| Vee |

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Unfortunately you show with this post that you have zero inkling what my discussion points are! If there is incest or not between Lena and Seymour is inconsequential for the main point.
Seymour is a very successful and connected businessman. It would be no problem for him to find/hire top- and supermodels for his photo hobby, BUT he chooses Lena, a rather unknown, relatively fresh model. He is very much simping over her, helping and favouring her on most paths. He is doing more for her than most of her family ever did.
Why would a shrewd businessman do that? There are only two options: Seymours sees in Lena the daughter he never had or she really is his daughter.

I once again mention the fallacy of your construct. Photos do not have to be the correct ones, esp. when showing them to a small child. Even if the photos are correct, people change and some persons change more than others. A beard or not, a different hairstyle is often enough to throw peoples perceptions off!
I don't think Seymour will be Lena's father but he may have dated Lena's mom. Let's call it a hunch. That homeless old man have more chances to be Lena's father as Seymour knew him and was surprised when he saw him in that homeless state. I believe Seymour, Lena's mom, Homeless guy might have been friends or from same school type shit.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2020
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?

Admittedly, it's been some years since I was heterosexually active, but in my experience usually those that referred to themselves or other men they knew as "alpha" unironically, were usually anything but. Maybe it's the tiny neglected feminist inside me screaming out for mercy, but that line Lena gives Jack when agreeing to fuck; "I can't wait to feel that alpha-male cock inside me," makes me cringe something fierce.

| Vee |

Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?

Admittedly, it's been some years since I was heterosexually active, but in my experience usually those that referred to themselves or other men they knew as "alpha" unironically, were usually anything but. Maybe it's the tiny neglected feminist inside me screaming out for mercy, but that line Lena gives Jack when agreeing to fuck; "I can't wait to feel that alpha-male cock inside me," makes me cringe something fierce.
It's for fictional purpose. And I share your sentiment. Hearing that I'm strong while I lift her is something which can be a turn on but this type of thing is just shit and don't matter how "alpha" anyone is he don't need to hear himself or anyone telling him he is alpha but rather someone who hold power over other's or physical strength. otherwise pointless. And I agree if I ever here shit like this while I'm going at her I swear it's an instant mood kill "shrugs":rolleyes:.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
I once again mention the fallacy of your construct. Photos do not have to be the correct ones, esp. when showing them to a small child. Even if the photos are correct, people change and some persons change more than others. A beard or not, a different hairstyle is often enough to throw peoples perceptions off!
Occam's razor. The argument against goes far beyond the photos but you keep talking in circles ignoring those other points already refuted too. Waste of your time and mine. Believe what you want though, I guess. I don't have the energy.
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Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
I don't think Seymour will be Lena's father but he may have dated Lena's mom. Let's call it a hunch. That homeless old man have more chances to be Lena's father as Seymour knew him and was surprised when he saw him in that homeless state. I believe Seymour, Lena's mom, Homeless guy might have been friends or from same school type shit.
Been putting my money on all that or something like it. Yeah.
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Mar 4, 2022
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?

Admittedly, it's been some years since I was heterosexually active, but in my experience usually those that referred to themselves or other men they knew as "alpha" unironically, were usually anything but. Maybe it's the tiny neglected feminist inside me screaming out for mercy, but that line Lena gives Jack when agreeing to fuck; "I can't wait to feel that alpha-male cock inside me," makes me cringe something fierce.
I ain't seen 'alpha' used unironically by men anywhere beyond the 'manophere'. And the manosphere is a compound of extremely fringe groups and their presence is magnified by the internet.

As for women, the only women I've seen use the word 'alpha' or 'beta' to describe men are fetish content creators... Women catering to submissive men's fantasies. So it's mostly roleplay to make a dude's dick tingle. EK is a fetish content creator.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?

Admittedly, it's been some years since I was heterosexually active, but in my experience usually those that referred to themselves or other men they knew as "alpha" unironically, were usually anything but. Maybe it's the tiny neglected feminist inside me screaming out for mercy, but that line Lena gives Jack when agreeing to fuck; "I can't wait to feel that alpha-male cock inside me," makes me cringe something fierce.
I don't think I'm alone in getting a twitch from being told how big it is. Regardless of if true, I'm sure most guys are suckers for that sort of flattery, intentional or not. "Alpha" though... nah. It sounds as bad as "Oh god! You're such a chad!" Who says that or even fantasizes about it? I think that's just some severely-online lingo creeping into a writer's head that doesn't exist IRL. Honestly not sure if I'd laugh, ignore or just get instantly turned-off by the weirdness of it. Probably depends on how it was said. But no. Not a turn-on.

