Daz Pants Bulge for Dicktator/Futalicious in Daz


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
For all of you who usually use characters with genitalia in dicktator or futalicious in Daz, Im new in this of Daz world and I wanted to know if it is possible to make this kind of morphs with penis shaped bulges. I tried multiple ways, following tutorials, using Marvelous Designer, Blender and modifiers in Daz, but I can't get similar results to what I'm looking for, the closest I could get was in Marvelous but at the time of the simulation even if I changed the parameters the clothes were lowered or I couldn't get the clothes to stick enough to the genital to get what I wanted. If you can help me by guiding me if anyone knows how to do exactly this type of morphs.

Here are a couple of examples of exactly what I am looking to achieve as a result:





Sorry if it is difficult to understand what I wrote, English is not my main language.

Currently I'm mainly looking to learn how to make this kind of morphs for static renders and what kind of program to use exactly or what options settings if any of the ones I named above. If anyone knows how to make them I would be very grateful if you could tell me.


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
It's not easy using core daz. But there are a few things you could try:

Pure Daz 1 (not sure if this will work):

1. Setup figure, genitals, clothing. pose the genitals to be in the "right place"
2. use subdiv, mesh smoothing and collision on the clothing item, maybe you'll get it to look "okay"

Pure Daz 2:

1. As above, but this time use animation frames and start with the gentials tiny size, then gradually inflate them to the desired size/position


1. Get the Meshgrabber utility installed into daz. (search for a thread about it here or in the Asset Releases subforum)
2. Fully pose and cloth your model.
3. Hide the figure and other stuff so only the relevant clothing piece is visible
4. increase the subdiv level of the clothing piece
5. carefully use meshgrabber to manipulate the mesh to make your desired bulge (note that this is very painful compared to a proper 3d modelling program due to the limitations of Daz - it's amazing it works at all!)


1. daz has a concept of "De-Former", which are invisible ovoid things that can apply "push" movement on nearby vertexes. Read up more about it in the Daz documentation
2. repeat the steps I described above for meshgrabber to setup your scene.
3. then add multiple d-formers, that target only the clothing mesh, and size/scale/position them to form the bulge shape in the clothing surface.
4. it will be pretty tedious but would give a reasonable result with enough time invested

External program mesh edit, render in daz:

1. fully pose your character and clothing
2. work out how to export the clothing mesh in the pose shape as an OBJ file (read other guides on this)
3. load into blender and MOVE the vertexes to make the bulge shape you want. don't delete or add vertexes, as this will cause it to no longer be re-importable as a morph.
4. Load the updated shape back into Daz with Morphloader

External program edit and Render:

1. install the diffeomorphic tools
2. setup and pose your scene
3. export the figure and clothing with diffeo
4. in blender, edit as much as you like
5. fix the materials/shaders
6. render in blender
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New Member
Nov 24, 2021
It's not easy using core daz. But there are a few things you could try:

Pure Daz 1 (not sure if this will work):

1. Setup figure, genitals, clothing. pose the genitals to be in the "right place"
2. use subdiv, mesh smoothing and collision on the clothing item, maybe you'll get it to look "okay"

Pure Daz 2:

1. As above, but this time use animation frames and start with the gentials tiny size, then gradually inflate them to the desired size/position


1. Get the Meshgrabber utility installed into daz. (search for a thread about it here or in the Asset Releases subforum)
2. Fully pose and cloth your model.
3. Hide the figure and other stuff so only the relevant clothing piece is visible
4. increase the subdiv level of the clothing piece
5. carefully use meshgrabber to manipulate the mesh to make your desired bulge (note that this is very painful compared to a proper 3d modelling program due to the limitations of Daz - it's amazing it works at all!)


1. daz has a concept of "De-Former", which are invisible ovoid things that can apply "push" movement on nearby vertexes. Read up more about it in the Daz documentation
2. repeat the steps I described above for meshgrabber to setup your scene.
3. then add multiple d-formers, that target only the clothing mesh, and size/scale/position them to form the bulge shape in the clothing surface.
4. it will be pretty tedious but would give a reasonable result with enough time invested

External program mesh edit, render in daz:

1. fully pose your character and clothing
2. work out how to export the clothing mesh in the pose shape as an OBJ file (read other guides on this)
3. load into blender and MOVE the vertexes to make the bulge shape you want. don't delete or add vertexes, as this will cause it to no longer be re-importable as a morph.
4. Load the updated shape back into Daz with Morphloader

External program edit and Render:

1. install the diffeomorphic tools
2. setup and pose your scene
3. export the figure and clothing with diffeo
4. in blender, edit as much as you like
5. fix the materials/shaders
6. render in blender
Thanks for the answer.

I tried Meshgrabber at first but I can't get the result I'm looking for, besides it's very tedious and time consuming to work with a garment or model that has too many vertexes.

I tried with the D-Formers as you told me it seems that they will take time anyway, you get a pretty good result but still take a lot of time and it is difficult to control them because even if I select the vertex with the weighted map or the sphera vertex even if they are selected they don't move as I want.

Regarding external programs with Marvelous Designer I got a good result in a short time but with small garments is very difficult to work because they deform very easily and when they are large garments are wrinkled or very loose at the waist. With Blender I worked from the beginning but it is very similar to work with Meshgrabber even if the capabilities of Blender are greater than the Daz engine, I do not know if there is a way to perform in Blender the result I am looking for using some modifier or if I need to move vertex to vertex. In any case if you know could you tell me or recommend me some tutorial guide on how to do it, some other program or other solution if there is outside the above options?

