RPGM - Completed - Ouroboros [v2.1] [Sierra Lee]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game doesn't really feel like a porn game at all lol. It's suprisingly well written to be one and the combat system is good, one of the few RPGMs that let you skip the battle a little and the UI is good looking. Story is so good that the porn just feels shoved into there for the sake of it
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    A strange game in RPGM yet made me feel like reading a novel.
    A strange and convoluted story yet made me want to know more.
    A strange art based on default RPGM assets yet hand drawn.
    A strange sex scenes that made me aroused yet not horny.
    A very, very strange game yet... it was very, very fun.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Going to be honest: I picked up and played this game years ago on a complete whim just because I liked the title. One of the best decisions I ever made.

    I came for the porn but stayed for the story and hilarious characters. To date, one of the best little experiences I've had. Maybe thats just because it came so out of left field for me. This game has no right to be so well written.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I have to say, Sierra Lee's games feature some of the best writing I have seen on this site, and this game is no different. The time loop story is pretty interesting, the main characters and their interactions are pretty memorable, and the game manages to integrate some funny humor into the serious story. The game also shows an attention to the small, fun, details like characters' reactions to events changing over time and loops. And gradually you are provided tools to skip the sections of the time loop that one may find repetitive after awhile (such as the dungeons).

    The game also neither drags nor feels too short. My 100% playthrough took me just over 8 hours.

    The music has been chosen well and fits the scenes, and the CG is ok, although, as expected of the author, the focus is clearly on the quality of the story not on the quality of the drawings.

    Overall, I definitely recommend this game. It is pretty good and is a hidden gem for sure, and I hope for a sequel :).
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    //Start as a typical boring hero-type thing. This thing starts stupid as a rock, but will he remain so? :giggle::coffee:
    \\Jump mechanic. Can jump over obstacles and find different ways to get to things and places.
    //Cycles. Will you cycle along, or will you break the wheel?
    \\Puzzle-esque. I see this game as a slightly elaborate puzzle box with rpg elements.

    //Standard rpgm.
    \\While in combat, can hold shift to speed up the animation.
    //No exp or leveling.
    \\Avoid all trash mobs if you can, they give you nothing. Bosses can be somewhat useful though, drop-wise.
    //There will be less trash mobs annoying you, later in the game. :giggle::coffee:
    \\Success in combat pretty much entirely depends on your gear. Go find some.

    \\Medium quality art.
    //One static picture per-scene.
    \\No facial expression variety in sex scenes.
    //Few scenes and it's gonna take a while to get to them.

    //Standard rpgm ambient and other sounds.
    \\Sound settings available.
    //No sex sound.
    \\Not voiced.

    *Quality of English.
    Good: 8/10

    \\Gold is not important, it's where you put it that's important.
    //You can find the tablet on the second cycle, like i did.
    \\Check everything. Seemingly irrelevant things can unlock some pretty relevant things.
    //Some things may need double-triple-etc check.
    \\F4 to change window size, F5 to reset the game.
    //You're not in a rush are you? So enjoy cycling for a bit, if you want.
    \\Potential secrets. Some places that looked ordinary before, can start looking not-quite-ordinary later on.
    //Trash mobs in certain unusual places later in the game may start dropping something useful.

    No this is not a game you "play" while tugging on your PP mindlessly, so move along if that's what you're here for.
    The rest of you may begin the download. :giggle::coffee:

    As a porn game this game sucks, no doubt about that.
    But as just rpg/puzzle game? It's actually quite alright, an rpg/puzzle fan can find some entertainment here, no doubt.
    The game is not hard, but requires a teeeny wee bit of thinking. Promise. :sneaky::coffee:

    It was fun to unravel this little puzzle box, i spent 4 cycles doing so and enjoyed myself plenty.
    Then spent 4 more cycles just screwing around and enjoying that, too. :cool::coffee:

    Memory shot.
    Have fun~ :giggle::coffee:
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    I've got to be honest, I'm bewildered as to why the reviews are so positive. This is without a doubt the most tedious, time-wasting ero-game I've ever played in my life, if you can even call it an ero-game at all. The ratio of "gameplay" to h-scenes is even worse than Fall of Ship, another egregiously bad game with a lot of similarities to this one- it takes multiple hours to get the first h-scene. The first.

    The combat is insanely tedious, with individual battles being very easy but an absurd number of them forced upon the player at all times. The player is CONSTANTLY forced to fight meaningless battles against annoying foes that give you nothing for beating them. The game advertises its' lack of a levelling system as a positive, but what it fails to understand is that removing XP from the game and having a system where enemies give you nothing (no gold, no XP, no items- nothing) only makes every single counter nails-on-a-chalkboard excruciating. For some reason, the enemies are extremely aggressive as well, constantly following you through the thin corridors that comprise this game's dungeons and forcing you to fight them long after you started just running past everything. Your time is constantly wasted, and for nothing. The advertisement is correct, there is no grinding in this game- unlike grinding, where you fight a bunch of enemies and gain levels, gold, items and equipment... you fight a bunch of enemies and gain nothing. That's not a positive feature, it's just terrible game design.

    The story is very good, but the game is simply terrible- nearly unplayable, to be honest. Combined with the h-scenes of incredibly poor quality (they come out of nowhere, their situations are contrived and meaningless, and the art is mediocre at best), my rating of Ouroboros as an Adult Game can't really be anything above "terrible".

    If you are looking for a good ero-game, don't play this- even the people that like this game say that much- but even if you're just looking for a good game, this isn't it either. Don't even download it thinking, "oh, I've got the RPGM cheat engine, I'll just use that to quickly get through", because it doesn't work on this game. There is simply no reason to pick this game up, unless you recently got a lobotomy that makes you enjoy terrible RPG maker combat or a fetish for watching poorly drawn vanilla h-scenes.