It seems like a misguided line someone wrote to please what they imagine someone else's fantasy might be, which doesn't actually turn on the writer themselves.
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May 30, 2020
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?

Admittedly, it's been some years since I was heterosexually active, but in my experience usually those that referred to themselves or other men they knew as "alpha" unironically, were usually anything but. Maybe it's the tiny neglected feminist inside me screaming out for mercy, but that line Lena gives Jack when agreeing to fuck; "I can't wait to feel that alpha-male cock inside me," makes me cringe something fierce.
Well to me, if I ever get called an "alpha male" it would be a total mood killer... Because the only instance I can remember where "alpha male" was used was in the "Team Alpha Male" from MMA/UFC and they were 99% men, so 1000% thats not what I want to think in that scenario :HideThePain::HideThePain:.

Its true that I would say I have a preference to women who are more on the vocal and reactive side, but its more of a spontaneous dirty talk/reactions that does it for me... The line "alpha male" just screams like something she saw somewhere or practiced on the mirror if you know what I mean :unsure:.
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Oct 28, 2019
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?

Admittedly, it's been some years since I was heterosexually active, but in my experience usually those that referred to themselves or other men they knew as "alpha" unironically, were usually anything but. Maybe it's the tiny neglected feminist inside me screaming out for mercy, but that line Lena gives Jack when agreeing to fuck; "I can't wait to feel that alpha-male cock inside me," makes me cringe something fierce.
I don't think I've ever heard a woman IRL say "alpha male" in any context. It would sound weird to me even in a porn movie. I can get the intention of the author, a girl being vocally dirty can be a turn on, but the wording is totally off.
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Oct 28, 2019
Unfortunately you show with this post that you have zero inkling what my discussion points are! If there is incest or not between Lena and Seymour is inconsequential for the main point.
Seymour is a very successful and connected businessman. It would be no problem for him to find/hire top- and supermodels for his photo hobby, BUT he chooses Lena, a rather unknown, relatively fresh model. He is very much simping over her, helping and favouring her on most paths. He is doing more for her than most of her family ever did.
Why would a shrewd businessman do that? There are only two options: Seymours sees in Lena the daughter he never had or she really is his daughter.
If you think that Seymour treats Lena as a daughter, I don't know what to tell you. He barely treats her as a human being.


Nov 20, 2021
It is not(!) proven in the game that Seymour isn´t Lena´s father!
True. But also: Nothing indicates that he is. I can perfectly live with the idea that Seymour finds the smart and good looking Lena attractive enough to use her as his favourite plaything. Just like that. And who knows? Lena might not be the only one...

Maybe that's the loophole Eva is going for. Seymour isn't touching Lena at any point.
Seymour so far never touched Lene in a sexual way
I really wouldn't call Seymour's treatment of Lena "non-sexual". That girl squirted in front of him stimulated by a device he actively controlled. If you shoot someone with a gun you will have a hard time claiming that you're totally innocent since you never actually touched him.

Seymour's approach may be strange but I have seen much worse. He seems to have a knack for the beauty of a young female body in heat. And for photography. And he pays well. I just don't know how he will react if Lena keeps violating his exclusiveness condition...


Nov 20, 2021
He barely treats her as a human being.
I don't agree. On the contrary Seymour is a perfect gentleman. He treats Lena with great respect and admires everything about her. There is not the slightest amount of humiliation as we have seen it with Arthur and Ashley in GGGB. All they do is consensual, Lena is just as eager to please and tease Seymour as he is vice versa.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Lena's mum behaviour related to Axel and giving the money Lena sends to her junkie brother (knowing that Lena would totally disapprove) it's pretty shitty. It's specially bad because Lena is barely financially surviving herself. I think that's fact, the rest I agree with you.
Yeah, the Axel thing wasn't great either, since it's basically ignoring Lena's feelings in this matter. Although i can sort of accept the explanation/apology her mom does about it later in the game. Still, it's one of the things that contribute to their relationship being not great.


Engaged Member
Jan 25, 2021
It's pretty weird to me that people are acting as if a guy having hots for MC in the game is somehow "bizarre", when the rest of the cast also has hots for her and yet that is treated as completely natural (because it is) Lena isn't dime-a-dozen, she's the story protagonist which is enough of a pull to be the center of attention. The heroine of Pretty Woman was also a regular dime-a-dozen hooker, didn't prevent the movie from getting done, and without reaching for some weird obsession to explain it.

