VN - Unity - Out of Touch! [v3.36] [Story Anon]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    It's not completely awful. The bones are there. I struggled a bit between giving it 2 or 3 stars, because there is an underlying story that could be interesting if it had better writing.

    I mean, I'm 30 chapters in and it seems like the majority of the dialogue has been:
    Girl: "I'm not good enough to be in your harem"
    MC: "Yes, you are."
    Girl: "You're right. Why didn't I see it before?"

    And the worst part is this happens multiple times for the same characters.
    They'll be resolved one chapter, and back to sniveling about being unworthy the next.
    Admittedly, the "main girl", Victoria, has a decent enough reason for this, but it happens like 5 times in 30 chapters, on top of at least 3 other girls going through this same cycle.

    Aside from the above complaint, it's worth noting for anyone who might want to try it in spite of that, there are no mechanics in this game.
    There is one (criminally simple) turn-based RPG combat sequence that implies that there will be more, but even when fighting one of the big bads in chapter 29, said combat fails to make a return.
    Maybe it comes in later, but I haven't the patience to push forward in the hopes that it does.

    The vast majority has just been clicking and reading. No choices and virtually no exploration. No customization, including the MCs name, which is... I think it's going for funny, but it's really just a dead meme.
    This would all be fine, if it weren't such a slog to get through.

    All that said, I'll be putting this one down for now. I might muscle through it later, but I don't have high hopes. I'm just glad it was free.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Out of Touch! [v3.28] [Story Anon]

    I just can't, I'm so f bored out of my mind. This review is completely subjective and there's zero objectiveness, but story, characters,"""humor""", models, music, sex scenes, etc EVERYTHING is so f BORING. I don't care about anything in this project, it's all so f boring. Check it out, if you have LOADS of free time and you want to torture yourself with boredom.

    Story - 1/5. Enough of it.
    Choices - N/A.
    Characters - 1.4/5. They are boring.
    Models/animations - 2/5.
    MC - 0/5.
    Grammar - 3/5. Eh, whatever.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    He himself made the music, and that shit rocks. Wish i could end my review here, if he made THE. MUSIC. You should understand that this game is made with love, dedication, and it's worth a try, even if just to stay in the main menu listening to the soundtrack.

    But the plot is cool, i wish he had expanded in the battle system instead of scraping it, if you don't like the ideia when it presents itself, don't worry, it didn't came back. The "exploring", sandbox, i dunno the name, is pretty straightfoward, so if you don't like jumping between places you can also easily just proceed with the story.

    Only thing i would recommend is, go with a light heart, don't expect a heavy logical story. It does have that, but the main point is humor, fun, sex. It's good, really, really good, and you will get some serious moments in between.

    One of the top 3 porn games i played.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    After recently finishing 36 of the almost 50 chapters available, I had to leave a review. I wanted to try it because the art looked unique and appealing along with the good reviews I've seen.

    I will start with the things I liked: The music was cool and very professional sounding. The art at times can be very pretty, especially with the scenery focused ones.

    And now on to the things I disliked: The story, characters, dialog, humor, UI, animations, and general sex content all fall flat. The author's long-winded writing style and character's tendency to repeat the same dialog themes over and over compound with the melodramatic story make this a slog to read through. Even the genre shift a quarter of the way through couldn't increase my interest in it.

    I kept playing because a trusted friend kept pestering me to finish, but I am finally quitting. I am disappointed in the amount of hours I wasted playing this game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Star Gazer

    This game is amazing!
    The first few chapters of the game are slow and a bit confusing as far as the story goes, but stick with it. The story really picks up and it's very gripping. Not many games can make me feel anything, but Out of Touch really caught me off guard. Depending how fast you read this game can take about 35-40 hours currently and it's not even half way finished.

    I do have to mention that I love all the characters, even the side and cameo characters. I do wish the MC had a better character growth but I think we'll see a spike in character development by the half way mark as we're already seeing him grow a bit.
    H animation isn't really in the game currently but the dev has said they are working on that even older chapters will get animation as development continues and I'm okay with that!

    The music fits every scene in this game and that's amazing, it really pulls you in.

    10-10 can't wait to see how this story continues!
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Ray Sting

    Excellent, excellent game! Probably the craziest story I've played so far but I kinda love it! This is a really long AVN and it's main focus is the story so like other guys said, if you just want a quick fap this game is not for you. Just be prepared for lot of psychedelic visuals, lot of drama, a slow burn and super mega crazy story that at one point you will be asking yourself, wtf am i playing, I know that I did... several times :LOL:.

