Identify Nutaku Summer Game?

Feb 23, 2020
From what I can remember, this game was way more focused on the story than it was the actual sex scenes. I’m not exactly sure, but I think I played it on Nutaku, but it was so long ago I might be wrong. Anyway the game was a visual novel, choose your own story type of game. It was set in the summer. The plot was that you are an average dude, and one day you wake up at this camp. There are some girls and guys you can interact with, and through specific actions you can form more intimate relations with some. I remember certain events, such as the card tournament, or exploring the caves. There were multiple different endings, but the main idea is that you wake up and it appears that you were just in a dream. One of the endings is kind of creepy, where this entity like thing kills you or takes over your body, not too sure. But if you have an ending with a specific girl, you see a similar version of them in the real world. Oh and about the characters, the main girl was blonde, I remeber there being a little girl, and I think one girl was purple haired and another blue haired, not really sure for those two though. Sorry if this is a little to specific, I am just very desperate to find this game again. Thank you in advance :)