RPGM - Completed - Obscurite Magie: The Blood of Kings [v1.04] [Syun-kan Flowlighter]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The game is mediocre.

    I gave a recommendation since:

    + It has everything you wish an Eroge rpg maker to have -> few examples: exhibitionism, save anytime, Instant random enemy vanish (+ exp and money), Status details with information regarding anything sexual, many sub-events with random NPC and locations, corruption level, memory hall + unlock all, useful items (like Increase/decrease lewdness; Repair/damage costume; leave dungeon), Optional prostitution.

    (If you dislike long chats) + Conversations are as short as possible.

    + It's better than other KG games...
    + MC is hot

    Downsides (why it's mediocre):

    - short game (3-6 hours)
    - If you played similar games, you will not see anything new.
    - If you love stories, avoid this as there is 0 suspense or drama (play "Demons Roots" instead)

    Depending of preferences:
    - or + There are cases of sexual harassment, rape if losing against bosses and so on, so if you look for consensual sex, please avoid this and many other KG games (or increase MC's lewdness before triggering a sexual event)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    hello, I have finished this game and I will give an objective review of this game

    many give a bad rate on this game

    honestly this is the best game from the series "Obscurite Magie"

    this game has good art, good CG, good voice actor, good depiction of genitals

    standard battle game play but I give a plus because this game uses their own assets

    this game uses their own bgm really feels BGM is not boring

    for the story line is quite solid but a little rushed at the ending

    what makes me disappointed is that there is only 1 ending in this game. MINUS VALUE for this game

    ignore the bad rate and review about this game

    because the art and voice actors make this game quite worth it to play
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is rather short and straight forward. The H scene is pretty nice and it's obvious some production values were put into making it.

    But well, that's it. The story is bland and uninteresting, the characters felt shallow and not much effort is put into setting up the plot. Which is, again, a shame as the developer clearly put an effort into everything else.

    6/10 wank material. 2/10 story quality .,
    Likes: SGGG
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Essentially, the whole game boils down to either rape monster scenes or prostitution scenes. Theres pretty much no kind of progression leading up to the prostitution either. Its a shame too cause the art is pretty good, but pretty much everything else is a joke.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    This is the recent game of the Obscurite series. I only played the first one while having the second and third one on the backburner. I liked the protags design so I waited for this one to get translated.

    • Liked the PVP opening (even if the game is short)
    • Voice acting
    • Great art
    • Improved battle system from the previous games (but still easy)
    • Decent plot
    • If you take the corruption route, then there are a lot of good h scenes.
    • Still a short game like the previous ones
    • Assuming you did not do the hentai route, the story ends up contradicting itself.
    • The goal of the game is to find the truth about your master’s killer. You find out who it is just by playing the main game. However, the prostitution path is under the assumption that our main character has not found out the truth, so it's odd to do it after the reveal.
    • No real consequences to losing your virginity. Main difference is how you get an extra lewd scene if you lose all your shame (which is hard to do).
    • Battles are super easy and the final boss is still a huge pushover.
    • Characters aren’t all that interesting and the ones that are end up being wasted potential.
    • There's a certain yuri scene that happens, but isn't addressed afterwards which comes off as a big alligator moment.
    • If the villain knew there was a rebellion underneath him, why didn’t he do anything to stop Fisis who was the obvious leader? It just seemed convenient how he just let her build her tiny resistance army.
    • Item inventory stops upgrading early on. It won’t matter of course, but that irked me.

    Overall, its the same as all the other ones in the series. I don't think any of them deserve a four star rating. I think this game is a step up. I think they need to have a longer game where half the hentai content isn't locked behind an optional mission because when that happens, the story needs to be great to justify it. Story is still only average so its not worth it.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Absolutely terrible, gameplay,story and characters are awlful even for h-game standard, H-scenes are really bad and out of nowhere too, art is ok and VA is also just ok, everything elso is so bad and don't even know where to start only good thing i can think about this game is that i like the design of the nun and the spear girl and that's it, this was a huge disapointment.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    good game overall


    - Can unlock gallery from the start for you save asker
    - Difficulty adjument, if you just wanna nut and go it's easy enough you can also make it more normal rpg
    - good scenes, corruption system
    - length good enough for me
    - no need for walktrough, guide provided in game

    - less scene mid toward end, so many unlocked in the first half in my playthrough so it became boring toward end
    - side char scene not that good, some even missable
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I was pretty excited when I saw the two choices at the start: Roleplay or Casual mode! Unfortunately this is another game where you have to try to fail.

