
Forum Fanatic
Jun 23, 2017
There are so many terrible characters in the game, main villain is not part of the who is the worst discussion. :LOL:
That is quite understandable if you play the game a couple times to see most of the things happening and how the various characters are.
Simply told, for all his faults, Seymour, the supposed main villain, is quite a decent guy compared to many others in the game. At no time he had an obligation to help Lena´s mom getting into a good hospital and paying for it. Still he did, while there might be an ulterior motive in scoring brownie points with Lena when their relations are not well, this falls flat on the paths where Lena and Seymour already have good relations at that point. Even at max relations Lena-Seymour, he pays for the hospital without blinking an eyelid. That is not a coldly calculated move by Seymour at that point in the game.

Like some other players I learned to dislike him over the run of the game passionately! Stan is a saint on the obnoxious scale compared to Perry. Stan you can understand and sympathize with. Stan´s biggest problem are his nearly non-existant social skills, since he was mobbed from childhood and kept to himself as a reaction. He knows this and tries, but normally fails, at getting better in social situations. Most of Stan´s problems would vanish with a couple good friends helping him. Because when Lena talks friendly with him and he opens up a bit you can see that he is a rather decent guy whose social problems are a millstone around his neck.
Perry on the other hand has lots of options (even with his stutter) and a couple good friends, but despite this his character has some appalling flaws he seems to revel in up to a point. Since I learned to dislike Perry over the run of the game and I dislked Emma nearly from the get go, my Ian is actively trying to couple Emma and Perry up. They deserve each other! And as a second bonus they are out of the way then.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Right, but now you're also just presuming those things prove your view aren't you which is what you don't seem to want to grasp here.
I think we're going in circles at this point. My stance is that given the lack of proof for Perry's supposed complete selfishness it's reasonable to believe his apparent concern for his friend is at least partially genuine. What you consider to be my presumption is what we can actually see in the game, vs your presumption (Perry's complete selfishness) which we can't observe.

At the risk of invoking a meme "we're not the same".


Active Member
Nov 9, 2022
Did you play the update yet?
Theres a big Seymour spoiler you are missing.
No, it's debunked by the game itself, which is the reason the post you're responding to had :Kappa:in the spoiler.
Xupu: I was just joking. I did not play the update yet. Before I noticed the update I coincidentally started a new game with URM to try and get the Ian cuckold route. Thank you for telling me there is a Seymour update without spoiling it....though i am getting a hint it is not what I am hoping for.
Ffive: I did not understand the icon in the spoiler. I just exaggerated Xupu's conjecture into absurdity as a jest. Still these games are trees which spread in both depth and breadth so anything is possible in the future. Leave me to my blissful hallucinations.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Now I am curious....but school rears its head...I am behind....it will have to wait until the end of the week.
If your curiosity gets the better of you: Seymour is requesting Lena to join him on a few days long business trip, next week in the game. I've joked earlier that it'd be obviously trip to Dubai.


Aug 27, 2019
I think we're going in circles at this point. My stance is that given the lack of proof for Perry's supposed complete selfishness it's reasonable to believe his apparent concern for his friend is at least partially genuine. What you consider to be my presumption is what we can actually see in the game, vs your presumption (Perry's complete selfishness) which we can't observe.

At the risk of invoking a meme "we're not the same".
Lol, so now you've gone from acknowledging the scenes I mentioned but having your own view on them to now simply denying they exist because you effectively don't want to acknowledge you're inferring just as much as I am but with a different end result.

You're right, we're not the same... it's just not in the way you think.
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Jul 7, 2017
I guess you never heard about wattpad or such apps? Characters like Axel and Seymour will look like saints if you compare them to characters in those books and mind you, majority of writers in there are women.
Actually, the majority of writers on wattpad are young girls hence the cringe writing.


Mar 10, 2019
If your curiosity gets the better of you: Seymour is requesting Lena to join him on a few days long business trip, next week in the game. I've joked earlier that it'd be obviously trip to Dubai.
Wishful thinking, my man. But in any case "next week" means Chapter 13, i.e. release not this year.


Oct 28, 2019
I think we're going in circles at this point. My stance is that given the lack of proof for Perry's supposed complete selfishness it's reasonable to believe his apparent concern for his friend is at least partially genuine. What you consider to be my presumption is what we can actually see in the game, vs your presumption (Perry's complete selfishness) which we can't observe.

At the risk of invoking a meme "we're not the same".
Can't it be both?. Most times people have more than one motivation behind their behaviour. I agree with Perry being sincerely relieved about Wade not having remaining issues from a bad trip. That's not even specially selfless, it's quite the standard reaction unless you really hate the other guy or you're a sociopath. And probably he is also happy for more selfish reasons, both can be true.

Imagine that your gf has a car accident and she's relatively okay with only some minor injuries. You will be happy for her own wellbeing but also, probably to a smaller degree, happy because you are not losing her and going to be alone.


Forum Fanatic
Jun 19, 2022
Can't it be both?. Most times people have more than one motivation behind their behaviour.
Yes, obviously, which is why i said "it's reasonable to believe his apparent concern for his friend is at least partially genuine." Meaning it could well be a combination of two sentiments, as opposed to being entirely selfish.
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Jul 7, 2017
Also I kind of just realized that Eva seems to have a strong opinion on how often women really love to feel dominated during sex even if they don't really give that vibe before the fact. It came to me with Emma's scenes but it is a predominant theme on Lena's story and something also shared by Cherry, Alison and Louise. So far only Holly and Cindy are not clearly showing this and in Holly's case it feels more related to her almost being a virgin, while it seems pretty likely that Axel will show us that Cindy also really likes it despite appearances.

Now, I'm not complaining as even if I'm not into BDSM myself is also a kink I share women being made submissive during sex by a strong man. But while I don't think that women loving it is that uncommon, I also don't think that all women love it (secretly or openly).
If I had a guy like Henry Cavill, there is no way I wouldn't be submissive to him, so she's right.
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