    Addendum: I don't really take myself seriously enough to bother posting reviews about bad ero-games, things like bad gameplay or terrible pacing simply come with the territory and I've long come to accept that. This game, though... it's rancidness pissed me off so much that I just had to review it. Sorry if I sound ridiculous and melodramatic, but this POS game just wasted almost 6 hours of my life and I got absolutely nothing out of it whatsoever.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    The same strength as other Sierra Lee games - a strong story (you could strip out everything explicit and be left with a very good PG-13 game), characters with decent development, a twisting plot that forces you to think, and so-so smut scenes. If you're just looking to rub one out you'll be disappointed, but if you're looking to spend an evening diving into a plot-with-porn, it's great.
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2191732

    Review version: 2.1

    This one was a bit difficult to give 5* to, but I really wanted to. It's a superb game, but has neither sufficient art nor art of sufficient quality to get you going.

    But sometimes you have to give a nod to a game for other things, and for the plot, the balance and the general flow and atmosphere of the game, I'll nod and give it 5*. It deserves it.

    In points:
    +Great story.
    +Combat is well balanced.
    +Good game length.
    +Characters are likeable.
    +Highly intuitive, with lots to explore and discover.

    -Very basic art.
    -Very little art.
    -Scenes are spread very far apart.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    This game has one of the best plots of any of the H-games I've played. Just a very unique game and definitely one that has put SL into the upper echelons for H-game developers, IMO. Would be cool to see a remake with improved art now that SL has been at it for 6 more years.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing plot. For those who value story over NSFW. Still, with better visuals could have become a major hit. Still, very satisfying to play and first time I was really shocked with a plot twist. (Second one, acutally, first one was Timestamps).
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. I love the idea of a character imprisoned on a loop and breaking free of it. This game is a must play if you like puzzles and an unconventional plot. It doesn't excel on the CG (It have only a few) but for me it doesn't matter if the game is good. The characters are enjoyable, specially the priest.

    I recommend very hard this game for the plot .
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A trully excellent game, from one of the best developers here.
    The first two hours of gameplay are deceptively simplistic (similar to TLS, another game from Sierra Lee), and then the game trully begins.The story shines on its own, with some nice twists, intriguing mechanics that incentivice exploration and some nice cgs as a bonus. The lighthearted writting keeps several playthroughs humorous and entertaining.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    good and simple game, using a rather inovative way of storytelling via game mechanics, subersion of expectatives, and awareness of tropes, i realy enjoyed it for the comedy, good writing, cool art, and flat out madlad vibe
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    One of my favorite Hentai games. The story itself is really good that it makes me want to play more just to see what happens next. If there is a tiny flaw, I think it would be the sex scenes. There are times that I skip it because I felt it's not necessary. Overall, recommended for people who prefer to play for the story.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Something is wrong with this world, from the start it plays into horror tropes. Every minute I played I felt like I was gonna get jumpscared... whether or not that happens is for you to find out. The waifus/heroeines are ok, generic at first but further playtime is required to truly understand them. Amiel is best girl. It's a short and simple game, but combat gets stale, its generic rpg stuff meh. Sex scenes are alright/
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    That is definitely a new take on RPGs. Having such an unusual scenery in such a common setting worth a lot to me and this is exactly what makes the game enjoyable.
    Not gonna lie, it also bites me in the ass, towards the end of the game it feels really repetitive, but the process that heroes are taking on their way to such end is very enjoyable to witness. They have fun, they fuck around and make YOU fun. Solid 8 out of 10, very cool concept and done pretty well, too. Only art could use an improvement, but mostly it's fine.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Played for the porn, stayed for the plot. Absolutely excellent writing, with some interesting characters. A fun new take on the 'fantasy hero fucks all the girls' trope that's been run into the ground with these RPG maker games.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    The game was alright, if tedious at times due to its repetitive nature, but the music gets real stale real fast, a lot of the dialogue is lacking in personality, fighting is explicitly a chore, and the game has no way of checking direction once you don't know your objective. It's infuriating. That said, the game itself is fun for a solid few hours of gameplay before it gets bothersome, and so long as you play often enough not to forget what you should be doing next, the game is relatively straightforward.

    The porn is meh. Still shots with the same generic music as everything else and maybe 15 lines describing your actions.
    Likes: GaRbS
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Ever play Doki Doki Literature Club or Sara is missing? well this one kinda reminds me with these games except with no scary part.. soo don't worry you guys with weak heart like mine this one not gonna mess with your heart.

    the only thing I hate is there is no clear clue on what you must do to "Break the walls" so you need to wander aimlessly to figure out what you need to do
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Difficult to explain why this is worth 5 stars without ruining the entire plot.....lets just say the plot carries this game, massively. What seems at first an almost cookie cutter story takes a turn to the complex as you play further on. New Game+ also offers changes to the plot and character developments so it is certainly worth replaying. The H-scenes are pretty well written with great art, even if there is a lot of distance between them at times and the gameplay aspects are solid.

    Suffers a lack of combat design and rewards for combat, but this in itself a deliberate choice to fit in with the theme of the plot, especially when you realise most combat can be skipped on repeat playthroughs. Certain parts will get repetitive if you opt to New Game+ (the games gonna be short if you only do one run.....), but forging through will be rewarded by having certain segments skipped to speed up repeat playthroughs.

    Overall, another top notch game by Sierra. While it lacks the grandiose scale of some of her other games, this short tale is certainly an enjoyable one to play.