Games like this are so weird to rate. There's obviously a huge market for "pokemon games made for people who aren't 10 years old" while increasingly older former-10 year olds play the games, and current 10 year olds couldn't tell you what a pokemon was. They say hunger is the best spice, and we are starving, so how good is this game, really?
Well, it's actually pretty good and there's really nothing to complain about. I'll think of something by the end, or die trying.
You are John Everyman, Office Worker at Silph Co. A terrorist attack (no causalities) happens and you are deputized to figure out who is responsible before a terrorist attack (causalities) happens. That's basically the plot. A lot of VNs are books, this is a movie. Super early 90's VNs from Japan were kind of like this; short, lots of choices, lots of endings. It happens in the pokemon world, which means we get cameos, microcrumbs of worldbuilding in the most underutilized IP mankind has ever created.
So is the shortness the problem? Nah, it tells a story, it's fun, and there's a lot of replayability. The lewds? I mean they're fine? They're not the nukige kind, they're the "John Everyman gets the Girl" kind. You'll see them in movies. They tend to have less nudity.
I think the only real problem I have is...........the endings don't have names. Oh! And when you get to the end, you're given a screen of how well you did, but you have to go to the main menu from the menu. Yup. Had to dig real deep into this one.
There is an achievement screen that has unlocks for subsequent playthroughs (super cool) but no way of tracking what endings you got. Games like this typically have a 'true' ending. Something you should go for. I guess there's some aimlessness there? I couldn't tell you if I got the best ending or not my first time- and I realize now that my second time will make me still unsure.
So yeah, that's it. I made a promise and kept it. No ending names, no way of tracking what endings you've gotten so the replays that you're certainly going to do are more aimless than they should be. 0/5 would only thoroughly enjoy the first time.
Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to play this game again.