VN - Ren'Py - Our Red String [Ch. 12.3 FULL] [Eva Kiss]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    + interesing characters, all of them have different personalities
    + good music, especially during lewd scenes
    + simple story
    + plenty of choices and relationship combinations
    + perfect game for ntr fans - this content is well done here

    - 12 long chapters and cheating still don't have any consequences, it's high time to lock some of routes because of that
    - Ian is really boring MC, just a simple guy and nothing more. Axel or even Mike would be much better in this role. Lena is also not better, great replacement for her would be Ivy, who is much more interesting
    - open relationship between both MC's is poorly done, there is only one sharing scene (3some). Everything else is classic cheating and not sharing
    - for some magical reason game doesn't consider lesbian sex as cheating
    - romance it's not so good. I don't feel any real connection between characters, not to mention a good touching moments

    I expected much more from this avn, especially when it comes to open relationship stuff or nicely done throuple. 3 stars from me
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely leave reviews, but in this case I want to share this with you. (Written for version 12 Alpha)

    - Main characters: Having two main characters at first seemed like a very controversial decision to me, but as the game progressed it became really interesting! Each main character had an interesting story, and when switching over there was no feeling: “Damn, I’m back to a boring story again,” but rather like when watching an interesting series, where each episode ended in the most interesting place, and that’s cool!
    - Variability of solutions: Undoubtedly, this is one of the key features of the game. This game is missing a sign at the beginning that says, “Your decisions affect the story,” and that would be absolutely true. (unlike many other games). But this also has disadvantages, some decisions that affect the plot may be far from their result. So, playing on chapter 11, I could see the option blocked due to the fact that I made a different choice in chapter 3. Going back and going through everything again is not the best solution, but that is the reality.
    - Characters: Oh my god, it’s so wonderful to see beautiful main and secondary characters. Without gigantic and unnatural tits and dicks! Some games really lack this. So I would like to note that they are all well written and (often) interesting to listen to.
    - History: It exists and it doesn’t bother you. You are not initiated into some kind of global conspiracy or useful things, but this does not make it any worse, perhaps even better considering that now all the games around are “the main character is the center of the universe.”

    - Sex: It’s worth mentioning this point separately because many people are interested in it (for me too). I have rather contradictory thoughts on this matter, but let's take it in order. If we removed all the points above from the game and left only the sex scenes, then I would mark this point as “Bad”. Static pictures (occasionally moving) that are supported by text have never caused a storm of emotions in me, but considering them in the context of the story and specific characters, this can be quite good. Also, during intimate moments, we sometimes have access to some options that can change the scene a little, but only a little (which is sad). I would also like to note that all character customizations (piercings, for example) are displayed correctly during these scenes and this is truly cool! Overall, if you rate the game as a sex game, I would rate it 3/5, but that's only if you're playing it to jerk off.

    - Visual style: As I noted earlier, the game does have beautiful characters and backgrounds, but there is another side to it. The game looks more like Japanese novels, where when talking you see only a static picture of the characters (with changing emotions) and the background. In addition to sex scenes, the game has a couple of unique pictures for the situation, but you can count them on the finger of your hand. ALSO, I wanted to note that often in unique pictures the characters are only vaguely similar to themselves, I don’t know if I’m the only one with this problem, but throughout the game I was haunted by this situation. By the way, this is one of the reasons why I gave the sex scenes only 3 out of 5, because during a normal conversation with you there is one character, and during sex scenes it is completely different! At the moment I consider this the biggest problem of the game, but it’s unlikely that it will be fixed)

    What the game lacks: It certainly lacks a little more fetishes to reach a larger audience. I would like more work on the love lines! (although she is not bad anyway) For example (!! there may be spoilers further!!).
    It so happened that for Cindy’s love route, the main character must break up with Lena, but in return we get not exactly what I expected, namely several sex scenes, and that’s all... I didn’t leave the main character for this! I want more development of the character, and in light of the last chapters, it may be that she’s actually cheating on me with Axel...

