Unity - Abandoned - Orchid Rain Mission 07 [v0.9.1.1] [DorumekaGamedev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    An excellent homage to the arcade-y shooters of the Golden Eye era. The current version is a bit limited in terms of the available maps, but the core gameplay is already quite solid and its components were, at least for me, quite thrilling.

    Options exist for both non-lethal and lethal combat in most maps, though it can be quite hard to completely avoid any deaths. A dildo can be used on enemies taken down non-lethally, and they can be captured and "flipped" to either serve as your own agents or assigned to home base (where they're available for sex). There's some gore, but nothing too overtly cruel or disturbing (or crueler than what you'd see in a late 90s shooter; gibs, decapitations, and so on are depicted, but they're pretty cartoonish). Do note that if you do bring them on a mission, their deaths are permanent if you complete it (aborting or restarting prevents this from happening if you lose one of your favorites).

    The developer has unfortunately disappeared, but hopefully they're alright and will make a return at some point. I'll definitely be awaiting the day that I can throw some money at new builds.

    The sex animations and AI are pretty simple at the moment, but get the job done. The low number of available maps is the game's biggest hurdle to cross at the moment, and eventually the available sex positions can get a bit old. Hopefully more "tools" will become available to spice things up if the dev returns.

    One thing I'd really like to praise is the extensive modding documentation and the fan-produced maps that emerged from this effort. They're the best content that exist for the game right now, and I hope the community further blossoms.