This review is for v0.2.0
This game is great. It is very clearly still in version 0.2, but it shows some real potential. I always have had a niche for corruption games, so this game tickles my fancy very nicely.
I do however have some issues after playing it and I have some recommendations on how I would resolve these issues. It still is my humble opinion, ofcourse
This game has two very clearly defined parts.
1. The managment of the town
2. The glory hole card game
This part of the game revolves about you getting enough ingredients and food to feed the village and keeping your confidence high while doing it.
The managment was quite difficult to figure out what exactly I was supposed to do when I first started the game.
I think this multiple reasons but the biggest one being the naming of the variables you are balancing.
Confidence, for example. I thought this variable determined how "confident" I was to do sexual things, when inside the glory hole or when meeting the men in the village.
Yet it is used like energy. It goes down when doing tasks in the village and goes up when relaxing with my friend.
Another example is the hunger of the village. This one is a little more personal preference, but to me it does not make sense.
The bar is full when the town has no food, it is "fully" hungry. I don't think it makes sense to have a bar fill up when resources go down.
A lot of processes are also needlessly complicated. Feeding the village, for example.
There are a lot of steps involved in order to decrease how hungry the village is. (See how it does not make sense?

You will need ingredients which you will get from the town;
Energy, that you get from the glory hole. (Indirectly, since you convert the cum into energy. So that is one extra step.)
Ingredients and Energy will turn into food, which will feed the village.
After a while it also starts to become very reptitive.
Get the vegatables, seduce the man, talk to friend, talk to other man. One of the horny? Nice, jerk em off. No? Oh well, better luck tomorrow.
Next day: Talk to man, talk to friend, talk to other man. One of them horny? Nice, jerk em off. No? Oh well, better luck tomorrow.
And this repeats until you have jerked em off enough for a new mechanic or feature. But that only effects the glory hole, so you'll be repeating it again anyway.
The way I would fix these things is by doing the following:
-Rename confidence to energy, or stamina since energy is already used by the factory.
Have another "game over" state, maybe not feeding the village x amount of days?
-Redesign the town hunger system to be easier to understand.
I would do this by not having the town have a hunger meter, but an x amount of food needed per day. This amount is clearly visible to the player from the beginning.
Instead of picking up "ingredients", I would have the player pick up just "food". It would then cost the player energy to actually get this food the the village. This would get rid of the needless ingredient > food conversion.
At the end of the day you would see a visible deduction of your food to the village. Since food is needed in one of the interactions, maybe the player could set a max amount to give each day.
And then reward/punish the player based on how many days they achived/failed to feed the village.
-Add some spice of life, something to break the repetition.
For this it really doesn't matter what gets added, as long as I dont have to repeat the same couple of tasks and walk the same roads just so I can jerk them off a little differently.
--Glory Hole Card Game--
This part of the game is fun, once you know how everything works.
One thing i do think this part could improve is the visualization. Right now four different types of hearts and meters that all mean different things.
The heart system for the girl, I think is fine as it is. It makes it easy to see how much you have used and it makes sense to use hearts since she is getting excited.
I would however not use three different types of hearts to show how much fun our male friend is having. I think this causes confusion when it doesn't need to.
Instead of using hearts, a progress bar would be better suited. A bar going from the bottom to the top that fills up with.. well.. cum.
Instead of red hearts, the bar goes up. Instead of blue hearts, the bar goes down. This makes it much easier to understand.
The gold hearts make your progress permanent. Have little indications next to the bar, showing points of no return. Maybe even a little texture on top of the bar when you pass it showing that it is permanent.
One thing I would also change is how things like "expose tits" work. Let the fact that you have to give up a card in your deck be enough, instead of it also using your hearts.
And please, lord please. Do something with the potrait on the right. Different poses, different clothing options or maybe just poking her in the tits when I click on them.
I have to walk around with this 16x16 pixely character all the time, while this beautiful and sexy thing on the right is just teasing me. Not being able to do anything with her.
This is all just my humble opinion ofcourse, and do with this as you please.
Sorry if this is a bit much, I have a background in game dev myself and I see potential for a real good game here. I got a bit carried away