RPGM - Completed - Para Ark [v1.06] [ST Hot Dog King]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is an absolute classic from ST Hot Dog King, I've played a lot of games made by him and thats for sure in his top 3 games of all time.

    First of all the art, it may be simple but it is very rare to find some good old 2d graphics porn games nowadays, and this one is very good. I may be a little bit biased because i'm very fond of St hot dog artstyle, but I think even for non enjoyers it is still very good. So I'd put a 5/5 for the art.

    Secondly, the gameplay is for the non perfect aspect of this game. I find the gameplay a bit too grindy. The combat system is a classic combat system from rpgs but it has a very entertaining sex system yet I would prefer an only sex system for combats. The breeding mechanics is very good I just think that if you want to level up a bit all your childrens you'll need a couple of time to do it. So I would put an overall 4/5 for the gameplay part.

    Finally the story is very entertaining, technically a classic story but I think it is not the biggest part of the game. I would give it a 4/5.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    The bugs are very cute (that's rare, most of the time I am very disgusted with insect hentai), the pregnancy progresssion is great, and I like that it can be halted at max size.
    MC gives birth to woman-bug or woman-animal hybrids, who can get pregnant too (they don't make new hybrids unless you make two specific hybrids crossbreed in a jail cell).
    MC can grow a cock and turn it into a horsecock, then fuck, impregnate and buff her teammates with it.
    Game is extremely grindy, at some point you are allowed to simply buy most crafting materials except enemy parts (the worst grind). The game is kinda janky, fucktons of fiddling with menus.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    This would be an impressive game if the dev had more experience making games. The systems in place are great however the experience is ruined by straight up bad gameplay design.

    The gameplay loop is painfully grindy. This wouldn't be a problem if you had a huge variety of situations or battle sex animations but since that wasn't the focus you only get generic ones which you view over and over and over again and since sexual attacks are unavoidable you will encounter the same attack animation over and over and over again thanks to the grindy gameplay to the point they become annoying. Not to mention the late game resource collection and farming mechanic which is another painfully annoying and grindy mechanic.

    This game tries to be something like a pokemon breeding game and would almost succeed with it if there was proper focus on the breeding part but unfortunately it fails in that too due to the lack of any meaningful difference between each of your "pokemons".

    Other than that you have at least a story and the art is nice and consistent with a good variety of characters, enemies and situations.

    Great concept but bad execution. Would keep my eye on this dev though. Shows promise.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Outstanding technically. It's really cool to see what this dev can do. Unfortunately, it lacks any spark to make it either fun or sexy, in my opinion.

    Gameplay systems are somewhat impressive in their depth, but not fun to engage with. Battles for instance, you learn plenty of techniques and have to try to balance your lust, semen intake, and pregnancy progress. Put that along with battle sex and you SHOULD have a really interesting battle system, but it ultimately devolves into mindlessly hitting the attack button 20 times over the course of a repeated battle against commonplace grunts. Over, and over, and over.

    The crafting system feels like it could be good, but reflects only the most grindy of crafting systems, and the best ways to get resources involves creating mining camps, which then are located literal universes away from where you should actually be playing the game. And realistically, there's no real reason to jump back and forth, because the game isn't hard enough to warrant it. It all just ends up being busywork that doesn't do anything for the sexy side of the game.

    Then there's exploration. Ships and other important locations are done well enough, employ a lot of visual variety and help tell a story visually, but the planets, which are the absolute meat of the game, are beyond boring to explore. Equivalent to dungeon delving, you're forced to explore large areas that may as well be procedurally generated(in fact, I'd bet they are, but then patterns were saved as "levels"). The enemies are multitudinous and while you could try to sneak around, there isn't much reason to do so, as you can either fight enemies to level up, or simply outpace them by running.