    There's a cute prostitution route, and the game will tell you "Hey, this chain of quests is real fucky wucky", and it's all optional.

    So if you skip that stuff, what you're left with is a game where you have 3 skills total and enemies who you can just walk around, or grind for levels.

    If you don't skip the sex content you're treated to the most awful sex noises I have ever heard. This poor woman sounds like someone's strangling their darling pet chimpanzee.

    I understand it's a funny japanism where they compare sex noises to a monkey, but this game really takes it too far.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The obscurite magie follows the trope of a girl who relutact, eventually keep seeking pleasure by their own will if you keep doing dex event and raise their lewd levels. Compared to the prequel this one has more scenes

    Considering the story is simple and can be finished in 1 hour its easy to get context for the evenrs as for me. Is part of the erotism, you could also insta unlock the gallery if this ins't a problem for you, in a sense it does respect your time giving options to avoid unnecesary grinding
  10. 2.00 star(s)



    The game looks promising at first with quality flags to show: Kagura, intro, voice acting, good art.

    But it quickly falls appart: gameplay is barebone, CG are few and not very inspired (although the art is of a higher than average quality)

    Very "Japanese" in its themes (hero girl who gets raped by monsters and falls in depravity), consensual sex won't be here.

    One can tell they had a good artist working on this. Be it the sprites, the CG, or even the backgrounds and ennemies, all are above average. Yet the game fails to deliver a pleasant experience IMHO.

    You can check the gallery quite early on (after 2 min ingame you can unlock the full gallery to make yourself an opinion and see if it is worth going through the boring fights. For me it wasn't worth it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    At first, i thought this could be another gem with various H-scenes, interesting fighting mechanic with different characters or at least we can lewd 3 of them (because there are 3 on the banners, right ????) but boy... I was wrong.

    Story: 2/10 This is a 1-2 hours game with... surprisingly bad and copy-paste story. You're an adventure, who for some reason secretly a really important person, trying to save the world from an evil king. With the power of friendship and plot armor, you've defeated the evil king and save the world... Definitely won't start a conflict between two kingdoms or something... In the end, just another typical MRPG about a princess/knight/adventure saving the world from bad guys.

    Gameplay: 2/10 Nothing new, you farm your level, complete quests, going through average dungeons (forest, mountain, volcano, snow field, ocean, then kingdom....). To be honest, you should choose casual mode where you can start with Lv50 and 30k gold in the bag so you can burst through the game and save your precious time. Not worth farming those mobs because they're tasteless.

    CG: the main dish. At first, i thought there would be so many good H-scenes in this game (this is a 1,1gb game.. more than average 500mb instant noodle H-games), but i was wrong.... There are about 20-25 scenes, although all of them are well-drawn, they're only good looking outside. Inside, they're regular H-scenes (orc, tentacle, dancer, exhibitionism, plant, undead....) and 90% scenes are the main yellow girl, 2 for the villain, 3 for the nun and 3 for the other girl (wont spoil, they're good). To be honest, i expected more than this since the game was 1,1gb with good looking commercial pictures... 5/10

    Overall, this game is decent, but to even stand out from the pool of H-games ? I don't think so. It's too genetic, everything is the same. I can't see any different between this and a 500mb game beside its better drawn CGs and smoother UI. If you're looking for a 500mb or below H-RPG with typical story about a young female adventure/princess/knight/.. kill the bad guy just to feed your Hunger.... I recommend you this. Other than that ? Don't waste your precious 2 hours. This could be a 3 stars game if it was below 700mb but for a 1,1gb game ??? I don't think so. And this game TWO.

  12. 2.00 star(s)


    Star for the OP (for me its rare to see a an OP for this kind of stuff)

    Star for the UI (When you pause the game to see the menu and stuff) was really good I hope to see it in more games

    Everything else was disappoint the art wasn't that good especially the Vaigna most of the art it was like a red line I can draw (and i am very bad at drawing that's how its sucks)

    The story is generic (someone dear die, trying to revenge ,see the bad guy ,Etc) there was no depth in the story and it was really short you just start the game searching for the person who killed the mentor

    Gameplay was easy they even give you the option of killing the enemies was out combat (you run into them they die simple as that)

    In conclusion the game is not hard not long very short not that good art and a shit story didn't liked it

    but if you wanna give a try you can finish the game in like 1.3 or 1.6 hours and just unlock everything in the gallery (there is an option for that) and view without having to waste time to unlock everything
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game seems promising on paper with decent graphics, a decent amount of images in the preview and a lot of tags, but it's all a bit dissapointing in all honesty.

