Unity - Oedo Trigger [v1.0.6] [CQC Software]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm generally not expecting top-of-the-line gameplay with h-games, but this is a really poor FPS.

    You have your main weapon, sub weapon, throwable explosive and a bullet-time called "Sage Mode" that fills up from either enemy knockdowns or a power-up from crates scattered through a stage. The game has a playful gag on the headshot trope of FPS's with the "hentai shot" where you do massive damage by aiming at the enemy's crotch.

    The big issue is that most of the guns feel really bad (all of the main weapons have excruciatingly long reload animations) and Sage Mode has this blue expanding sphere effect that will obfuscate your vision making it fairly frustrating to parse where enemies or even weakpoints are. The game will occasionally throw a gimmick level at you and a lot of them are atrocious (the Mario Sunshine/Splatoon homage stage has one of the worst guns I've had the misfortune of using).

    The sole strength of the game is in its Gallery mode. The customization of the girls is decently robust (height, bust, personality, default facial expression, etc) and the ero-animations are alright.
  2. 4.00 star(s)

    Seiso Police

    The game is fine.

    The history is a little out of hand but at the same time with the way that it handles itself, I didn't question how the history started to advance.
    The gameplay is indeed fine for the game, and it has different things to use to able to progress with the stages.
    The only downside I encounter while playing is only the reload speed and also the moments you have to change between weapons.
    And for adult content. beside that you can shoot the girls to strip them, you have to get caught by the girls so you can see the sex scenes, and definitely all of them is indeed pure femdom.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally finished it, and let me tell you, it's beautful.
    Like Harem Trigger, i waited for this game as a sequel and/or remake. And, even though it's obviously not a sequel, it is totally much, MUCH more than a remake. While the general gameplay is the same, this is a lot better.
    1. Gameplay:
    Gameplay honestly isn't something that can be improved a lot, you can't exactly add something ENTIRELY new. Though the devs did do it, kind of, but a bit later about that. What i like is the arsenal, like in Harem Trigger, you have a fairly big collection of weapons you can choose from after buying. Also the enchanced weapons, too. Honestly, i'm a bit sad that we didn't have the MC create his own weapon, but oh well, it doesn't matter much anyway. Next thing i want to talk about is the two "endurance" levels. They are awesome. What i'm talking about is the levels where you are locked in a cage and are forced to play mini-games to endure. The undertale and google dinosaur (i think) references were pretty nice, and the gameplay is a nice break from shooting girls. Though, possibly it's just me sucking a lot, the undertale section was pretty tough in some parts. Mostly because sometimes the projectiles would appear in ways it's either impossible or feels impossible to dodge. The Gdinosaur section was fairly easy, though, so maybe i do actually just suck.
    The Sui painting mini game was cool, again, as a break from all the shooting. It wasn't really much different than shooting stuff, but it was fun just running around the map and shooting paint. Also like that the author added an EX level just so you could enjoy it more.
    The top-down view levels... well, i can't say i like them. I mean, sure, they were different than others, but they weren't really fun. Especially because most rooms were really small and you couldn't really move much. I have a feeling the authot didn't feel people would like it too, since there is only one mandatory and one EX, even though it could be implemented as a reoccuring level. Still, that's just my opinion.
    Next up is the giantess gameplay. They're cool. I don't really have much to say about it, since it's just recycled from Harem Trigger with minor differences, though i think that it would be better if there was more space to ride around, because i would get cornered A LOT. Mostly because i couldn't even see what the enemies were doing since i was too close to them, and out of the blue i would get snatched somehow. Though the final boss just right. The nostalgia (if you can call it that) from the reuse of the helicopter was marvelous. And the music was the cherry on top, epicness elevated by 100000 just like in Harem Trigger.
    2. Story/Characters
    Story was, well, nothing much, i guess. Basically HT but in a different environment. The plot twist wasn't exactly unexpected, though i let my guard down a lot since Utsutsu kind of appeared ominous and i actually started feeling she was the villian, until Oboro pulled the same twist as in HT and tricked everyone. Though i like that this time both Utsutsu and Oboro had cool backstory instead of just "some random energy came together and gained consciousness". About the characters, i think it was cool how they got more, well, i guess you could say "use" than in HT. In there it were just two random friends of the MC who only talked during cutscenes and nothing else. In here we have The Ninja Sui, The Samurai Shiden, and The Sister (honeslty i have no idea what to call her profession) Mochizuki. Though again, i think it would be cool if they appeared in gameplay more. Of course, Sui appearing during the battle with Shiden was cool, but none of them appear in gameplay ever again except the scenes when getting caught at the final boss.
    Seals were really cool. Not counting the gameplay ones, it's nice that you can try different outfits and even change boobs physics (i have no idea why is there SO much options to change boobs in different ways, but sure).
    Gallery mode was a feature i think was REALLY needed in HT. It was kind of a hassle to find all the H-Scenes (I'm not entirely sure i found all of them in HT, to be honest), so the fact you can see ALL of them and customize the enemies is godlike. Also, again, it's pretty... uh... interesting that the gallery lets you customize all the things down to personality. I mean, i'm not saying it's bad or unneeded, actually the opposite.
    Great game overall, a gem both in the femdom genre and in H-Games overall.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game and functional crack.

