Identify Old 3d furry game set in mansion where you go to different rooms with different sex scenes.


New Member
Feb 27, 2022
Hello all, I'm new here.

I've been searching a while for a specific game I played ages ago.
It was set in a mansion, with a bunch of furry characters. I think you get to choose a character and then you walk around in this mansion, in different rooms and you'll have different sex scenes.
Game was not far along when I played it, quite simple actually, always played as Renamon.

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could figure out the name for it, if you know it. I remember something like talehouse or similar, but I might just be completely wrong.


New Member
Feb 27, 2022
Pretty sure it's The Cathouse Tale, but haven't found the old version that I played, only the newer one.