    Let's sum it up.
    I will definitely continue to follow the game and play new updates, but not for the reason of 18+ content, at the moment I am interested in the story and character development, as well as variability. I hope the author continues to create interesting moments and reveal more characters.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Another great game by Eva Kiss. Art is much better when compared to their last game. The story is just as great as GGGB and has about as many routes as it did. Have played it countless times already and it is not even completed.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    I have tried playing it repeated times. People seem to love it. I loved GGGB, the previous game from Evakiss. This one... feels boring and vanilla. It lacks a hook other than "sex". The art is ok but nothing incredible, the writing is plain and simple.

    The author is trying to create a sitcom parody here, almost as sanitized as the real sitcomes.

    Don't get me wrong, this is a competently made game with a lot of ambition in some areas, if you like sandbox style games you'll probably like this, just be a little patient about.

    But when compared with other similar games, it lacks that spice.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    On the way to become one of (if not THE) best dating sims ever created. Everything is so well done here, you can tell the people behind are very experienced.
    I can only congratulate over and over again. Launch this bad boy on steam and collect your very well earned revenue.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Not as great as GGGB but a very good game with a good story and won't say complex characters but they're not dumb either like most of the adult games...

    NTR is optional, so that's good, drawing style is also great but evakiss is very slow in progressing the story, that's the only major con and reason for 4 star review. Or else it deserves 5 stars
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Our Red String [Ch. 12 Prologue Full]

    + Intricate connection between characters
    + Two unique characters perspectives to view events from
    + Story narrative can be shaped and controlled from two sides
    + Choices actually matter and change many events and character development, personality, and looks
    + A lot of content, many possible paths and ways to play the game
    + Dialogue and story is well written

    - Art style might not be for everyone
    - Art consistency feels off at times

    This game was a bit of a surprise to me. The art style wasn't necessarily what I prefer, and yet the game grew on me the further and further I went into it. I now have two completely different playthroughs and have a third one planned.

    Without spoiling the game too much, the game allows you to see the story unfold from two different perspectives and shape the story and character development from both sides. You can even affect or influence how a character changes their looks and corrupt their personality and see it unfold from the other protagonist's perspective, for example.

    You can do a fairly faithful, vanilla run through where you try to be a positive influence to your friends and the community. Or you can corrupt everything including both protagonists, or have one side corrupt and one side good, or vice versa. The possibilities seem quite limitless!

    The game is unique in how you can control the narrative from two different angles and the story and dialogue are all well planned and written. Worth checking out even if the art style might not necessarily be for you. Give it a shot!

    Overall Rating: 9.0/10
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Dive into the allure of Eva Kiss with their mesmerizing artwork. Your choices carve unique paths, offering an array of endings and surprises. However, the protagonists' chemistry feels lacking, hinting at missed connections. Despite this, the journey promises endless excitement and intrigue as many of the supporting characters are well written.

    Favorite game on here
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an incredibly well-designed game, with lots of great visuals, attractive characters, and multiple branching paths. It is evident that the developer has learned and grown a lot since her previous game, Good Girl Gone Bad.
    The writing has improved as well, and every character comes across as fully realized and three-dimensional (even Stan). The player is also given a of freedom to shape the events of the story, which makes it much more fun to play.
    Although the game's not finished yet, it is clear that the developer knows where everything is going, and I have no doubts that she'll stick the landing. This game is a "must" for fans of VNs, with lots of sexual content and hot scenes.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    At first, probably like many others I was skeptical about the whole multiple protagonist thing, but after completing chapter 12 prologue I was blown away about how well written this was.

    Although some characters may fit a trope/stereotype, when you progress the game, you begin to notice how they are pretty fleshed out. For example Jeremy seems like your typical gym bro gottta-fuck-em-all kinda character, and would betray you ntr style in a heartbeat, he ended up (at least in my playthrough) a decent guy who respects your boundaries.

    The whole aspect of two mc's was a fun balancing act as your actions with one mc directly affects the other, even in choices you think would not matter to the other (career choice etc..).

    The art style is also consistent throughout the entire playthrough, which is extremely commendable, especially with the game having so many different variables.

