Unity - Completed - Orgasm Simulator 3 [Final] [Pirates Of The Digital Sea]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Its pretty decent really, stories arent bad, sure you can see where each case will take you most of the times.
    I was kinda supprise how short the game is, i think there are 4 cases in total and thats it, pretty big size for so little content.
    The biggest problem is you dont really get much info about the game, you just start up without know anything, but atleast its easy enough to figure it out in a few minutes.

    There are only 2 girls/LIs and there is no need to build up any kind of relationship or romance, they both fuck MC almost at the start of the game, before ever getting any real points in the xp bar for the girls.

    The small mini games arent bad just boring in the long run, not really sure if the skill system thing has any effect in the game, i got both girl to max pretty easy.

    The mini game doing sex scenes are only annoying, you cant really enjoy watching it since you have to keep a pointer with in a moving bar, its easy but just boring to do.

    Animations are pretty good and videos as well, dident like the voice on the black haired one she sounds like a granny.

    music is decent as well.

    The reason i cant give more then 3 stars is that there are only 2 LIs, and you never leave the appartment, so there arent that much to see.