[S>Programmer] Unpaid Offering webdevelopment


New Member
Jan 21, 2021
- Webdevelopment (full stack). Familiar with several different langauges: html, css, js (including libraries), PHP and to a lesser degree NodeJS. Also familiar with databases like MySQL / MSSQL and security concepts like hashing and encryption.

Aside from webdevelopment I'm also ISTQB certified (software testing) and know my way around C# and Java. I also understand the basics of Ren'Py development.

Preferred method of contact:
- Discord: icecub#2071

Employment Type & Rates:
- Part time. Not looking to make money here, but some form of appreciation is always welcome. Doesn't have to be money. Could be some assets you made that I could use or something like that.

- Almost daily, but since I'm not expecting payment, I'm not interested in projects that have high time pressure either.

Work Samples:
- Stack Overflow profile:

Additional comments:
- Hey everyone! Due to the circumstances that everyone's at these days, I find myself bored quite often. I've managed to pass quite a bit of time thanks to this community and thought I should give something back if I can. Hence I decided to offer my services as a web developer or perhaps other things I might be able to help with. I do this for free or in exchange for some things you might be able to offer me in return. However, I do expect you to be reasonable because of that. Asking me to setup a complete interactive website with all bells and whistles you can think of within a week is not reasonable, lol. I have no reservations for content / subjects as long as they're legal, so no worries about that.

What I'm not offering is hosting! I do have my own servers for development, so I won't immediately need access to anything. But once your project is ready for release, you'll need your own hosting for it.

Last note: I don't plan to overwhelm myself with work, so please don't take it personally when I decline your request. It simply means I already have enough on my plate. Though most likely I already updated this post when that happens.

UPDATE: Currently not accepting new requests. Been invited into a large team that'll require a lot of my time to focus on.
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Aug 22, 2020
Would you mind if I asked you some theoretical questions that may sound rather stupid? It involves developing independent websites to import games (that are less restricted but still legal) that charges fees but pays game developers better.


New Member
Jan 21, 2021
Would you mind if I asked you some theoretical questions that may sound rather stupid? It involves developing independent websites to import games (that are less restricted but still legal) that charges fees but pays game developers better.
Sure you can ask me anything :)