    The only negatives I have is the combat was a bit ambiguous, but I get that it's not really a significant part of the game. The other negative is for those who want a power fantasy type game (which there are already plenty of) and it is super dialogue heavy (which is a good thing imo).

    TLDR; Give the game a go if you like meaningful decisions and heavy dialogue.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game stands out as refreshingly grounded amidst the array of titles on this site, and I attribute much of its authenticity to the fact that it's created by a woman. This aspect influences both the game's strengths and weaknesses, in my opinion.

    While some characters, like the parents and coffee shop owners, seem somewhat extraneous to the narrative, the game's consistent setting and repetitive club visits across chapters are its most glaring flaws.

    Although the adult scenes are engaging, they tend to blend together after a few chapters, lacking distinctiveness. Introducing a new approach, perhaps through animation, could inject some much-needed variety.

    Despite these criticisms and the game's slow production pace, it remains one of the finest adult games available.

    Furthermore, I find myself yearning for the inclusion of more sizable black characters, as the allure of a significant size difference adds an intriguing dynamic to the protagonist's experiences. Incorporating such characters could enhance both the diversity and the appeal of the game's narrative.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    I think Eva Kiss does great work, and this is just feedback. I think the art here is real step up from GGGB, everyone looks great, the ui is great. The cast of characters are all likeable, are all people you want to see in different sex situations, and it all really does feel like a modern soap opera. The game is ambitious in its structure, and it pulls it off.

    One area I would think about more is how to get the two main characters into more conflict, into more difficult decisions. I know there is a vast web of branching going on and that makes the writing difficult, but the game starts out with a lot of anticipation with how these characters' stories are going to intertwine, and then proceeds with a really interesting way to introduce their lives, but they do start to feel more passive as the game goes on.

    Part of this is because there is some tension between the character-driven realism that the story is going for and the need to get characters into semi-kinky sex situations. The characters are well written and fleshed out, but player agency isn't so much about roleplaying as much as moving pieces around to see what fits together. This leads to some dissonant moments or moments that are less dramatic and more just functional.

    Without spoiling anything, I want to say that, for example, both Lena and Ian have work plotlines that are kind of telegraphed up front. But because those paths are so early and are concurrent with so much other story, when going down those paths their personalities have to stay the same, which makes their actions in those situations feel out of character.

    This might be something I just didn't notice in GGGB because in fifty or however many play throughs I did of that game, it always felt like an issue of more or less. That game was a tour de force, it was downhill momentum all the way, you just steered to make it more or less rocky (slutty).

    Here, there's time and space for conversations with parents, for innocent first dates, hangouts with friends. And within those things you can feel how decisions do matter. The game feels big. But there's not enough room within the characters themselves to pull those things together with the other choices in the game.

    I know there is a way to play this game where these things don't matter so much, where the characters stay more consistent, but that really takes a lot of play out of the game. You want to be able to explore the boundaries of the system without breaking it.

    This is why I suggest having more points of conflict for the characters. Events that are big enough to push them so that the player can see their personality change more or will at least be disrupting enough that out-of-character choices would make more sense. I think just a few things here and there can really tie everything together, so to speak.

    But, of course, as always, mad respect to Eva Kiss for putting a lot of thought into this genre, and really making a difficult story structure work.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing! Beautiful! Awe-inspiring work! This game messed me up emotionally.

    The characters a sense. No 2D personality. Each had their own likes and dislikes.

    The story was intriguing. It pulled me in and refused to let me go.

    The normal route was heartwarming. How the MCs came together after escaping a painful past.

    The not so normal route however, the way the past kept rearing it's ugly head and trapping the MCs was tragically heartbreaking.

    This actually made me feel the love and the pain of the characters almost on a personal level.

    I haven't felt so much conflicting emotions swirling within me in a long....long time. Kudos to you Eva Kiss. You made me melancholic despite having nothing in my life to be melancholic for.

