VN - Ren'Py - Completed - Once in a Lifetime [v1.0] [Caribdis]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic. Linear, but fantastic. Great comedy, interesting story, good character models, and top-tier porn/waifu content. Only halfway through but it keeps you coming back for more. And that's a good thing.

    Fucking Stabby Mike.

    EDIT: Reached the end of current content. I never thought I'd be so invested in the story of a porn game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game with amazing story. Funny, sad, scary and gripping at the same time. Even if you strip all the lewd scenes it is still a great story. Must play if you enjoy well written visual novels.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I have played up to where this last version has left me and I must say that it is one of the best VN I have played, and look that I have played many but this one has everything, sex scenes, very good comedy, mystery and good story, now It only remains to wait for the next update hoping that I can run away with all the girls and if not then I think I would choose Aiko, although when the moment of truth arrived I would not know hahaha
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games ever! The renders are great and loved the characters. The story is super engaging and actually pretty dark, but the dev has managed to keep it light with a great sense of humour. Really enjoyed the game and can't wait for the next update where the story gets completed.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I've had the pleasure of playing: The main character is really likeable (Which is rare, usually they have zero personality or they are terribly cringy), the girls are all attractive and they have their own unique charm, the humor is top tier (I've lost count of the number of times I burst out laughing) and the story entertains well. I can't think of one particular flaw, great job!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on the site, the humorous writing, interesting story, cute girls with different personalities and really smooth sex animations.
    The only thing I dislike is that the girls' facial structure looks similar.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of v0.9...

    I really like this game. Easily one of my favorites. The characters are interesting, and the plot is something I wouldn’t have expected. There is a good amount of humor and every so often during a scene there will be funny character stuff going on in the background with a few of the side characters.

    The writing is pretty good. The occasional grammar error, but nothing too bad. The dialogue between character is a bit more formal at times than it needs to be though. And the running gag with Stabby Mike got a bit old after a while.

    The women are extremely hot and the sex scenes are animated and gorgeous. And there’s pregnancy!

    I feel the need to make a correction when it comes to Aiko. While in Japan in the dojo she says she is a 9th dan blackbelt in Taekwondo. This would be impossible. I would know because I’m a 6th dan. Taekwondo holds an age requirement of 40+ for the 7th-9th dan levels. So unless Aiko is over 40 years old she couldn’t be a 9th dan.

    Despite all these things I highly recommend this excellent game.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly probably the funniest and best done game on the site. There's not a lot I can really say beyond what the 160+ voters have said before me, but the story is super interesting, the characters are a lot of fun, and when it wants to be spooky it does it better than almost any other game I've played, and that includes proper horror games. I guess you could call this game a Once in a Lifetime experience. :cool:
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished the the complete harem route playthrough now.
    Sometimes the story line is a bit too unbelievable, but aside fron that - just wow!
    Great comedy, women which also take the initiative and are a bit lewd, too, and a very intriguing story line!
    Especially the later animations are done very well, they maybe are just missing some lewd human sounds to make them perfect.
    Maybe the developer should take some time to improve some of the earlier animations (missing hair and boobs movements) and add some lewd human sounds to them then this game would be nearly perfect.
    Also - like some other reviews suggest - maybe extend the epilogue a bit more. Some kind of epilogue wit some final animations would be nice. The slide show is ok but not up to the standard of this game in my honest opinion.
    But aside of that I really had a great time playing this game!
    Also, I really want this story to be continued in another game. Just like Stabby Mike said: "This is just the beginning..."
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    truly a 5/5 score. the characters are funny and well written. the sex scenes are really good and not spread out too far. the story is way more engaging and exciting than i had ever thought i would see in a porn game. especially an indie porn game. can't recommend it enough
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    I have never written a review before but this is the greatest game i have played on this site and im looking forward for more updates, altough im afraid there wont be much seeing how the story is going.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game 100% in my top 5 favorite games ever. The story is great the characters are amazing and the h-scenes are great. It is definitely a game that is coming to a close story wise and i will 100% miss it when it does. Absolutely worth a try if you're looking for good story and characters. It was soo good that i had to stop to give it a review. I have only ever given 2 reviews on this site so if you take anything from this review take that.

    Just Finished the game and am actually sad this game was so much fun the scenes were great the characters were amazing and enjoyable. I almost didn't finish the game since i hate finishing things i love but i just had to! Totally worth a try for the story alone! I can't wait for Caribdis to make his next game and i hope the characters and story will be just as amazing!