    The game itself is a first person shooter at its core with multiple weapons and arenas / objectives. All of the opponents are randomly generated with gear, clothes, and body features.

    The gallery of this game is unlocked easily in parts by completing levels. The gallery also has vast customization of the enemy types.

    Overall I find this to be one of the better action first person shooters out there.
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    [ver. 1.0.5]
    I liked this game a lot. (I played all the levels on hardcore)

    But then I played 4th stage...

    Until the 4th stage it is a cool hentai FPS relatively challenging on hardcore difficulty with new weapons, features and kinds of enemies per stage.
    -Even though I regularly had a glitch where some enemies become immortal and can damage you. (It was somewhat fun)

    As far as I understand it is due to them dying during "jump off" animation - their death trigger is situated on the top, but they themselves on the bottom.
    I even managed to fix it. (or not)
    I brought them to the place they jumped off for the trigger to work on them and they died while leaving their model in the air.

    But the 4th stage destroyed my good opinion of the game by introducing horrendous mechanics and challenges.

    1) levels where you are shrinked

    - Overall good levels and challenging (except for one)

    - One of the levels forces you to survive 300 seconds while hordes of enemies spawn.

    The worst thing that there are a lot of fast enemies somewhere in the middle of the timer.
    You can't kill all of them, they catch up to you fast, will damage you a lot and THE BOXES WITH HEALING ARE 50 METERS APART FROM EACH OTHER!
    So basicly you have to run for 15-25 seconds to get healed while fast enemies damage you.
    Fortunately I managed to finish that level from the 4th try while having 3 immortal enemies :sick:.

    2) there are 2 levels where you use a tank to damage huge girls by destroying their clothes.

    - -1st level is relatively disgusting (having only 4 enemies):

    At first you have 1 girl. You have to damage her clothes (4 parts of skirt, 4 parts of kimono, 2 sleeves, 2 parts of bra and panties)
    Thet there are 2 of them. (If you kill one the last one spawns)

    The thing is that you have 5 bullets that regen 1 bullet per 3-5 seconds and each part of clothing require 3-5 bullets (not sure). So you have to use "Bullet time" ability...

    This ability sucks in this level.

    When you activate it, it has particle effects of several glowing spheres and due to girls being big you can barely see them though the spheres. So it is nearly impossible to shoot accurately.

    -the tank controls are junky

    You have limited sprint boost that can get you 5 meters away, and 1-3 seconds after the girls catch up to you...

    Moreover, when you try to run + collect boxes + shoot, camera sometimes jerks somewhere else and disrupts aiming.
    2nd level I hate the most in the game:
    It is a boss level.

    - -Similar to the 1st one there is a big girl but only one.
    You shoot the clothes, she attacks similarly, but it is easier after fighting with 2 of them.

    But when you shoot all the clothes and only bra and panties left there is a second phase...

    Oh how I hate developers who thought it was a good idea...

    To sum it up you have to finish boss to end the level, but literaly every 3-5 seconds one of the 5 BIG GIRLS does the "catch move" where you have to mush buttons|mouse button to escape.

    Moreover you have to collect boxes not to die + shoot boss's clothes somehow.
    I just simply hate 4th stage and the people who thought this stage was a good idea.

    The 5th stage is similar to the first three and I liked it somewhat. But there are no more unique features.
    Only the cosmetics of girls are changed.
    Ah. Yeah.
    There is one room on one level of this stage dedicated to platforming, but this game is bad at platforming...

