Opinion on adult horror/suspense games?

Would you be interested in playing an adult, psychological horror game?

  • Yes

    Votes: 250 98.0%
  • No

    Votes: 5 2.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
Game Developer
May 6, 2017
So in the last couple of days, I officially began working on a game for an idea I’ve been kicking around a while. A horror game. Now by horror, I’m not talking about the gory, violent type, but rather one that is more of a psychological horror. One that I hope will keep the player unnerved and on edge, throughout. Think Misery, but darker. Anyway, the reason I’ve made this thread, was because I’ve noticed that the horror genre of adult games seems to be pretty untapped. The overwhelming majority being much lighter slice of life’s, so to speak. Basically what I’m wondering is, do you think the inclusion of horror is counterintuitive to what people are looking for in adult games? Where most players might not be interested in experiencing something that induces both fear, and arousal? Would YOU be interested in a game like this?


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
The cover photo, the preview info and the preview pictures have to be VERY good at catching my attention for me to give it a chance or at least add it to the list. I like horror and psychological horror but in these games I prefer other things

Tranquil Rain

Jul 8, 2018
Well for me as long as you don't put jump scares that will make my dick retract inside me I don't really see a problem. Though horror is usually more plot heavy so I would recommend writing down most of the story ahead of time. And like the previous post said the preview images are very important, most people base whether or not to play off those or the tags


Jun 14, 2018
I like psychological horror so go for it if this is what you want to make but I personally fail to see how it can be pulled off right. You said it yourself that psychological horror games have to keep the players on edge so when the adult stuff kicks in either the players will still be too unnerved to care or the content will take them out of that state.


Game Developer
Jan 20, 2018
The horror genre may probably work for an adult game if you turn it into one of two things: light slasher ("Scream", "I know what you did last summer") or a gory meet-n-fuck adventure ("Hostel", "Turistas"). These movie examples have a proper balance of horror, suspense, and sexual tension in their scripts. Going along the route of the "Final Destination" series is a bad idea because the constant death/trauma factor kills all lewdness. I wouldn't go too deep with psychology as well. Lewd games are for relaxation and an easy time, not for existential thinking. Just my five cents! :cool:
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Active Member
Sep 11, 2017
Dark fantasy yes, horror rather no. For me as a non-immersive player, horror usually just doesn't work, meaning horror games fail to invoke any sort of fear in me. I'm still interested in stories about vampires, werewolves, Frankenstein monsters and other creatures usually associated with the horror genre. In most cases I find haunted castle more appealing than house in a modern day suburb and I don't mind the horror theme, though the horror psychology doesn't work for me.

There are some horror elements I would not want to see in porn game though:
Splatter: I don't mind a lot of bloodshed in regular games and can tolerate it in porn games, as long as it doesn't take take place in the same scene. I don't mind female protagonists killing characters UNSUCCESSFULLY attempting to rape them in the most bloody way though.
Necrophilia: Sex with the undead may be OK in certain circumstances, sex with the dead is not.
Transformation: I have no problem with mad scientists in horror, as long as they leave sexual organs where they are and don't create any sissified or futa monsters.

Deleted member 229118

Active Member
Oct 3, 2017
There are a few problems with horror games that are hard to avoid.

Stuff like the victem useally being a moron who doesnt call the police or simply walk faster then the slow moving zombie.
Likewise people like myself consider themself the bigger monster.
Which raise the question: Why dont we just kill it?
Because we cant?
Lame excuse.

The appeal of rape games too me is the risk of getting caught.
Feeling like a predator among's prey while trying to avoid the hunters(police).
The sex itself is meaningless.
It is all about the hunt.
Finding a prey, stalking it, waiting for the right moment to rape it.
All the while trying to avoid getting caught.

A good horror game would require a similar feeling.
The feeling of risk vs reward.
If there is no reward then the risk is never worth it.
Surviving is not a reward.
An other good example is hunting the hunter.
Someone is hunting you?
Time to turn that around.
Set up ambushes, sneak around, turn the hunter into the hunted.

Fate of irna has some nice horror elements.
The mind break dialog is well written.
I can almost imagine how it must feel like to have your entire personality rewritten as someone fuck toy.
Being total aware yet unable to stop it.
The fear slowly being replaced with joy.
Ofcourse i could never enjoy the victem perspective.
As i would kill the jackess for doing so.
And any game that forces me to do something like that ends up in the trash bin.
Good games give you a problem and tools and tell you: Go fix it.
Bad games need a walkthrough to find the right triggers.

