VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Once in a Lifetime [v1.0] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a straight up work of its own and a masterpiece in my opinion. The humor is as swift and grand as the suspense each update left the player in until the very end. The characters are colorful in personality and their interactions are so engaging and hilarious. I recommend this to anyone, play this game. You will not be disappointed. #SMForPresident
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    It's honestly baffling to me that Once in a Lifetime is one of the top rated games on f95zone. The bulk of the game is juvenile claptrap mixed with endless paragraphs and dialogue building an incoherent and unengaging story.

    The prose is, frankly, dreadful. The writing in the sex scenes barely reaches the level of mediocre; outside of them it is laughable. Each scene you can look forward to being introduced to a cliched character who will regale you with uninspired insipid exposition before either fucking you if the character is female, or making an absolute fool of themselves or worshiping you if they're male.

    The plot is simply a maze of Deus ex machinas, one after another. I admit I skipped half the dialogue, but I could find no coherent reasoning or connection to the plot behind half of the plot devices introduced.

    Also, the villains (and most of the time the heroes) are all completely dumb.

    As a saving grace the game is occasionally funny and charming in a sort of juvenile bathroom humor way. Unfortunately, absurd and unpredictable events and characters only remain funny if used sparingly within a coherent and consistent world. Once in a Lifetime is rarely, if ever, coherent or consistent.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This one is just plain good o' fun! It's a power and sex fantasy all the way through and has some of the most odd and memorable characters I've seen in VN. It's quite nice having recurring jokes that evolve overtime. It's even better when the drama is kept to a minimum for such a fun experience.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Spectacular! One of the best games here. The right amount of sexy times and storytelling.
    The story itself is great! It is tense, it is exciting, it's well paced and well written! Even without the sexy time in the game, it still worth the read! And it was juggling tense and scary moment with the right amount of ridiculous jokes! Just terrific!
    The sexy time itself was great as well, it was hot and exciting.

    The only bad thing I can say is possibly the models themselves. Not that they are bad on their own, but they were too similar to one another. The same body type, almost the same breasts size, and even the faces were pretty similar. I guess this was most true for the mother and two daughters, so it kind of makes sense, but still.
    But even with that it was a great read, a great play. I was laughing out loud on multiple occasions, I was engrossed in reading the mistery in other occasions.
    Just great!
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 no doubt, its a great visual novel, funny, interesting and sexy. I felt a bit sad when it ended, this game is that good.

    I did harem route except Carla because im not in that kind of stuff and I liked all a lot. Jasmine best girl.


    but cmon, what a missed oportunity with Rebecca. Shes pregnant with your son and leaves her wedding to start a new life with her teenage lover...just to go to that plane and discover you are fucking 5 other girls, 3 of them your family, and 2 are pregnant too...I imagine that face close-up you do(I like it a lot!) with Rebecca with a "I think I fucked up" face.

    Really good job! I liked it a lot! Mike MVP and that tour guide(forgot name) was incredible too.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 absolutely worth it

    No grammar/spelling errors. Loads of comic relief. There are loads of nice CGs and animations. Great story.

    What could be better?
    I guess making different girl models (they are somewhat similar to each other) and more KINKS.

    But it's still 5/5!
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Solid game with excellent dialogue and transitions, i really enjoyed this piece of art. The renders are good, sex scenes are sexy and enjoideables, i like the jokes dialogue and stupid stuff with the characters.
    For me this game is 5/5
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    I am caught in between giving this a 4 or a 5 so 4.5 it is.

    Once in a Lifetime does a lot of things well but it also felt a bit lacking in some aspects. Contrary to what I usually see on the forums, I actually prefer HS graphics so the art and animation is a plus for me. The jokes are also pretty funny and I like how some of them are conveyed simply by the camerawork.

    Looking at the heroines: Judie and Lauren are pretty good; Iris, Aiko, and Jasmine are okay; Carla and Rebecca could have been better. Iris is an odd one since she's not really connected to the main story but she was immediately accepting of all the weird stuff going on with the main trio. The treatment that Carla and Rebecca got sucks for me since older women types are my favorite heroines. Their character stories felt disjoint from the rest and that highlights one of the aspects of this VN that felt lacking. There is not much interaction among the girls aside from them interacting together with the MC. We have Judie-Lauren, Judie-Iris, Lauren-Aiko, then Jasmine, Carla, and Rebecca by their lonesomes. The harem ending is nice and all but the transition to that state was abrupt like, "Okay we're all going to move far away, this is everyone coming with, and by the way I'm having sex with all of you," Carla and Rebecca just accept it as if Carla doesn't mind that you're fucking both of your sisters and your cousin (though to be fair you're already fucking your mom) and Rebecca doesn't mind that you're fucking with your family members. I really think that part could've been smoothened out.

    Special mention to Stabby Mike. He was an amusing fellow and it was nice to see him pop up once in a while throughout the story.

    Overall this VN was a great experience but it fell a bit short from being perfect.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    People have covered a lot of the best bits, so I won't just say the same thing slightly differently.

    Instead, I'll mention where the game falls pretty flat, unfortunately. It's another in a long line of good games that just don't end all that well.

    It's not terrible by any means. But it's missing so much. It's hard to call it particularly satisfying.

    Even the really low hanging fruit is missed. For example, in the harem end, you don't even ever have an actual discussion about the whole harem thing with nearly half of the characters before you just montage out. You never even talk to your mom about the fact you're fucking both your sisters. But it's fine, because we got to the montage faster, right?

