Others - Abandoned - Pandemonium [Release 2] [pashaimeru]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Let me keep this plain and keep this simple. If you are into Transformation this is the game for you. The gameplay is a simple text based survival game with terse to no description for the location. The focus is on the models and the short texts for the transformations.

    There is a choice between 6 girls, they are stock models though the they are excellent quality. After choosing your character you get thrown into the wave based survival. Enemies spawn grab weapons to defeat them. If your teammates get transformed then that is a permanent enemy that gets up after 15 rounds pass. Though there are opportunities to save them say if they get shoved into capsule you can bust them out.

    The art is good the transformations have stages and are represented in the inset image. The player can even figure out who the transformed is by their picture without needing to refer to the text. All in all despite it being so simple the gameplay is addicting. Unfortunately, some of the transformations listed in the high scores lists did make it.

    So, if you have some time and want text based wave survival this is the game.