There is this rape game with the complicated name immortal edition that i just cant enjoy because the mc rely on luck to find what he needs.
Luck shoud never be used if it can be avoided.
Or if used very sparely as too not derail the comptence of the mc.

So if you want to make a horror game you shoud ask yourself this:
What are the risk vs the rewards.

What are the rules i am working with(a common writter problem is ignoring established natural laws for the sake of a cool scene) for example: Ghost cant posses people wearing a cross.
Meaning that no mather how cool it would be to have the nun possesed aslong she is wearing a cross she wont be.
Bad writters forget about this golden rule.
Consistency mathers.
If the rules change on the writter's whim i just get bored.

What would be the logical outcome of this action.
For example: In a rape game i carefull try to avoid getting caught.
Sneaking in a house and tieing up the family members in there rooms is an option.
Sleeping pills so they dont wake when i am having my way with the victem is an option.
Observing there house and looking for a time the victem is alone and work within that time limet is an option.
Simply going inside and raping the daughter infront of the father without getting brutaly murdered or arrested is just bad writting.

In a corruption game i carefully balance my corruption between the victems and useally target the mother first to ensure her power of her childeren serve me.
Or meaby i bribe my sectery with a raise or blackmail her with jail.
Ofcourse as a rule the stuff you blackmail with must be worse then what you ask or it just look like a cheap shortcut.
A good example is hentai highschool+
The blackmail of samanta is you having evidence of her molesting a student.
You threaten to go too the police, offer her a way out by sucking you off once a week and slowly getting her used to that being part of her life.
This is the same samanta that if threaten about her having a second job as dominatrix is just laughting at your stupidty.
As there is nothing about her having a second job as dominatrix that would remotely damage her reputation as teacher or person.
A bad example would be having nude picture's of a girl and damning sex.
Even if you upload them the shame will last for what a week? A month at most before people will focus on the next thing.
Meanwhile your in jail for sexual harresment.

Long rant short.
I would love a proper adult, psychological horror game because is absolutly love mind games.
But it would be require it to be believeable.
Too many horror games require me to believe i wont just murder the idiot attacking me, walk into a haunted house or not call the cops when people start dieing.
If you want to make a proper horror game ask yourself: Risk vs reward.
Because if the risk isnt worth the reward i aint risking it.
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Feb 8, 2020
So in the last couple of days, I officially began working on a game for an idea I’ve been kicking around a while. A horror game. Now by horror, I’m not talking about the gory, violent type, but rather one that is more of a psychological horror. One that I hope will keep the player unnerved and on edge, throughout. Think Misery, but darker. Anyway, the reason I’ve made this thread, was because I’ve noticed that the horror genre of adult games seems to be pretty untapped. The overwhelming majority being much lighter slice of life’s, so to speak. Basically what I’m wondering is, do you think the inclusion of horror is counterintuitive to what people are looking for in adult games? Where most players might not be interested in experiencing something that induces both fear, and arousal? Would YOU be interested in a game like this?
What is the name of the game??


New Member
Nov 11, 2021
So in the last couple of days, I officially began working on a game for an idea I’ve been kicking around a while. A horror game. Now by horror, I’m not talking about the gory, violent type, but rather one that is more of a psychological horror. One that I hope will keep the player unnerved and on edge, throughout. Think Misery, but darker. Anyway, the reason I’ve made this thread, was because I’ve noticed that the horror genre of adult games seems to be pretty untapped. The overwhelming majority being much lighter slice of life’s, so to speak. Basically what I’m wondering is, do you think the inclusion of horror is counterintuitive to what people are looking for in adult games? Where most players might not be interested in experiencing something that induces both fear, and arousal? Would YOU be interested in a game like this?
Hey did you start on the game?? what's it called? I love the concept a lot. I actually found this place when I was looking for psychological horror porn games


Oct 18, 2018
Now by horror, I’m not talking about the gory, violent type, but rather one that is more of a psychological horror. One that I hope will keep the player unnerved and on edge, throughout. Think Misery, but darker.
That's psychological thrillers are one of my favorite genres for books and film.
If you can pull it off as an h-game effectively form I might even be tempted to read it. :D

Futa Bitch

New Member
Aug 20, 2022
Are you still working on the game or has it already been posted I am really looking for horror adult game it's 2022 is it finished or abandoned