    Finally there's scenes. I personally am put off by this author's style, not because the art is bad, but because so frequently, it seems like they feel the need to change the subject matter. There are a lot of instances where cut-ins are incredibly generalized and lacking in detail, probably to avoid animating unique things for multiple creatures, but the end result is disconnecting from the character. It's not particularly sexy and does detract from what could be a steamier cut-in. Because of these disconnects, it often feels like the artist doesn't really get how to make things sexy, besides drawing big boobs, which I admit I love a lot. But it all just falls flat.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I don't write reviews often but this one absolutely deserves one. The art and gameplay are absolutely amazing and the story is very well done. I really like that you don't need to loose fights to see the nsfw scenes like in so many other games, which makes the whole gameplay really smooth and fun for a porn game. There is some grinding but I think it is up to you how much time you take progressing through the game.
    The only negative thing for me was the ending which came very quick. I would very much like to see an update which allows you to play the game further even after the final boss, just to play around and find scenes that you might have missed earlier.
    This is generally one of the best games I have seen here and that actually got finished. Absolutely recommend this to anyone who is fine with the fetish themes.
  6. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: v1.05

    To put simply and quickly, the games concept is truly great, yet the problem is the execution. It feels like the devs had many different part they wanted to impliment into this game and they did manage to succeed. Yet the problem lies in the fact that everything feels half done and made unnecessarily grindy in the name of padding some extra hours to the gameplay, instead of actually refining the added features. And all of these differing features dont feel like they align with each other, they really dont click together into one all that well.
    The sexual scenes are well done, yet it lack variety. I will compliment the large amount of "status effects" and how they are visually displayed. But everything else is average at best.

    Overall an a ambitous game that didnt quite hit the mark, 3 stars for effort though
    Likes: mc247
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Sigh. I DNF'ed the game. I try not to DNF games but there's only so many hours in a day that it's not worth spending time on a game that you're not enjoying.

    Story ???

    I can't fairly rate the story since I didn't finish the game. I didn't even make a large amount of progress to get a good portion of story.

    But the general gist is that you're some space girl who lost her memory and there's some AI who's also kinda lost her memory. You fly around a bug/creature infested galaxy and try to find parts to upgrade your ship and find out what's what.

    Gameplay 1/10

    I'm just gonna rate this straight 1/10. The gameplay was just bad. The maps are all extremely similar, basic, and unnecessarily large. You need to grind for exp non-stop all the time. You also need to grind for materials with RNG so you'll spend tons of time grinding that. Then you also need to grind the preggo stuff as well.

    The balance is horrible. You just grind non-stop doing repetitive combat. For incremental progress.

    Art 5/10

    I love the concept of breast expansion. Don't really like breasts expanding because a bug jizzed in your nipple and now it's growing a baby bug inside of it.

    The art... is there. What you see in the preview art is like 80% of the game. The art is repetitive and sparse. Sure, there's like tons of monster girls. There's something massive like 40. But when there's 40 monster girls each individual monster girl is bland. Through some archaic reasoning, the monster girl's art goes from normal to like breast expansion. No idea why, but the point is that there's like 3 images per monster girl. That's not a lot.

    I like the art style but it's not just enough. The scenes are boring. Battle Fuck is boring.

    Overall 3/10

    I know this art style/artist and I think I'ved played a game of theirs before. I won't even bother looking up the title and referencing it here because it was similarly boring/bland.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Neo Nocturne

    Disclaimers: (This review is based on v1.03)
    1. I only review games I have thoroughly playtested.
    2. I DO NOT review games I have ZERO appreciation at all.
    3. I am always honest on reviewing the game. Cruel, harsh, ruthless but always critical, constructive at times.
    4. I will consider from more than one perspective/fetish when reviewing the game.
    5. I don't appreciate lazy 3D modeling, I am heavily biased on appreciation of 2D art by actual artists (even if it is bad ><).

    6. Finally, if you hate MTL, go fishing learn Japanese/Chinese/Korean/Spanish yourselves and stop complaining. Always appreciate the work of those who are willing to publish their crappy translation for free, at least they work harder than you lazy buns.

    TL;DR Review: (Full Review after)
    Overall Score:
    Visual - 3/5 Fine if you are not a visually demanding person, but...personally, it was a torture
    Audio - 3/5 Let's be honest, it's not made from a massive team with massive budget, STFU and stop ranting. (It's not that bad, the SE is acceptable...on a basic standard)
    Plot - 4-5/5 You have to appreciate the man for writing this. It's not a polished plot, but most of it are fine. The story does progress in a good pace. Are there hypes? No. It's a porn game, but it does better in many competitors on average
    Scenes - ?/5 Mostly are repetitive for BFs, low variations of low quality...but the other non-BFs are fine. Just don't question the quality of the drawings and focus on the fetishes, you get to enjoy it. If you are more literate than average gamers in the forum, the erotic narrations are not of the top quality
    Fetishes - 5/5 Pretty thorough for a sci-fi based porn game

    Final Score: 7/10
    (Scoring does consider the size of the developing team, budgets and many other development factors that are not visible in-game; 9/10 is the highest I will ever rate because there will never be a 10/10 game porn game in my life)

    I have to say this is one of the better porn games from a western developer (I believe? Correct me if I am wrong). The Battleship combat is really something innovative and definite worth mentioning.

