Others - One Piece: Passion on the Grand Line [v0.3.0] [StoneHead Productions]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.3.0

    This is now the third One Piece parody lewd game I've played, and for some reason all three are semi-grindy sandboxes. While I think this had the most potential for me to get into it (out of the three anyway) it ends up being the worst for one big issue: for who knows why, this was made in the Electron engine instead of RenPy.

    I'm not kidding when I say this is probably the clunkiest and most frustrating sandbox I've played in awhile. By all means you wouldn't be able to tell this wasn't a RenPy game because there are no special features that I haven't seen in any other RenPy sandboxes, but rather it's the lack of them that gives it away. Navigation is a complete pain because not only do you click through arrows to get everywhere, every time you do you get a fade to black screen before it moves you over. You get a fade to black screen with every action you do actually. It's only a few seconds long, but my god man it is so annoying. The game gives you no quality of life features to make it easer. Things like a quick travel map are not present. You have to run back to your bed to pass time, which you have to do often because the game gives certain quests arbitrary schedules that can only be done at certain days or times. Then the game often just doesn't tell you how to progress after a point, so you have to run back to your room again to consult the guide. Everything I played was linear anyway too, so why even make it a sandbox then?

    So it's a clunky poorly designed sandbox essentially. But I could deal with that. What made me quit was how buggy the game is. Multiple times menus just stopped working and disappeared, leaving me to get stuck on screens. Since it isn't RenPy, you cant just right click and save/load whenever you want. There's a quest that after getting an arbitrary amount of money, you're given an item to bring back to a girl. I pick up that item, go to the girl, she tells me to go get it. Go get it? I HAVE IT MAN!! Good thing the clock moved to the next day and I have to go spam sleep to get to Friday again because you can only get the item on Friday. My final straw was getting stuck in the guide menu and losing a bunch of progress because the exit button just decided to not work and disappear on me.

    Ranting aside, the game itself is mostly porn plot and writing. The MC isn't as insufferable but I wouldn't call him compelling either. Girls are written to be kind of slutty with weirdly inserted romance at points. Though NTR is avoidable, the mom seems written with it in mind. Instead of just eating a devil fruit like you would in the One Piece world, you inherit the power from your mom. Her fruit basically made her a succubus and the game tells you she was known for sleeping with a bunch of people and seducing them. Most of the men lust after her, you're required to hand over her "used" panties to progress, and the game even opens with a sex scene of her and the father, a character from the One Piece world. Couple other scenes have the women just talking about sleeping with other men right before you have sex with them too, which just isn't super arousing to me. I couldn't really give you a stronger grip on the story because the bugs made me rage quit, but it seems like you'll basically be training your powers and seducing women. Half the cast aren't even women from One Piece now that I think about it.

    The good bit of praise I do have is that the models look nice and the animations get better with each one. With the one Piece art style, the models here feel like they match up pretty well. Scenes have sound too which is always a plus.

    If the sandbox wasn't so poorly designed and more importantly buggy as hell, I'd probably move the rating up a bit and maybe say it's worth checking out if you're a fan of One Piece. In it's current state I just don't have the patience.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3216548

    Great stroy and Character models. The one thing that bothers me is that the scenes for me have a long loading time, the music is a perfect 10, too. It really sets the mood of the game. Overall, I'm giving this game a solid 10 out of 10. The story, characters, and music are fantastic, the loading times are a bit long but Not that long so the game is unplayable . I hope the developer does not leave this game to die.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Game is very buggy. Ctrl speed up glitches out often getting the game stuck with a blank chat. Also there is no guide to understand what to do, who to talk to, or how to initiate an objective. I like the artstyle but that is about it. If you miss a chat that contains the objective, you get lost and basically need to talk to every NPC at various times of the day to move forward.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Very good, only needs a quest log of some sorts now. and this would be great.
    Kind of hard to keep track of what step you are "stuck" on, and if content is done or not.
    Other than that, very happy with the game.
    Nami when? :D
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Good first release but there are still some annoyances.

    Transitions of any kind really break gameplay flow(music stops, screen fades to black and then reappears, which all takes a bit too long).
    The music is especially weird, cause often you spend only a second or two in an area so the music cant even get going just to be cut off again.

    Also there is some grind in the game, I think grind is okay in some games but only if the grind itself doesnt feel totally meaningless. Here the game just excpects you to click the same things for 10 ingame days or so straight just to have enough money. No skill required, no reading required, just click the same things a bunch of time.

    Now to the positives which there are also quite a few:
    Models look good! Even if all background characters have very similar faces.
    Story is also intriguing so far.
    Music choice is good! (just needs to not be cut off at every transition point)

    So with more content and some quality of life changes this could be a great game! Whish all the best

    (also escape maybe shouldnt immediatly kill the game, instead maybe bring up a menu to save or return to main menu)