    And frankly, the girl-girl interactions are pretty limited. Several girls only ever have solo scenes, and other obvious combinations are missed. It'd be one thing if this was part of the characters and they simply weren't interested. But it 's not. It's just a thing that never happens until maybe a single screen in the ending montage implies it ended up happening.

    It's just not very satisfying, and makes it feel like the focus of the game is somehow supposed to be the plot rather than the characters. But uh... nobody is going to play this for the plot if they don't care about the characters. It feels like the characters and their relationships just aren't very explored, which is a real shame.

    It's good, but being willing to put some more scenes in before racing to the montage could have made it great.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of my favorite h-games. I don't know why I've waited so long before trying it. Support the creator on Patreon if you like it too!

    Here are my ingredients for a great adult game:
    1. Sexy well-done 3D renders (✅), bonus if they are animated (✅), cherry on top: possibility to change angle and speed (✅)
    2. Good writing that makes sex scenes hotter. (✅)
    3. No bug / no grinding / no wtf should I do next!? (✅)
    4. A somewhat interesting plot that links the events together (✅)

    This is a visual novel, so there's not much gameplay except for choices. But this is actually a big positive point for me. I hate having to play through shitty mini-games when I just want to have good fap.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    To my shame, I must admit that at first I was reluctant to experience this absolutely brilliant adventure.... Sorry for that!
    It's actually quite simple: sit back, don't think too much, don't worry about it and just enjoy the journey! You will definitely not regret it!
    I spent my entire weekend with this game and was more than thrilled!

    Sure, some other VN have much better, realistic graphics and animations.
    But that didn't interest me for a millisecond!

    The special humor (TOM and Mike in particular)
    The also very special girls (I really mean ALL of them)
    The creepy factor
    The music
    Simply everything more than makes up for every not so perfect detail!

    Thanks for that !!!
    (Will forever be in my personal top ten)
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    sometimes funny, attention to detail like another npc doing in the background is fun, text sometimes hard to read cause crowded background, the pregnancy isn't so exposed other than text and ending photo, too bad. and we can't find harem partners in their place not like so your only chance is to replay in gallery
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    Personnal opinion but sometimes, char dev seemed a bit rushed or idk how to put it, but wasn't as flawless as i expected.
    And felt the relation ship with Carla needed a bit more polishing or depth.

    That's why i don't put 5 stars, cause animation were REALLY great even if not a fan of some tongue management.
  14. 4.00 star(s)



    Story and Dialogues are god tier without a doubt atleast for a porn game. But I think it lacks somewhat in terms of characterisation and sex scenes. Not enough scenes for a honey select game imo. It's like 2 or 3 real sex scenes for a character which is low gain for me as it being a Honeyselect game. Still it's completed and that's a huge pros for me. Thank you dev. Looking forward to your next game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Really good and fun game . Not too short, maybe some 9 hours of play time. Has some really good plot and the chars are fun to play. Also the jokes in this game are the best part, so funny, and sometimes you just start lauthing without any text just camera and sound effects.
    For me its not an 5/5 because of the girls jsut accepting too easy the cheating of the mc, there is no conflict when they found out.
    Resuming its a fun and light game with no harsh feeling if you fuck things up.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Perfect game. Not like many game i played, this game is not just for masterbate, Hscens r good but the story is a masterpiece. After 5 mins, i had to replay and did not skip even 1 line in scrip. All the girl in this game have their own soul, not just some sexdoll. Love this game so much.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I just wrote a review like 1-2 times but this time I feel like this game deserves it, the game is one of the funniest I EVER PLAYED (maybe even N1) I laughed so much on all the parts that my lungs started to hurt.
    The girls are nice (could have been more variety like Carla style with big breasts but that's ok)
    The story starts normal and I was thinking "this will be a common game" but then it turned 180 and went in a (kinda) serious approach that I liked,
    The animations are really great and I can't wait to see more of this dev, great work and it really deserves all the credit! (Stabby Mike is the GOAT)
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    So the story is fine, it has its very good moments (and its one of the few games that lands jokes without being cringey) but sometimes the story drops into just a buncha coincidences, which I mean, porn games are full of those, but I had my bar higher for this one.

    The girls look good but I wish we had more variety. I gotta say, kudos for making the mom look unique, and I dunno why the teacher looks different from the rest, but she looks amazing. The others are alright, i like the sisters but can feel samey at times.

    My biggest problem was how easy it was to miss the routes imo, ended up having to replay it with a guide because I ended up with only 2 routes by the end. I was clueless by the lack of sex but it seems I didnt tick the correct box once or twice so i was fucked and there was no way of getting back into route.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best that I have played. Not just great, but a complete coherent story that draws you in and keeps you entertained. Just the right amount of drama while keeping you laughing so as to not overwhelm. Great scenes as well with many lovable girls too. And a satisfying ending. 10/10
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One little jewel, im so happy to have played it. I normally no buy the games because they are generic and not too much things change but with this one is different; the game is really, really I mean Fantastic. First Review and I just get that I need a message of 200 word this game is worth to me to take the time to make this, Judie Best Girl haha. I also did something like leave a pregnant woman I feel bad for that haha. But is a excellent game with Great characters and mike omg what a nice guy hah I’m looking forward for their new games. I also knew about a harem end I have to look how to get that, but the end with Judie was great and I Love it. I was just expecting for something as click to fuck , and then after some pick get bored and then change to other game, but this game never bored me, and always puts me hard. There just a few games that I can get and played and make me excited and this one is one of them I really love the game, Thanks for sharing.