    5/5 stars, gladly I will be confused af again.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Slow as hell, but honestly a great story so far. The main character is actually fairly secondary, more like a vehicle for all the other Yandere to have a divine battle over. Or you can think of the main character like a legendary Bard, bolstering his allies to extreme levels while standing back and chilling.

    Yes it is SLOW. Give it a chance.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is definitely pretty and the characters are interestingly designed, at least aesthetically. However the style of storytelling is way too ambitious and confusing from the get go (and gets worse somehow) and the dialogue is at every single point extremely verbose and dragged out.
    The story is completely nonsensical and not engaging in any way whatsoever and the characters act in completely unbelievable ways (and they are similar in a way that they could be merged and the cast cut in half).
    I honestly don't get how this game has a positive rating. I guess if you keep pressing the CTRL key to skip the scenes and animations are ok.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    old chicken

    unlike most games on this site, this game is mostly focused on the plot and characters, rather than the sex, only play this if you stay here for the long haul and a lot of reading.
    however, I would rank it as my favorite game on the site. the best way i would describe it is that it's similar to playing persona or majikoi,
    i haven't really seen a game here that really goes deep into exploring a character's psyche as much as this game. I really appreciated how both CJ and the girls continuously evolve throughout the story, and how conflicts are not resolved by simply handwaving them away. in a typical harem, we don't really get to explore the basic issues that would arise from forming a harem, such as jealousy. furthermore, the cast really do feel like real characters and not just some stereotypical archetype of one-dimensional anime girl, as they have more than one quirk that makes each character stand out. when a conflict is resolved, characters are not just discarded and stop growing, as they still manage to evolve even if they're not the main heroine.
    the visual and audio elements are able to convey the story in a very unique, and almost surreal way, which perfectly fits with the supernatural elements of the story.
    the only thing that i would like to see more are sex animations like in tropicali
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel pathetic to admit this but I deadass for the first time in my life actually fell in love with a fictional character.

    The game has lots of pros and cons, but I feel like listing them in this review is unnecessary because for Sarah alone, this game gets a full 5 star from me.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I had expectations about this game, and despite how nice it looks, it bores me enough to drop it after an hour and 45 minutes of play....

    I'll be quick with this, the good stuff is:
    the interface, the character designs (except for the main character) and the scenery.

    THE BAD... or not?
    The bad thing... I would say the story, it's too, too stupid the story. By this I mean it's too reflexive, there are moments that are too overacted, I really don't see what the main goal of this is in 1 hour and 45 min of gameplay. Too much text for a +18 game. I like games where the +18 is a complement of the story (Example Treasure of Nadia, Eternum, Pale carnations, genex love), because I also look for a story to distract me and try to get along with the protagonist, but this game was impossible for me to bear. Its story at the beginning (which is in fact what I played) is too boring and long, it's dialogue, over dialogue for 1 hour and 45 min of gameplay, I got bored and decided to uninstall it. The plot component seems bad to me, it is not understood at the beginning why or what is the end of the story so I and others were not hooked from the beginning, causing people to drop it. As for the main character, his personality is not bad, the only bad thing is his wardrobe, what kind of crappy wardrobe is that? It's true that it didn't occur to someone to put him in better clothes? the most disgusting thing in the game (in my opinion) is the way the main character dresses.

    In short, if there are dialogues, plot and scenes +18 all that balanced, you get a good game. In this case from my opinion, 80% dialogue, 15% bad plot, 5% +18 scenes (which I didn't even get to see because I got bored of the game right away).

    If you are a person who wants to read a graphic novel, adventure novel and you are not interested at all in +18, I don't understand what you are doing here in F95, look on watpad or elsewhere.

    Personally, I don't recommend the game, there are better ones out there with a balance between plot/dialogue/+18. I don't even know if I should consider it a +18 game, because I didn't get to see any scene in 1 hour and 45 minutes of gameplay.

    Summary (SCORE: 4)
    o Character Design/Visual: 8/10
    o Background music/sound: 8/10
    o Plot: 2/10
    o Animation: 3/10
    o +18 Scenes: 1/10 (At one hour on game I saw nothing)
    o Gameplay: 3/10
    o Interface: 8/10
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    One of the most pretentious pieces of work I've ever had the displeasure of sitting through on this site.