    Purchase Recommendation:
    This is one of the few I would say - Must buy, must try. Though I would rate it a "Must buy, must play" if the CGs and animations are better; but remember guys, it's not a massively huge developer, be a considerate human being.

    Detailed Review:
    Before getting into the actual review, I have been MIA from F95zone for quite a while, so when there is a game that worths my time, logging back in here and to give it a proper review, you bet, this game should be on your radar.

    I am pretty sure most average F95ers are here for the porn and do their "thing". So if you are a visual-based fan, just get of here, this game is not for you since visually, the CGs look like something even I can draw (Sorry for being harsh, developer, no hard feelings).

    However, if you are here to search for actual games with certain mechanics, reasonable plot, fair system and entertainments decent enough for hours of gameplay, Para Ark is one of the few hidden gems from a western developer.

    First, this developer understands what an open-world RPG is (to a level). Most western developers can't make use of RPGMs, they use the engine like Ren'py and create games that do not require explorations, do not concern players' choices, have choices without consequences nor impacts to endings. RPGM is not a stupid game engine for you to create TURN-BASED combats only. With that said, a sophisticated game developer like this one, worths my time coming all the way back and gives a decent review.

    Second, there are many Japanese developers who created various new unique gameplays, mechanics and systems within the limit of RPGM. Of all the existing western independent developers, I have seen none that have created something genuinely unique at all that is remarkable within the constraints of RPGM (None is not accurate & it is harsh, there are a few XD). So when I see Para Ark contains a different style of gameplay with a time limited and resource limited combat system that DOES NOT BASE on turn, man, seeing this game not getting more LIKEs, views and supports, it hurts.

    In general, the developer makes encounters streamlined so you can search for the aliens you are looking for easier to access; you can search for resources with references, so collecting them is also easy, though VERY TIME CONSUMING. And technically, that's fine, sci-fi based exploration across galaxies and planets, let's just be realistic on that part: IT IS SCIENTIFICALLY TIME CONSUMING. It's like dating, it takes time, you don't get to sex straight XD (so no patience players can get out of here, thanks for reading XD).

    I won't say the plot is flawless, the writing is perfect, the narration is explicitly erotic etc. Simply, if you are a literate who appreciate true writings, why are you even here on F95Zone? I would say there are way too few side-quests (I understand people hate side-quests), you have created a whole world and galaxies for us to explore yet, so few side-quests expanding into such huge world...it's fine, I understand how hard it is for one man to complete all the interesting side-quests. For me, I won't mind spending time explore various planets for interesting quests.

    One thing I would hate: RNG BFs. I guess most of us didn't enjoy the RNG trigger for scenes. I want the enemy to target specific place. Well, Para Ark sort of got this taken care of. But...one turn to turn enemies ON, one turn to setup specific place, one turn to reduce the possibility that a different place get targeted...sometimes, the enemies just dog-piled onto the non-targets...hopefully there is an equipment to avoid that, or something that makes someone more available than the rest of the party.

    Finally, item crafting system is extremely fun yet...ANNOYING. Having the freedom to access so many gadgets is fun, but the quantity needed and the time needed to farm out all the materials required...it's exhausting.

    And yeah, having in-game options as mods for various fetishes, this developer is kind enough to do many people a favour and you all should be glad you have a choice.

