Ever since I discovered my first adult VN about two years ago I've been completely addicted to them. I've played hundreds. Some good some not so good and most of them just terrible. This is one of the good ones, and quite possibly the best VN I have played. It has everything you could want in a mostly vanilla VN minus animations. The art and writing is amazing, the characters for the most part are excellent, the sound and music is great and the erotic scenes are fantastic. Much like EvaKiss' first VN Good girl gone bad there are a ton of choices to make that all have meaningful consequences that drastically change the story which gives it a ton of replayability. The game so far as of writing this is quite long and I have never felt like skipping through any dialog even once which is rare for me. Something else I can say about the characters and writing that stuck out to me that I didn't realize until after playing through the game so far is that in most VN' that I've played I usually make choices that corrupt the main female character or MC the most in an attempt to make them as ruined and slutty, corrupt etc as possible. I didn't do that in this one because I actually cared about the characters and what was happening to them. This is because they seem like real people that I can relate to. The art and dialog capture emotions and fears and humanity in a way that no other VN can do from what I've seen so far. I genuinely cared for Ian, Lena and some of the other characters and I wanted the best for them.
To sum it all up, this VN is a masterclass and should not be missed by anyone that appreciates excellent writing, characters and art.
To sum it all up, this VN is a masterclass and should not be missed by anyone that appreciates excellent writing, characters and art.