    Out of Touch is a bunch of overly-complex, unnecessarily dragged out story beats where you are forced time and time again to see the same fucking shit over and over from different characters' perspectives. What could be shown to the audience in just a few minutes instead takes several mind-numbing hours because the dev just can't help it. They can't help but pad out the runtime to no end and throw a ridiculous amount of random psychedelic visuals and unnecessarily vague dialogues at the audience in hopes that they stare at it and go "Wow, I'm 14 and this is soooo deep..." Well, I'll give them props because people are falling for it hook, line, and sinker. This visual novel is like 4 years old at this point, and there are, I think, 100 chapters planned? At this pace, it won't be complete until at least 2030; not because it actually takes that much work, but rather because the dev can't pace for shit.

    Not even the porn can save this one because, well, there hardly is any. Every 2 or 3 chapters you'll be lucky to get one full-fledged lewd scene, and even then most of them don't last very long (there's a joke there somewhere). There was one chapter that took place on a boat where there was a fuck-ton of sex, and it was the best part of the novel by far; surprisingly, not just because I'm a horny bastard (to be fair, I absolutely am), but also because it felt like the first time in forever that the story wasn't taking itself ultra-seriously. I don't necessarily have a problem with "Adult" VNs like this choosing not to focus on the adult aspect very much, but it feels like such a waste considering how damn good these character models and renders look (literally the one thing this VN has going for it) and how much more enjoyable the writing was when these characters weren't trying to save the world through the power of love and friendship 24/7 (no seriously this happens every single arc).

    I don't know who the hell this novel is made for. If you want actually good and plentiful lewd content, this VN is not for you. If you want an actually engaging and well-paced narrative, this VN is also not for you. This novel is nothing more than the dev's personal pleasure piece. I give props to those who are staying along for that ride, but as for me and my sanity, I'm out.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    As very clearly stated by the author, this is not a porn game. This is a game with porn in it (and the porn is good, too). There is a ton of quality content which seems to be almost entirely kinetic (for better or worse, but it works here). The writing of this game hit me like a freight train. I genuinely was unable to get any work done the next day my emotions were so discombobulated. Exceedingly high highs and despairingly low lows. My only regret is that I only get to play it for the first time once.

    There are a lot of games that I'd rate 4.5 and round up to 5, but this one is an actual 5/5. I usually don't care for this art style but it totally works here. You can tell that the author really poured their heart into this. This game isn't for everyone...but that's true of any game. If this sounds even remotely interesting to you then you should at least give it a chance and play through the first 15 chapters, because that's when the characters really start becoming more relatable. Some people have also complained about lack of animations, but there are some already and the author is adding more (including the chapters already released). Having all of the animations done before releasing just wasn't a priority to them, and I had no issues with that.

    Also, pro-tip, don't make the mistake I did and try to binge the whole thing in one sitting. It's way too long and overwhelming. Play a few chapters at a time and savor it. The story has many arcs so it's not too hard to find good stopping points.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Came for a quick wank after playing through Tropicali, ended up spending three real days marathoning this masterpiece. The only thing I'd ask for is more fun side stories, but that's only because the ones already present are so good.

    Simply the best AVN I've ever played. Can't wait for more.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best visual novel i've played so far, it's story focused with a very twisted, hard to understand, but very interesting story that don't let you go until you finish and you're gonna want for more. Music is the huge part of the game, Story Anon(developer) spend a lot of money for custom made music. Every character has a soul and playing important part in the story, their designs are amazing. I didn't see any bugs and i played A LOT, resently finished my 4th playthrough. It takes around 40 hours to finish this game if you reading with a moderate speed. It has a lot of sex scenes and even tho they are not animated, they are one of the best i've ever seen. I highly recommend you to try this game, you're not gonna regret it.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, it's been ages since I've had such a genuine laugh from a visual novel game. Honestly, it's hard to put into words what you should anticipate, but here's a hint: if you're a fan of 80's music (vaporwave and similar genres included), enjoy a sprinkle of memes, and appreciate an engaging, albeit slightly odd, storyline, then this is a game you shouldn't miss. Go for it! :)
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    Warning: This novel does not contain any sex scenes animations. Tag really misleads. I would't even try this if I knew about it.
    I have only read 20 chapters so like half of the current version so my review might not be perfectly accurate.

