Chapter 7.
Hmm, haven't felt so conflicted by a game on here for a good while. I think it would be most fair to focus on the positives first, then comment on the parts that I didn't like.
So, for the most part, it's a really good VN. The renders, the music, the plot and the characters are solid. I'm a sucker (pun intended) for vampires and as someone that once worked in law enforcement, the detective angle appeals to me too. Also, it's largely all lesbian focused and as a platinum card carrying member of the Sapphic Club the premise of the tale seemed as though it was almost tailor-made for me. Sadly however, that didn't quite prove to be true.
Credit where is credit is due though, the renders were pretty much on-point. The lighting for several scenes was on the dark side but for me, that felt like a stylistic choice and fitted the noir theme. Almost all of the characters are gorgeous and aren't just carbon copies of the same old models everyone has seen dozens of times already with ridiculously huge chests, pouty lips and butts the size of beach balls. Each of the characters felt interesting and almost all had an air of mystery to them, again fitting the overall style well. Although it did feel as though we only scratched the surface of many of them and I hope they're developed further as the story progresses.
It's difficult to find much to say about the story itself and remain spoiler-free but I found it to be well written, interesting and it pulled on enough threads to keep me playing until the end of the current content. One thing that is probably worth commenting on is a point other reviews have mentioned; there really aren't a large number of choices you get to make, which for me, definitely left me feeling as though I'm simply guiding the author's character, rather than truly 'becoming' the MC. This feeling of a lack of control was only further emphasised in the sex scenes - and it's here that the game really let itself down, for me at least.
The 'adult' content within the game is sadly, far, far behind the quality of the rest of it. It's very much a visuals first, narrative last approach. The static images aren't the issue, rather it's the all too brusque prose. In the scenes I experienced, it was very much a 'wham, bam, thank you ma'am' approach, that skipped the starter, went straight for the main course and wasn't offering dessert. By which, I mean there's little to no foreplay, the description of the sex act itself was all too brief and basic and little to nothing between the characters after the fact.
Then, there's the confusing part of those scenes, the parts that left me wishing the sex scenes weren't even in the game. It's a lesbian game right? So why, in several of the scenes, is the main character having a phallus rammed inside her like her life depended on it? I found myself having to save at every one of the few choices and having to reload them because it ended up in the MC being railed by a cock and prattling on about how great the cock felt (it didn't matter if it's rubber, plastic or real - this just broke my enjoyment entirely). Now, I know this won't be an issue for some but it really was for me and I know many others that it would be too. So save often and be prepared to reload if you want to avoid Malady loving being penetrated by oversized dildos.
As a VN, I think this has great potential, I'd easily score it 4 stars with some areas being a 5. As a lesbian focused, erotic VN though, I found it (in its current state) to be very disappointing. The sex scenes felt as though they were both limited by word count and that they were written by a male attempting lesbian porn. I still like to think that there are some male authors out there that could pull that off to a decent degree but sadly, that isn't currently the case here. Now, I admit that I could be wrong, maybe it's written by a female author but the lack of the 'little things', the 'feminine touch' is severely lacking throughout. It could also just be that the author knows their target audience is largely male and it's written and rendered accordingly but when a lesbian-centric VN has sex scenes that makes a lesbian not want to engage in the sex scenes, it does make me wonder a little about who it's actually being written for.
TLDR: An interesting occult themed/detective noir/urban fantasy style VN, with interesting characters, solid plot and nice renders, with a somewhat limited feeling of choices and disappointing sex scenes.
I'll definitely play through further versions, both the story and the characters have me intrigued but it'll largely be for the story, rather than adult content unless there's a marked improvement in that area. If there is improvement in that area, I'll very happily increase my rating to reflect that too, as I really don't like giving it only 3 stars.