    This game has two modes: One lets you start at a very high level and steamroll the game with no challenge whatsoever, while the other starts you out, as you'd expect at level 1. I went with the latter and I still managed to beat the game in about 1,5 hours worth of game time, so there isn't much content in context of the gameplay itself.

    The story is bland, to put it simply. It tries to set up a "grand revenge" story against an antagonist who killed your mentor, but with him having the motivations and character of your average evil mastermind as well as little build-up, which is not helped by having only one real confrontation, (arguably 2 or 3 if you count his underling) with hunting monsters (and collecting H-scenes, but most of those aren't part of the main story) most of the time it fails to stand out and is nothing to write home about.

    The difficulty is barely noticeable, even in the final stages none of the enemies are a serious threat, providing you equip adequately, which you should be able to do with the game tossing you a lot of gold and there not being much items to choose from. You also get abilities which let you destroy anything: A double attack and an ability which multiplies your stats that you can esentially use for free with potion, with these you can beat anybody and at a fairly low level too. At least the game is nice enough to give you a "suicide" button so you don't have to waste time waiting for the enemies to defeat you.

    The gameplay is the standard turn-based system, which has potential to be fun with good balancing and proper diffculty, but when you all do is attack, use 2/3 abilites and drink potions it quickly becomes boring and repetitive.

    Losing to certain enemies (and there is an indicator as to which battles yield the scenes) rewards you with H-scenes, but vast majority of the scenes revolve around harassment and prostitution (which revolve around you going to a specified location), with the battle and defeat scenes being a minority. As far as the quality I've found them to be decent, but keep in mind that there are no animated scenes. I'd certainly welcome more scenes, but for what it's worth they weren't bad in my opinion.

    The corruption system doesn't play a major role, nor does it give you any branching paths or options. The protagonist reacts a bit differently to sexual acts once it goes up high enough and you get an alternate scene in the ending, but that's about it. If you don't go out of your way to collect H-scenes in the optional location there is only one path to take and even then the alternate ending is a bland, short scene.

    If you're looking for something quick to complete and enjoy H-scenes this might be for you, especially if you start out at a high level, but other than that I wouldn't recommend this game. There are RPGs with better stories or corruption systems or even both that are much longer.

    The game isn't bad per se, but it really fails to shine and it's a shame because the start of the game seems promising enough for an H-game.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Alright, this game on first glance looks interesting and something of grand scale project considering the voice acting, the opening movie and the presentation, however, after playing it and finishing it to the end within 1-2 hours, yes, you heard me right, 1-2 hours depending on mode you play, I have experienced literally everything this game has to offer, and in a very disappointed way, since it promises so much, but only delivers a literal gallery, which you can unlock right at the start I might point out.

    Now, let's recap the "story" or whatever it is. You play as a adventurer princess who eventually ends up fighting the empire's current king, while doing various things like hunting monsters before that moment comes. Like, you finally beat him, and...problems are over, because just evil king and all problems gone in a instant, not societal problems or anything, just evil king.

    And the gameplay - it is your standard RPG maker fare, with basic equipment and nothing worthwhile or unique to find, just easier item access and that's it. All so you could go through battles faster, or more importantly, beating bosses without much trouble, and if you play on casual, nothing at all. Like, really boring, just use skill attacks on encounters and special buff during later boss battles.

    Hell, the sexual element, the main "allure" of this product is more event based, not difficult to get and can be farmed even, and the battle one is rather annoying to say the least, encouraging you to just beat the enemy instead of torturing yourself in those.

    So overall, after playing this rather surprisingly short game with a rather large file size but unusually high production values considering the voice acting and opening video, I recommend you to not play this, since while not exactly terrible, this game is just plain boring, and a forgettable experience on that as well. A disappointment for sure, considering the voice acting and so on made it look like a high scales game, only to turn out to be short.