mmmmmm or uhhhhhhhh" doesn't quite cut it. IMO this game is not worth the time spent playing.
  13. 4.00 star(s)

    Sonu The Pilot

    A good game with great models and smooth storyline. I have expected more content. It looks like the story ended without a definitive conclusion. You can play the game for especially few but awesome sex scenes. I also expected Nicole ending but not there which is sad :(


    Animations - 5/5
    Renders - 4/5
    Story - 3/5
    Models - 4/5
    Music - 3/5
    Overall Gameplay - 3.5/5

    (I wanted to review this game more detailed but disappointed due to the lack of story.)

  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed the unique character options and the ability to make choices that mattered. I personally really enjoyed the Nicole storyline and the ability to incorporate others into it in a limited fashion. I would have greatly enjoyed an ending with her but the game had a lot of good endings and paths to choose from. I rarely actually want to replay a game for a different path but this one was worth it. I actually cared about some of the characters, and clearly some thought was put into the writing of this game. Excellent work!
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    - Charlotte (And maybe lisa?)
    - Good Renders

    - MC: Some girls treated him like trash And he doesnt el anything
    - Charlotte: What a irritating crazy b*tch
    - Nicole: a nympho And thats all the character
    - Bonnie AND Jessica
    - Story: Interesting start but the rest Is meh
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    - Some girls are cute
    - Nice render

    -Make outs jump out of nowhere
    -Relationships warp out of nowhere
    -Dialogs stalling for content
    -1970s hairstyle
    -"That escalated quickly"

    I really patiently waited until CH5, after that I just CTRLed away.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Nice work at all. It's a game where you want to see what happens next. The story is a little bit weird but intrinsically closed without big plot holes or logical errors and the graphics and animations are nice.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I see many people here rating this game low due to the same nature of gameplay in Daniels K games. For me, Daniels K is one of the best & one of the most underrated developers. How many developers out there actually complete games consistently with a good story and amazing renders? Many of them release 1 update/year with 1bj/handjob scene and milk their patrons.

    Dev has been consistently providing us with quality games. Dev has also started working on his next VN, 'Rosewater Manor' and will apparently release the 1st episode this week. I am amazed at the speed at which the Dev is creating games.

    While I agree that there are many games out there with better stories and this Dev also has rushed & 'bus-stop' endings for most of its games, I am not complaining. Value for money is also an important factor.

    I would definitely recommend this game to all. Game has a good story, great models and good music. The second half could have been better though.

    Kudos to this Dev for consistently creating A1 games!!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Absolutely love this Vnovel, a bit disappointed with the length of the last 3 chapters. They're just really short compared to the other 10.
    I really like the story arcs and the graphic scenes and I'm looking forward to more if there is any. Let me know if there are other Vnovels similar to this one.
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I liked Charlotte so much. She's both sweet and hot but cannot make up for what I feel is a grave mistake by the dev: you have various girls treat the MC as garbage but you never get the chance to respond in kind, you're always helpless.

    As the MC, you will be drugged, threatened, lied to, hit hard in the head, jailed unfairly. By women, in what you'd expect to be a nice lewd game! And that was just for the part of the game that I played before quitting furiously and deleting it. You just can't do anything to defend yourself or take revenge, you only get abused like a beta soy-boy.

    It was a bad experience for me and the only reason I'm not giving it a single star is that there were some nice moments with Charlotte.

    Edit: spacing.