Attached is a screenshot of the result I obtained in 10 minutes using D-Formers:

Captura de pantalla 2024-09-11 221503.png


Engaged Member
Jul 4, 2017
I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, just a kinda-interested amateur who has dabbled in some of the aspects of solo indie game creation. Most of my info is gathered from reading other forum posts over the years.

So based on that shallow knowledge, my answer is: Unfortunately there's no silver bullet. Difficult and tedious -> that's just how any artwork creation goes while you are not experienced, doesn't matter if it is 3D or not.

The possible exception here for a platform like daz which allows beginners to play with other people's created 3d objects and clothing in a relatively simple way - and in this case you would need a specific product that creates "genital bulges". However I don't know of anything specific but here are some search restuls that might be interesting:


Finally, if you are still trying to use blender, perhaps try researching "shrink wrap modifier". I imagine the process would be:
1 pose your figure and genitals.
2 add an expanded clothing model around the figure part
3 use the shrink modifier on the clothing until it is shaped how you want

there are lots of videos on blender shrinkwrap
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Turning Tricks

Rendering Fantasies
Game Developer
Apr 9, 2022
If you are using Dforce clothing, you can also easily make bulges by just making shapes with Primitives, like the cylinder and sphere and putting them in the right area. That way, the clothing simulation will interact with those Primitives and create the bulge.

Goho Digitals

Game Developer
Dec 30, 2022
For all of you who usually use characters with genitalia in dicktator or futalicious in Daz, Im new in this of Daz world and I wanted to know if it is possible to make this kind of morphs with penis shaped bulges. I tried multiple ways, following tutorials, using Marvelous Designer, Blender and modifiers in Daz, but I can't get similar results to what I'm looking for, the closest I could get was in Marvelous but at the time of the simulation even if I changed the parameters the clothes were lowered or I couldn't get the clothes to stick enough to the genital to get what I wanted. If you can help me by guiding me if anyone knows how to do exactly this type of morphs.

Here are a couple of examples of exactly what I am looking to achieve as a result:

View attachment 4017102

View attachment 4017107

View attachment 4017116

View attachment 4017119

Sorry if it is difficult to understand what I wrote, English is not my main language.

Currently I'm mainly looking to learn how to make this kind of morphs for static renders and what kind of program to use exactly or what options settings if any of the ones I named above. If anyone knows how to make them I would be very grateful if you could tell me.

I found a very nice morph before I formatted my computer. After the format I couldn't find it again because I forgot its name. The producer was Squarepeg3D. I think you might need to do some research.

I would appreciate it if you let me know when you find it :)


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
I'm not an expert at any of this stuff, just a kinda-interested amateur who has dabbled in some of the aspects of solo indie game creation. Most of my info is gathered from reading other forum posts over the years.

So based on that shallow knowledge, my answer is: Unfortunately there's no silver bullet. Difficult and tedious -> that's just how any artwork creation goes while you are not experienced, doesn't matter if it is 3D or not.

The possible exception here for a platform like daz which allows beginners to play with other people's created 3d objects and clothing in a relatively simple way - and in this case you would need a specific product that creates "genital bulges". However I don't know of anything specific but here are some search restuls that might be interesting:


Finally, if you are still trying to use blender, perhaps try researching "shrink wrap modifier". I imagine the process would be:
1 pose your figure and genitals.
2 add an expanded clothing model around the figure part
3 use the shrink modifier on the clothing until it is shaped how you want

there are lots of videos on blender shrinkwrap
I tried a couple more times with Blender and watching several tutorials but it is still extremely complicated to get a result like the one I want in such a short time. I would pass all my models from Daz to work in Blender because of its enormous capacity but that would imply even more work than I had planned in the beginning.

Regarding Daz it is still complicated to get the result, it is extremely difficult to keep all the parameters in order when exporting and importing back when working with an external program and Daz itself does not have enough capacity to work as easily as Blender.

I guess I'll have to stick with initial results after all or use morphs that simulate what I'm looking for until I can get better with time.

Thanks for the help
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New Member
Nov 24, 2021
If you are using Dforce clothing, you can also easily make bulges by just making shapes with Primitives, like the cylinder and sphere and putting them in the right area. That way, the clothing simulation will interact with those Primitives and create the bulge.
Not a lot of the clothes I work with are made for Dforce so it's a problem. Still my idea was to get a result like the Serge3DX simulations but I don't know if they are made entirely with Dforce or some external program.

If you know if results like Serge3DX are possible using only Dforce please let me know, so I know if I should start to learn and work more with Dforce.


New Member
Nov 24, 2021
I found a very nice morph before I formatted my computer. After the format I couldn't find it again because I forgot its name. The producer was Squarepeg3D. I think you might need to do some research.

I would appreciate it if you let me know when you find it :)
Actually I found the Squarepeg3D morphs on this page:

The only problem I have with those morphs is that they only work for Futalicious, I mainly wanted to create my own to work with Dicktator as well and a couple of other models to have variety. I don't know if it is possible to transfer morphs to another figure for which it was not designed and if it will not have some defect or error to do this.