Unity - Completed - Nympho's Path [Final] [Pinky Soul]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a puzzle game, what more do you expect? The game clearly goes for a much more simplistic style than your usual H-game, but its gameplay is... quite good.

    I really like puzzle games, and I think this game orients itself as one rather than an H-game. The puzzle is quite honestly very fun to go through and figure out an optimal path to reach the end goal. They are also not brainless and bottom tier difficulty, requiring actual brains to playthrough, but isn't god tier Sudoku hard as well, I know because I still sucks at hard puzzles games but managed to beat this game with all level 3 stars. It's not repetitive and massively boring thanks to constantly new mechanics and interesting arrangements.

    For everything else, it looks charming but far from polished. The artstyle is very nice to look at but the UI is quite basic. Sounds is quite limited though I really like the main theme and its variations. The sex part... well I'd say you'd be bored quite fast if you intend to fap during the game. Gallery mode is quite neat in that it doesn't actually requires you to perfect the game, so if you're a casual player who can't solve all of the levels easily, you still get the full reward without 100% the game.

    For what it has, it's a very fun puzzle game to go through. If you come here for instant-faps, I'm sorry but this is not the game you're looking for. If you don't mind that and just want a great puzzle game to go through until you reach the end and get all of the scenes, feel free to pick this game up. 7/10
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Passable. And to pass some time.

    Gameplay is some mobilegame trash, if it wasn't hentai it'd be shown in ads. Art is pixel art, scenes are animated pixel arts fuckings. It is ok. Wish I could speed the "gameplay" up but nope. Not worth the time.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Story - 2/10
    Originality - 4/10
    Renders - 0/10
    Playability - 5/10
    Performance - 8/10
    Bugs - 10/10
    Animations - 0/10
    Amount of content - 0/10

    Boring mobile like game with dozen of pixel art animation, takes < 1 hour to beat but scenes you get are basically niche
  4. 2.00 star(s)

    Barry Nyle

    It's a math puzzle game where you have to guide a nympho through a bunch of fuckable monsters, each which adds or subtracts from your sex power level until its high enough that you can fuck the boss. The gameplay isn't too difficult so it gets kind of boring, the animations are repetitive, and the main character has only one voice line when she's having sex and you will get sick of hearing it very, very fast.