    If only there were no 4th stage I would rate this game 5/5.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Jimmy Two Times

    Oedo Trigger is very engaging non-violent Japanese adult first person shooter that lets you enjoy the side of FPS games you probably aren't used to. It sometimes switches to top down and third person shooter to keep things fresh and creative.

    You take the role of a young man living an uneventful and mundane life. Until meeting a mysterious stranger on the street while he was on his way back home to play video games. After a brief exchange with the said stranger, things take a drastic "turn" for our hero. Suddenly he finds himself in a world that is completely different than what he used to. With the help of his new weird ally that he is also sworn to help, only thing left to do in this vibrant and mysterious world is to get ready for a fun and humour filled adventure to save the world!

    Gameplay is fairly smooth. Hit detection and shooter mechanics in FPS games are very important and hard to pull off as far as i know. Even some well known game companies having trouble fine tuning that feature. And it seems CQC did just more than that. It was suprisingly good and responsive. I found myself enjoying it very much despite having doubts that if i'd even like it or not before started playing. I don't have much to say about level design, because it's not amazing, but good enough to take a passing note. What's good is that how the CQC managed to keep things fresh and exiciting by changing the game from FPS to top down shooter to TPS from time to time. I can't detail it much due to spoiler reaons but they did their best. You'll sense some repetitiveness on regular levels for sure, but they spice things up as soon as you feel a tiny bit fed up.

    Graphics are vibrant, alluring and fits the theme. I'm not gonna be unrealistic and say it's gorgeous. But it's good for an adult game and at some places, it is even better than that. Character models look great, consistent with the theme of the levels and makes you wish you could do more than just shotting them, getting away from them or deliberately being caught by them.

    Story is unique but build up and sound reasoning is not always there. The more plot wants to explain things to you that you didn't asked for, the more you feel like it should stop trying to and keep things mysterious. You already know what you are getting into if you are not illiterate. You are shooting magic bullets that removes clothes of girls and makes them horny enough to pass out. Don't try to decorate it with a logical explanation. You are trying to put pickles on your cake. They don't go well together. Making any sense of this already zany game is a cute attempt at best, but completely unnecessary. Maybe it was the translation that didn't relay the story as well as it should, because it is broken here and there, but i just shut my mind to it after a while and soldiered on.

    Alright, time to address the elephant in the room. No, the other one. You have little to no control over sex in this game. And i know, it is weird for an adult game to try and prevent you from having sex. That should be a deal breaker... But... To my suprise as well, it is not. You can't have best of both worlds, but you can at least salvage some kinky times if you are willing to do some balancing and tricks. Means that you need to manage your quicktime guage and environmental arrangements just right. Very easy to do after some practice, especially in Easy and Normal difficulties. Granted some people don't wanna have the impending doom breathing down their necks while smashing tight pink ham rolls with their wham-ba-lam salamis but hey, i don't mind doing that. And by the way, despite being a Japanese game, this isn't the typical "all or nothing" grind based one. Well, it has some grind elements for resources but not that much and didn't bother me in the least. I was pleasantly suprised to play and finish some levels on hard difficulty, with basic equipment even.

    Let's talk about some of the game mechanics. Well, it is an interesting blend. It has RPG flavors in it that helps you make builds for your combat style, stats, charms and all that to optimize your build. You can buy weapons and and upgrade them. You can modify and boost your "combat" performance. There are stages and stage levels. Each stage ends with a boss fight which gives rare resources after defeating them. All the boss fights were cleverly designed and was fun as hell. As you pass stages, finish certain challanges, you will have access to new weapons, boosts and many other things to spice your gameplay up.

    But how stable is this game? Performance-wise, i didn't feel any strain on my old gtx 1080ti. Played it around 8 hours. Only had one CTD and one soft bug that didn't messed up my game. No other encounters with bugs or soft-locks. Unlike some other games i can name, this one is not half-assed at all.

    Music is pretty good. But there isn't enough to go around unfortunately. It becomes repetitive, especially the combat music after a while. So i had to mute it to not hate it later. Sound design and effects are fairly decent. Voice acting is partially there, but they put up some quality work to behold.

    In conclusion, this is an overall great game. Definetely recommend it. Give it a try even if you are not into the theme. You'll blow off more than just steam. Hey that rhymed, yaay.