    I had very high expectations about this novel after seeing that the author did couple of trailers. You could see that its not just another pornshovelware on this site but something with a heart putted in.

    Unfortunately it's not perfect.

    +Character desings. Some of the bests on this site, and I'm not talking about visuals which are also nice, but personalities. They're beliveable and likeable. Even CJ imo, I like him. Reminds me of Naruto a bit, and looks like Ichigo.
    We have great cast of diffrent Love Interests: tomboy, nerd, maid, yandere, lil sis, strong woman, puppy girl etc.
    I think story could benefit from some true male companions and antagonists. Because, let's face it, women aren't great for great stories. They're mostly just for romance and that kind of stuff.
    +Diffrent Povs. I saw that many people don't like it but its not like fem protagonist or something. It just switches narrator but MC still is the MC. It adds depth to the characters.
    +Huge amount of diffrent renders. Like 1 pic for 1-2 sentence. In other novels on this site its like 1 pic for 10 writen sentences and its really boring to get all the information and action from letters.
    +UI design

    -Lack of choices.
    -No animations just still images. It's not 2016 and you can't really do that anymore. Scenes themselve are pretty good tho.
    -Story is a little weird.
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    -Meme implementation. Like Chad Thundercock. I not a huge fan of super serious porn games, but this is just too cringe and present and breakes illusion for me. Like it bring to my mind all this politics and war between chads, incels, feminists etc.
    -And it's not really an issue but I think it could be nice to be able to rename our MC to better indentify with him and intensify the experience. Especially when it's a harem. Also I don't like CJ name. Not original and not fitting here. Brings GTA and also breaks immersion.

    Overall it's worth reading just for the characters themself. But I'd still wait for animations. Author said somewhere he'll do it after finishing the story.

    4/5* only if you like heavy story and don't mind lack of animation. Otherwise 3/5*
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Warning: This novels does not contain any sex scenes animations. Tag really misleads. I would't even try this if I knew about it.
    First Glance review

    I had a problem with MC transformation. For some reason he become really unlikable so you stop caring what happens to him. There nothing special or interesting in his personality and on top of that he often act pretty dumb. Don't mind a lot of text if it interesting to read but in this case, everything is really standard.

    After reading 12 chapters.
    After watching screenshots you thought that this a typical hentai game. But this one have a really story oriented start. You need to be prepared to read a lot. The whole feeling is like creator was going to make this game non-h game but later changed his mind.

    The story
    It's kinda wierd but still interesting to read. The whole supernatural stuff sound to much "the chosen one". Author decide to make story interesting but following the same steps that writers were using when humanity learn to write. In my opinion MC is overpowered from start and don't have any real weakness. Everybody likes/wants him, he is tall, strong and handsome. Other female characters are interesting enough, but each of them dreaming about having relationship with MC. And what kind of friendship it is?

    Two main problems
    - story is weird written roller coaster. Especially when supernatural stuff starts. Sometimes it's fine, but sometimes you feel like you are wasting your time. Story would fit better for a younger CJ.
    - no H animation. I was shocked at first by the game quality. It looks really good, but you won't find H animated scenes here.

    Developer promised to add animations.

    I would recommend this game to those who seek pure vanilla harem experience.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fun game. This is essentially "Anime, the Hentai VN game" + Western memes and ideas.

    Sometimes the game is goofy, sometimes overly serious, but overall it's FUN. And that's all you can ask for.

    Plus, the girls are all hot and well-written. The story is unique enough to capture and keep your attention. But the best part about this game is the renders.

    I have never played a VN where so much attention to detail and creativity went into nearly every scene. It's so much that you can forgive the shoddy background scenery.
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    I just couldn't get into the story. I couldn't tell if they were trying to be serious or silly as it would switch around. The start of the story involves some rather serious elements but suddenly his dad is the literal Chad meme in the clouds Mufasa style. Then serious drama. Then weird dream sequence that just feels out of place. It's all over the place. The PoV also jumps around A LOT between a good handful of characters and can sometimes be a bit redundant. You'll get a different PoV, but from the same situation. Like asking five different people what they saw at a crime scene. Mostly the same information with slight differences. It doesn't really give you much more information than what you already know. It feels bloated and REALLY slow-paced. I ran it for about an hour and then gave up. I think the jumping around of characters is really one of the most harmful aspects as it can leave you disoriented and sometimes wondering who's view this was supposed to be again. On top of seeing repeated information.