    I hope this game does do well in the end. Overall, it gives freedom and choices to its audience; it allows free explorations and quick encounters to save time; a wide range of fetishes involved (no hair and armpit tho), unique spaceship combat experience and a decent plot+gameplay that lasts over hours. If I may suggest, get a 4th pregnancy system for the ass XD I mean, aliens can easily lay eggs inside human rectum XD
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Para Ark v1.0.5 is an rpg maker focused on bugs and pregnancy in which you control a samus-like female sci-fi space traveler that has to fix her ship and explore the multiple galaxies to get resources, levels, equipment and to discover what happened. Even though the ship, caverns, maps and were quite well made using the rpgm resources, the handmade art is very mediocre. The scenes you get in this game are some very short badly animated art that looks weird and not pleasing at all. There are some rare events with a couple more frames but they are all below average. On your ship you will immediately get overwhelmed by the many options for upgrades, crafting, dismantling, refueling, reloading and many other mechanics strangely implemented in a game of this genre. Soon you will also deal with the pathetic combat in between exploring caverns, buildings and even a wimpy text-progress exploration system. The fighting is dull, insanely repetitive, it has very few uses of the specific kinks of this genre and you will just go to options and make everything as fast as possible. Not only that, you will discover the many permanent annoying debuffs that you can be afflicted with. Everything requires a different type of consumable to remove, every time. And to make those consumables, and everything else, you need to grind. You will notice early on that the game has a lot of different resources you have to manage. From fuel, to alloys, to weird space tech. You have an array of materials that you need to mix to create another set of materials to create the upgrades, equipment, consumables, ammunition for your ship etc. If the materials were easy to find or if you could find them in large quantities this wouldn't be much of a bother, but since the game decided to give you just a pinch of them every full exploration run you do, added to the absurd amount need to create simple consumables, it makes this game one of the grinediests rpg maker out there. It is insane the amount of pointless materials you have to get. And when you create the damn consumable to remove the permanent debuffs inflicted, after a couple of battles you will get the debuff again. Making the process pointless. What a terrible dev decision that on itself kills the enjoyment of the game. Not only is the combat a bother, the game has a space fight mechanic, in which you will rage while trying to shoot, reload, fix, put out fires and fight boarding aliens all at once at the cost of your already scarce materials. I believe it was one of the worst combat systems I have seen in this genre. With three hours on max speed, after the third galaxy, I couldn't deal with this game anymore. It simply does not pay off the amount of time and work it requires to see the weak scenes. Without a doubt I do not recommend Para Ark.
  10. 2.00 star(s)

    Lord of Hentaiz

    + Good Concept

    + Decent Art

    - Rather Grindy
    - Weak Animations
    - Rushed Plot/Characters
    - Janky Controls/Gameplay/UI
    - Game Feels Empty
    - Cant completely disable some fetishes ( you can disable breast pregnacy but not breast fucking )
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    The themes are absolutely my jam, but the "game" is not. It's a mish-mash of poor English and terrible mechanical systems, all covering the most bare-bones ero content I can imagine for a game like this. You see the banner for the game? Congratulations, you've seen the majority of the CG this game has to offer. The rest of it is just 1/4-second clips of monsters doing "attacks" against you mid-fight. Even if it wasn't for the zero-quantity CG, the writing (in addition to the terrible English) barely covers anything erotic at all. There's more text doing a poor job of explaining the tutorial for the ship than there is for all the "scenes" I've found in the game combined.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    In this game you can catch pokemon by having them fuck your nipples!

    Not convinced yet? Okay. The basis is a survival loop where you go from planet to planet and collect ressources and raise monster offspring.
    As you gain more "experince" you unlock new abilities that let you improve your ability to prduce offspring. Some also change the visuals of your character.

    Im a sucker for monster(girl) collecting games and this one is really good. The gameplay is a bit too easy for my taste but the gameplay loop is smooth and makes you want to play more. Music is solid. Many monsters reuse sex animations but all the offspring also have a sex animation and 2 forms.
    The story was interresting enough to keep me entertained througout. Most importantly its concise. I can't stand overly wordy storys that just drag on for the sake of it.

    If i had to pick out one flaw it would be performance. My steam deck is really overpowered for this game but on the spaceship i did notice framerate drops.

    All in all its a great experience. If you like monster girl collecting games give this one a shot.
  13. 2.00 star(s)


    This game has potential yet capitalizes on almost none of it. Tons of grinding that only feels justified if is has a decent payoff to make it worth it, and in reality there is no payoff. In pre-1.0 versions someone could be under the impression that the payoff just wasn't in the game yet and the ending would somehow make it worth it. Well, I've finished the game. There's still only thing in the entire game I would even call a sex scene rather than a short five second cutaway animation, and it's the optional sex with the slaver leader in galaxy 4.

