Unity - Completed - Nyctophobia 2 [2024-01-10] [GuroGameGuy]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't like this game that much, I don't think its worth your time if you're looking for either combat or lewd/gore CG. But I loathe to give a project like this a bad review. Especially since the dev actually improved substantially from this game in his next Whisperer

    Just to let you know, the combat is NOT Good, its okay~

    Also there are NO CG in this game other than the death CG, there is NO actual lewd stuff in this game and not even much in terms of gore cg either although there certainly is gore!.

    If you want a good version of the game PLAY "Whisperer" made by the same dev as this game later, It is truly an incredible improvement over this game, Great and responisve comabt as well as excellent excellent animated CG although short some of the stuff in that game is branded into my memory as very very hot, also a decent amount of gore too. Seriously some of those CG and even overworld background images amazing.

    Okay so what qualifies me for this review? I played Whisperer first beat it once normally then at level 1, then I played this and Nyctophobia 1 I beat both normally then at level 1.

    I dragged myself through the misery of this game and Nyctophobia 1's mid to terrible combat because I loved Whisperer so much and I'm a completionist... But yeah it fucking hurt my soul especially the final boss.

    Also I have no clue whether its based or cringe to be a "hardcore H Gamer" lol. I did enjoy beating the whole series at level 1 its was kinda fun. Try it with wanderer if you want its actually fun... Then probably don't play this game.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Hesitated between 2 and 3 stars but decided to settle on 3 because the game isn't bad enough for 2 stars. It's... Average. Barely average.

    If you're into guro, it could be enough to satisfy you, but even in that department, it's a bit lacking compared to some of the other games I've played (specifically side scrollers). There aren't many sex scenes, and when there is, most of the time it's just standard missionary but you're dead and the dude fucking you has a different skin.

    Guro-wise, as I said, it feels kinda lacking. Not asking for a blood bath since I'm not much into guro, but most of the gore is only applied to the MC's sprite and the avatar pic on the left side. There isn't a big focus enough on it in my opinion, especially since the game over scenes aren't numerous. It's kinda disappointing on that front. It's still nice, just nothing special.

    Now, for the game aspect of that game. It's... nonsensical. The level design is bland and boring, at least at the start. I also thought I would be slowly introduced to each mob, but no. 1st level, the moment I step down, I'm attacked by like 4 or 5 different mobs. It's not like they're only a few feet away from each other, they're like exactly in the same room. You would think you would meet some of these guys later in the level, but nope!

    Difficulty is also all over the place 'cause... Why the fuck am I getting gang banged by so many mobs at the same time? What am I supposed to do when my attacks are so fucking slow? Why is she using such a huge ass sword if she can barely swing it?

    The one thing that can save you is the fact that the mobs can barely aim. Their hitboxes are trash. Sometimes, I want to let myself get killed to see the death, but these idiots keep missing me just because I accidentally made my character move one step forward or back. Speaking of deaths, don't remember all of them, but I do know that at least 3 mobs kill you the same way, which is by eating your head. Doesn't change anything on the sprite or the pic on the left, it's always the same. Boring.

    The game should be a 2,5 but I'm giving it a 3 since, as I said, it isn't bad really. Guro wise, it's still decent, but could be better (saying that as someone who isn't even a fan of guro)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Just like it, all of it. The grafics, the gameplay, some story(it's not much, but it is). Character design, animations, gameplay much better then previous games.
    Also, I've all games from this dev since "the awakening" and I like to see how dev grew up
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    This review is unbias because I actually like some Guro/Ryona tags. Just to get that out of the way.
    - Great Art
    - Decent combat (not great, just decent)
    - Actually hot guro.
    - Gallery unlocked from the start
    - Everything else. Even the gallery.

    Closing remarks: I wanna love this game like most "Graphic Violence" games in the site, but this one oh boy... I hate it, but I love the art. I love the first 10 minutes in playing the game, the horror and design of the monster really makes me immersed but after that 10 mins its just dawning on me that this is a shit game. I don't mind even giving it 3 stars if it HAVE A PROPER GALLERY (but no you go to door to door AND DIE to check it)

    For fellow Graphic Violence Enthusiast, just find the gallery guide comment, get your fill, and be done with it.