    Keep up the amazing work Caribdis!!!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is a rare gem easily overlooked. There are tons of HS games to play with similar assets and this one didn’t catch my eye until it was on the first page here. But after playing, it quickly became my favorite one.

    What sets this game apart from many others is the atmosphere. The game is comfy as heck. All the way from the sedative guitar riff in the main menu through the funny scenes, it all contributes to you having a real good time. The game never takes itself too seriously but still maintains a coherent and interesting plot. There’s mystery, romance, horror, comedy… You name it. There are lots of choices to be made and later on you get to reap what you sow. It rewards you for being a gentleman and punishes you for making stupid decisions.

    The game has lots of lovely and sexy girls but lets examine my favourite: Lauren. At first, she seems stereotypical. She’s the older one of the MC’s two (step)sisters, has initially a bit cold exterior, is popular at school, excels at sports and chemistry. Soon the player discovers new sides for her. You’ll find out that despite all she is somewhat shy and very down to earth person with her own thoughts and struggles. Speaking of chemistry, there’s a huge amount of that between her and the MC, which is reflected in the interactions between them. Their conversations are meaningful and funny and their relationship develops throughout the game. Progressing with her feels rewarding because it feels like you get to know her better. In this game all LI:s are fundamentally different with their own personas and stories.

    The sex is very vanilla which I am pleased with. The game doesn’t try to cater to all different fetishes but there’s still much variation in positions and locations. Because the preceding writing is so good, all the sex scenes feel very different. For example, you can feel the risk of getting caught in some risky intercourse or the reward of finally taming and penetrating a mean tsundere. The scenes flow smooth and they feel as logical/natural as they should in an adult game environment.

    This is Caribdis first game. Nevertheless, it doesn’t fall short compared to other big names on this site. Sure, the renders are a little bit rough in the early parts of the game, but you can see them improve significantly as the game progresses. On the other hand, the narrative remains very strong all the way from the beginning. Try the game out and you will have a blast.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a top notch story, with great pacing, characters, and real consequences. I love converting the sourpuss 'siblings' to becoming fond of the MC, and it is great that you kind of have to show preference of some characters at times, but that you do not miss much either way, The sandbox elements are pretty easy in general, though it seems that you CAN miss some events in the town, by accident, not too intuitively.
    Very compelling!
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    I did play this one when it came out... but for me it was just another game with some of my kinks. But man, oh man... the game went better and better with every update and now (0.8 as im writting) is absolutely incredible. The animations are good, the story is interesting and the models are really good! Captivating, interesting, good looking girls, good progress, nice sex scene/kinks... 10/10
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, characters are gorgeous, their personalities are diferent and really contrast each one with another, the history is interesting and i seriusly dont skip texts in this game, saying that, i like how the creator add funny/random stuff ,it makes me laugh louder that any other comedy stuff in other media and the way that the creator adds horror stuff is just magnificent. i can say that i wish i had money to be a patreon because this is without doubt worth the money, time and wait between each update . 10/10
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    It's crazy how this is such a lowbrow game, but it nails everything - humour, sex, tension, horror, drama. There are plenty of scenes that made me instinctively crack up, and I honestly can't remember any other game that's done that in recent past.

    The renders aren't the greatest compared to some of the high-quality Daz stuff out there, but the dev makes the best out of them. Some of the framing and abrupt transitions are straight out of the over-the-top anime drawer, and they really make it work. Wasn't expecting the story to be as good as it is, considering it almost felt like a spoof at times.

    In short, highly recommended. Looking forward to seeing how the game concludes, and to check out whatever the dev's next project is.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The story is solid with interesting characters and engaging dialogue. The humor is absolutely on point., absolutely the best that I have encountered in an adult game. The serious moments and they are handled equally well

    I really look forward to replaying this game once it is finished. It is definitely one that will live on my hard drive and that I will likely revisit more than once.

    I really hope Caribdis has a new game planned once this one is finished.
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    Vana karu

    The porn aspect is awesome. After seeing everything you come to the game for while horny, the story and the HUMOR are the ones carrying you forward.

    I am sorry, this is the funniest game while still being suspenseful and exciting. The level of humor really makes it an awesome play. I know its supposed to be extra horror and eroticism, but I was captivated by the well placed humorous aspects of this game, I hope the developer can forgive me.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Really funny! Love interests are all interesting, attractive and cute. I enjoy that the art style is different to most games.
    The story is also captivating. I had never the urge to skip anything. All in all an excellent game.