    All of the monstergirls you can obtain might as well just be in an image album online: they each have two static sprites for preg/nonpreg with a corresponding single cutaway animation for mid-battle sex. The main character has a larger variety of cutaway sex animations, but they still feel like minor foreplay rather than something that could be the real meat of an erotic game.

    The pregnancy system, which could have worked as the main focus of the gameplay loop in a way that supports a fantasy in order to make the player hornier, instead is a source of constant frustration as it's incredibly grindy to both get pregnant and give birth. You have to drag this game kicking and screaming to make the MC pregnant. In games where the objective is to avoid pregnancy it is much easier to get pregnant than in this one, where pregnancy is the main source of party members and to an extent currency. I would spend 5-10 minutes passing turns in fights while occasionally reapplying the horny status to enemies, to finally get impregnated to unlock a party member, and often I still got the 'Unknown Organism' you normally get when you already have the party member associated with a species. I thought maybe a main story trigger would enable Xenomorph pregnancy that actually gives me a party member, but I quickly finished the main story and no such trigger was found.

    If you find a rip somewhere of all of this game's sprites and animations, you genuinely aren't missing out on anything if you just look at them and be done with it. There isn't any context within the game that makes them more appealing. There is very little text to go along with them, when there is any at all. The changes to the MC's sprite are surface level, with no effect on animations other than unlocking some in the first place: inflation level is only apparent on the sprite, the optional horse version of the penis is only on the sprite. It's not feasible to account for all of this and multiply the amount of animation work required, but it exposes how lackluster relying solely on visuals is compared to text on a one dev project.

    I wasted around 15 hours on this game and I can't say I've been more than slightly aroused even once, nor have I ever felt satisfied by another aspect of the game that compensated for its inability to make me hard. The only reason I finished it is a combination of skinner box and mystery box elements. I wanted to see if there was any payoff at all. There isn't. The only reason I'm giving 2 stars rather than 1 is that the art is good and the game didn't personally offend me.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game had me hooked from start to finish, it's not often i'll actually join a Patreon to play it early, i liked the systems, combat, ship combat and the pregnancy system, got a huge pregnancy fetish and i never encountered a single bug. 10/10
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Normally i'm not a fan of Metroid but i can see why the resemblance is there and the female protagonist's name is "Sasha" instead of "Samus" i can also see why it was necessary for a name changer when sasha has the same look and design as samus to not get it mixed up and confused as a metroid "fan game" but other than that nice reference right there

    Moving on... I clearly had my doubts at first when i started playing this game for the first time but after a few minutes or so i'm starting to love it, who would knew that this type of game could actually turn a man on with less disturbing interesting kinks (except gore which is very disturbing indeed) but other than the breast and belly enlargement (temporarily applied when pregnant until birth it reverts back to normal) and including the exploration plus the space battle especially crafting items/buying items in a space shop

    The breeding part gave me away at first when i thought it was going to be disturbing but turns out it wasn't that type of disturbing vibe at all when i first saw the animations (even though there are tentacles appearing when sasha starts giving birth to them in 3 different ways) but it was the same thing except slightly different but same-same i suppose... but anyway it's a great game, having human alien hybird monster girls to fight along side is definitely a must (especially if you end up being the mother of your own daughters that you gave birth to)

    I'm alright with everything else including the Quests and Crafting system being introduced in the game, aside from the space battle/exploration, It was a fun experience regardless of the grinding part, i was hoping for a nude toggle though when viewing certain or all of the sex animations but sadly only a few of those sex animations still have sasha wearing her suit rather than being nude (or unless her suit was already torn)

    Edit: I only just found out 2 days ago that this game had finally been completed and knowing that there's gonna be a bug fix in the future if any present bugs are in the game right now
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    **This Review contains Spoilers. If you want to avoid them, jump at the end.***
    Version 0.52 (itch.io)

    If you´re like me and think "hmmm I dont know...Im into expansion and pregnancy/impregnation and I dont mind the RPG-thingy that much, but Im not into Aliens/Parasite-Stuff", play it, you´ll not regret it.

