Opinions on mind control games?


New Member
Jan 16, 2019
Personally, I prefer it when they have a more gradual corrupting form of control rather than a snap your fingers and you're done approach, like in the style of Snow Daze, Nano-control, or Bell Master .

I think that's also where hypnotism/mind-control's best stories come from. It allows us to peer into the psychology of a character or characters in a way you just can't in other stories and makes that intimate perspective important to the game-play. It, weirdly enough, makes you engage more with a character than the standard porn seduction plot normally does.

That's just my two cents though.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2018
Not the biggest fan of mind control honestly. Not a big fan of snaping your fingers either or fucking semi-unconscious girls. I prefer things when they are just like suggestion to make you think something you never thought before or an encouragement to do that thing the girl always wanted to do but never dared to do it like in Snow Daze, but the lighter those things are, the better for me, and at that point I don't think that could be called Mind Control anymore.


New Member
Jan 16, 2019
Not the biggest fan of mind control honestly. Not a big fan of snaping your fingers either or fucking semi-unconscious girls. I prefer things when they are just like suggestion to make you think something you never thought before or an encouragement to do that thing the girl always wanted to do but never dared to do it like in Snow Daze, but the lighter those things are, the better for me, and at that point I don't think that could be called Mind Control anymore.
Weirdly enough, what you just described is how hypnotism/suggestion is supposed to work IRL. In games it's more often treated as another magical mind control power, but in reality hypnotism subjects can end a suggestion with the slightest effort. It requires an intimate understanding of the target and some level of trust between participants, as the entire time the subject has to allow or in some way Want to follow the suggestion.

The real meat and potatoes isn't the control portion, it's the "Pavlovian Conditioning". An accepted suggestion will grow over time as long as you continuously reinforce it, which is useful in psychology because it can allow people to overcome traumas or change their mode of thinking. Snow Daze and Bell Master actually explore this pretty well.

That's also the portion I wish most games would use. The participants have to Consent to the hypnotism on some level, that's an amazing opportunity for character exploration, development and tense psychological plots with "devil's deal" type scenarios.
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