I'm sure what i'll say here has been said before countless times so I won't write War & Peace but i've never reviewed a game before on this site and this is my favourite game here.
I'd mainly like to focus on the writing and sex scenes and in both GIL3D and TD1900 do a fantastic job. I don't know their respective roles with this game but they've created and written (wrote?) fantastic fully developed characters that you actually give a shit about and i'm not just talking about love interests in the game, I mean every character.
Even in some other top games i'll at times find my interest drifting when the game is focusing on characters that I don't care about or don't like but this game holds my interest throughout. I read a lot of books so I don't think it's a case of me being a Tiktok brained gormless fool (at least I hope not) instead I think it points to the game being fantastically written.
You have repulsive bosses and chauvinistic pigs both on the staff and as members of the club and you have brainless fuckdolls as the club whores but the game actually dives deeper into these characters and reveals their complexities and thoughts and feelings instead of them being one note cardboard cutouts.
As for the sex scenes, the club related lewd scenes have never really done much for me as i'm not into voyeurism or lewd public performances etc but the sex scenes between the MC and Hana/Mina and MC and the carnations outside of the club are brilliant, both in writing and how the scenes play out.
The Devs don't give you multiple choices in scenes you might want to see and the game is far better for it. You're actually presented with the dev's vision from start to finish so you get a more realistic, built up scene from teasing to the moneyshot at the end, all well written and well developed and rounded out with the sort of post sex aftercare that most other games don't even bother with. All together making them the best sex scenes out of any game on this site.
It turns out that I actually have written War & Peace, sorry about that. So i'll just wrap it up and say that the love interests are gorgeous, the renders fantastic as are the animations and the story as a whole is complex, mature and incredibly readable and interesting.
Five out of Five. The Devs deserve all the support they have and probably even more than that. The game won't be for everyone and some people won't like it and that's okay but to me this VN is fantastic and it's my favourite game on the Citadel!
I'd mainly like to focus on the writing and sex scenes and in both GIL3D and TD1900 do a fantastic job. I don't know their respective roles with this game but they've created and written (wrote?) fantastic fully developed characters that you actually give a shit about and i'm not just talking about love interests in the game, I mean every character.
Even in some other top games i'll at times find my interest drifting when the game is focusing on characters that I don't care about or don't like but this game holds my interest throughout. I read a lot of books so I don't think it's a case of me being a Tiktok brained gormless fool (at least I hope not) instead I think it points to the game being fantastically written.
You have repulsive bosses and chauvinistic pigs both on the staff and as members of the club and you have brainless fuckdolls as the club whores but the game actually dives deeper into these characters and reveals their complexities and thoughts and feelings instead of them being one note cardboard cutouts.
As for the sex scenes, the club related lewd scenes have never really done much for me as i'm not into voyeurism or lewd public performances etc but the sex scenes between the MC and Hana/Mina and MC and the carnations outside of the club are brilliant, both in writing and how the scenes play out.
The Devs don't give you multiple choices in scenes you might want to see and the game is far better for it. You're actually presented with the dev's vision from start to finish so you get a more realistic, built up scene from teasing to the moneyshot at the end, all well written and well developed and rounded out with the sort of post sex aftercare that most other games don't even bother with. All together making them the best sex scenes out of any game on this site.
It turns out that I actually have written War & Peace, sorry about that. So i'll just wrap it up and say that the love interests are gorgeous, the renders fantastic as are the animations and the story as a whole is complex, mature and incredibly readable and interesting.
Five out of Five. The Devs deserve all the support they have and probably even more than that. The game won't be for everyone and some people won't like it and that's okay but to me this VN is fantastic and it's my favourite game on the Citadel!