    Overall. An excellent VN that really doesn't need much in the way of improvements. A solid 9/10.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Varied and interesting characters, consistently excellent writing, and fairly regular updates. Caters to a lot of different fetishes as well but in a fairly telegraphed and tasteful way which is really appreciated.

    There is a LOT of writing in this one though so make sure you are into that when starting. Playthroughs can a while even when fast forwarding, which is a little frustrating when you just want to see all the different paths

    Overall a fantastic game and one of the best on this site
  15. 3.00 star(s)

    Penetrator God

    Although the gameplay was a bit too slow for my taste, I managed to keep up with it because the story was gripping. However, I was a bit disappointed when I finally got the first sex scene in the game after all the hours I had spent.

    I had taken my time, passing up many opportunities to have sex so that I could better understand the story and characters up to this point. But what I got in the end didn't live up to my expectations with all the boring filler dialog I had to read.

    Despite the game's interesting and good looking drawings, the sex scenes were not animated. They are just ordinary pictures with a few frames repeating each other. It's not just that the sex scenes are unsatisfying, the gameplay and locations can be too repetitive.

    The overall gameplay is already made up of images with still backgrounds and I don't expect all of them to be animated, but at least the most important parts, the sex scenes, need to be worked on and detailed more. Because this is the part where all the dialogs the player reads and the choices they make throughout the game pay off.

    So I don't know if I'll be able to play the game to the end and finish it, but for me this is a problem that makes me give up on this kind of games. I won't give it a very low rating though. As I said, it has a gripping story.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game. Rather text heavy and it takes a while before anything spicy starts to happen, but the writing is great (probably the best I've seen in adult games so far).

    You have two main protagonists (male and female) and you jump between them. Not sure I like it that much, but it is what it is. Also, main protagonists are major romantic interests for each other, so you kinda date yourself in a way?

    Solid gameplay (branching story, choices and stats that matter). Good visuals. Great H-scenes and a very good gallery, that not only has all the dialogs, but also lets you adjust different variables set by previous choices.

    Overall ORS is a high quality game and feels very polished.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    The story gives you many of options to play around with. Depending on what you choose, like which LI to go after or how you handle relationships (whether you're all in, open, or cheating), the plot takes different turns. You get to control both main characters, so you can shape the story to fit your style and decide where it goes. This cool feature makes you want to play again to see what other paths you can take, like going after a different character or trying out other scenarios. There are many combinations to try, like totally changing Lena's vibe, which adds a whole new layer of fun to the game.

    If you go for a romantic gameplay style, the game might feel a bit boring and shorter, with fewer sex scenes. But if you go for a more wild and naughty gameplay style, it turns into a crazy party, especially if you're hooking up with everyone. Lena really stands out as a character with some serious kinks, which is a fun contrast to Ian's more laid-back attitude. The characters and their relationships are portrayed realistically, focusing on Ian and Lena. Their story is complicated, with themes of love, heartbreak, and a phase of trying new things in their lives.

    I just finished all 11 chapters and the prologue of chapter 12, and now I can't wait for more of this adult visual novel. (By the way, Cindy is my fav character, and I'm really hoping for some more romance with Ian in the future updates!)
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    one of the best games in the making, not only the art is one of the best 2D out there, from the recognized developer of "good girl gone bad" the story makes you play as 2 main characters, with tons of secondary characters, with good writing and great H-scenes
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Even better than EvaKiss' previous game in every department, especially on the renders and drawings which are far more detailed and realistic than the previous game.

    Will be watching this game's development with keen interest as it's incredibly unique and now has you playing both a MMC and a FMC that can be each others' LIs if they both choose.

    You can have one of them be bad while the other is good, or have them both be bad or both be good. Incredibly unique and a must-try, especially for fans of GGGB.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Just finished and I am in love with this game both the art work and the characters Eva kiss has outdone them selves with this entry into their universe (I assume in same continuity as gggb cause of Jess and jack) .

    Not only do the characters feel real but I also like how decisions have consequences in relationships not just if you can have sex with them or not and when the sex scenes do happen they are a work of art they are beautifully drawn and animated and I can't wait for future updates and to see how this story ends.