This game impresses me a lot.
Like the best Japanese VNs and only very few Western ones, it handles a very difficult and sombre topic and doesn't shy away from it.
Playing through it was really uncomfortable for me at times, but in the good way that art is supposed to make you uncomfortable and challenge you. I admit though, I'm definitely shying away from the junkie path as much as possible.
Real life is often depressing enough, I don't need to be completely crushed by a game as well.
Kudos to the dev for also managing to keep the sex scenes hot, despite the serious circumstances.
The writing is good, the story is, as I wrote, challenging, the art is not outstanding, but certainly not bad at all and while most of the models don't look too different from the usual suspects in these games, they do look good.
Obviously this is a very personal story and I hope it works out well for the dev and applaud the bravery in telling it like this, up close and without let's say beautifying it.
Depending on how this will go, the game might easily go from a 4 to a 5, it is already really good, but there is still space to improve it and some of the rating depends on the regularity of updates and the content provided.
Edited to add:
As of chapter 9c, I wanted to add a little bit to this review.
The game is still a great story, a serious subject told well.
Again and again, it shows how hard a realistically told story can hit, even when it is not actually related to the addiction issue.
Sure, the MC is still able to get into the pants of basically every female in game, that part isn't so realistic, but it is a porn game at some level, so there's that.
To come back to my initial review, the updates come quite regularly and do deliver a good amount of content, but I won't change my original 4-star rating, because it isn't a game without flaws. Apart from what I mentioned about the not so fantastic models, it can't be denied that the endless back and forth of dialogue can become quite boring from time to time.
I do skip forward a bit here and there and just fly sort of over some parts, that aren't as engaging. I think the dev could cut back a lot on some of the conversations, it's not that they are in itself bad, they just aren't at all necessary. At least not that often.