Sometimes a former rich guy ruined by another rich guy, showing up in the story to serve as cautionary tale, is just a regular bum. Without any melodrama.
Having the hots for a hot chick isn't bizarre. It's the length that Seymour - a powerful man who can have upwards of a billion dollars - goes in his obsession of this one that needs to be explained. No one's saying very attractive women are a dime-a-dozen regularly. But he's got the sort of power to have his pick. I wanted to believe in the first 6 chapters that this was a ruse, that Lena was made up to feel so special and important, only to find out she's nothing special at all and that Seymour has a long history of building up and then destroying select confident and attractive young women, maybe to satiate some deep wound in himself. Since I think it's better writing. But based on the lengths that Seymour has gone for this one girl, that doesn't seem likely anymore. It's too much without another connection. And based on the sometimes predictable way that Eva writes, Seymour (though not the dad) previously pining for Lena's mom seems a likely option, given relative age and some exposition in the text.

"But he's got the power to have his pick!" 'Aha! So that's what drives him even more to have what he ca-' No. Preemptively anticipating that response. But it just doesn't make sense with the flow or in the things Eva has added up to this point. Again, I wish that were the case earlier. But his persistence and several text developments beyond Chapter 7 just make it seem unlikely. I think he would've gone for a different approach before now if she was just some random obsession to win.
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
The beach party reminds me of Tyrone one from gggb I hope horny lena won't jump on every male she sees there
Realistically, she will do what the player chooses. I imagine between Billy and Ivy there's a decent chance for optional drugs as well, so things can get out of hand even for more restrained Lena. (though, again, if the players opts so)


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2020
It's for fictional purpose. And I share your sentiment. Hearing that I'm strong while I lift her is something which can be a turn on but this type of thing is just shit and don't matter how "alpha" anyone is he don't need to hear himself or anyone telling him he is alpha but rather someone who hold power over other's or physical strength. otherwise pointless. And I agree if I ever here shit like this while I'm going at her I swear it's an instant mood kill "shrugs":rolleyes:.
For sure. I've never been a natural submissive myself, but part of the turn on for me with both men and women are their distinguishing physical traits. So, when a man has had the strength to endure fucking while carrying my weight by himself, that has been a turn on for me as well.
As for women, the only women I've seen use the word 'alpha' or 'beta' to describe men are fetish content creators... Women catering to submissive men's fantasies. So it's mostly roleplay to make a dude's dick tingle. EK is a fetish content creator.
True enough. I guess it was just a bit more on the nose than what I'm used to with ORS. Since I dislike most of the Lena/Male options in this game, Jack is the first catch-free (it seems) option so far and in a way getting that scene is kinda like going from 0 to 100 after a playthrough of tender Holly scenes and Lena-dom scenes with Louise. I guess that's just a casualty of playing that particular way.
It seems like a misguided line someone wrote to please what they imagine someone else's fantasy might be, which doesn't actually turn on the writer themselves.
That was what I felt like, heh. I almost wanted to reach out and strangle Lena. :ROFLMAO:
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Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Having the hots for a hot chick isn't bizarre. It's the length that Seymour - a powerful man who can have upwards of a billion dollars - goes in his obsession of this one that needs to be explained.
I honestly don't think there's anything special in Seymour's actions. He's got some basic dates with Lena and then does slightly more sophisticated version of taking role of her master, seducing her into becoming his pet with promises of wealth, influence and pleasure. Like, i don't think he'd do it any different if it was any other girl than Lena, either. It's just a rich guy getting his 50 shades of grey on.

"Oh but he could have some supermodel instead!" Yes, he could, but so what? That he's picked this girl instead, that's not some particular obsession but simply a choice. He was looking for a hot girl with some smarts and open to mental manipulation. Lena happens to tick all these boxes to a sufficient degree to catch his attention, so he went for her. One likes what they like.


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2023
Realistically, she will do what the player chooses. I imagine between Billy and Ivy there's a decent chance for optional drugs as well, so things can get out of hand even for more restrained Lena. (though, again, if the players opts so)
There isn't an addiction mechanic in this game is there? Like I know that Ian can get labeled stoner for smoking weed twice, but we haven't seen any flags beyond that for taking drugs?

Either way though I suspect that if drugs are involved with Billy's photoshoot, and Lena has taken MDMA twice, that she probably won't have the option to say no, even if she has a will point. Perhaps if other drugs are involved she can turn those down. I'd be interested to see another scene with Emma offering Lena drugs, just without the easter egg game crash sequence.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Finally had time to play the beta and see Jack's scene properly. I have to ask something of the men here, do you find it hot being called "alpha male" directly during sex?
This is probably not the best circle of folks to ask about sex experience :sneaky:

I kid, i kid. My impression of the "alpha male" and the others like that are quite similar to yours. That said, there is also some outliers who would use such term unironically and actually fit these preconceptions, so, leaving the toxicity of it aside, i can sort-of see it working when it comes to Lena (with her submissive streak) and Jack (with his unashamed ego) If i squint a lot.
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