    Basically you wake up in a spaceship as Sasha, who has no Memories of whatsoever, and she is guided by an A.I. of the spaceship (Christy, has a physical appearance later in the game, lol). Apparently Sasha is infected by some sort of Alien-parasite which will turn her and her Body into a Breeding-Machine.
    Sasha´s spaceship is orbiting Planet Zero, which she has to explore to find repairing-parts for her ship. Once Sasha is on the planet, things are about to get a litte quirky. Sasha has to fight different Alien (Animals, I guess) which are lurking for a quick fuck with Sasha. Even when Sasha cant get pregnant from the first couple of sexual encounters, that changes quickly. And with every time, she will get more implicated in the transformations.

    The game features a lot of fetishes and combines them in a weird, but good way. This litte weird way you (or at least me) are searching for in this kind of game.
    Imagine travelling on an spaceship between Galaxies and Planets with lightspeed, breeding hybrid-living forms with Aliens, absolutely loving it, getting all cummy and stinky, giving birth to (sexy) hybrids from your breasts, watch them getting smashed by the same Aliens (and pregnant), partially become a hero, fuck a ton of horses, safe a job, outsmart warlords, trying to establish intergalactical peace and finally sell your beloved and combat-tested Hybrid-daughters to the Space-Dick-Mobs for Money, who gives you more money if they're cummy and stinky and pregnant too.
    WHO are you St-Hot-Dog-King?

    I can´t totally agree with the reviews of the other ones that the game is too grindy or maybe I fried my brain with the game for too long.
    And a lot of them aren´t even appreciating the Craft-System (I know its not flawless) but its a cool idea.

    The only things in the game, were I catched myself thinking " oh yeah that Quest takes too long" or "I dont want to travel through every Galaxy", where at the end of the game, where the Quests are getting complex and sometimes grindy.
    Yes, at the beginning you have to fight a lot for Bytes, new body mods etc., but I think the unique style of the game makes it more than acceptable. I think the different achievable body mods outweigh the particulate 10 rounds of hitting the blocking-button and watching how Sasha (or her "daughters") are getting smashed. And when you actually observe the game-mechanics, which are not that complex, you can use the mechanics for a lot of Bytes etc.

    And if we´re honest, what would a porngame be without the grind ? Hear me out, Im not glorfying the grind, its just that without a litte grind the achieved Pic or CG-Animation or whatever wouldn´t be so sweet. And I think this is what this game did right for me. Yes, I did have to fly through Galaxyies and visit different Planets and got through Caves and even did one Spacecraft-Fight. But c´mon dudes, this game gives you really much for it. Yeah, of yourse, the developer could have made a game with just the good stuff, but the accomplishments wouldn´t be so sweet. And I think the unique stuff this game has in it outweigh the typically RPG-things you have to do.

    The Story:
    The Story isn´t mindbreaking or world-changing. If you are interested you can get invested to a certain degree or you just dont and enjoy the game. It really doesnt matter. Actually I skipped most of the story in the first third, but in the end I was really deep into it (not soo complex). But the best part of the story is, that it works. You know nothing first and with more Quests, you will find more Information and meet different people, which intension are not always plain as day. Its not Defenestration or Superhuman. But it doesnt has to. And thats the best part of it!

    The game ist halfway finished and its so promising. As for the character depth concerns:
    You absolutey can imply character depth at this point. Its not that every girl have to has a long and unique backstory. Just a few more sentences or appearances in general.


    I had no major crashes or bugs in my playthrough. I played for about 7 hours till I reached the end (for now).

    When I had to finish the game I would:
    - Bring back the the old Bodymodification-Lab (I read that the developer will do that)
    - Extend Sashas corruption path a litte bit longer. I was halfway through the game and I reached the end of the progress (yes, I grinded, because I was greedy).
    - The daughters of Sasha are a unique part of the game. They have all different Stats, strenghts and weaknesses, and all can get pregnant too (3 different animations + birth). Maybe involve them a litte more in the Story..?
    - The girls Sasha arrests/rescues on her journey: They offer so much potential for special Body-mods, animations, interactions with Sasha. Hope Dev has some ideas for them.
    - sorry, it has to be said: Ass-expansion (as an ass-guy this game was treating me pretty harsh).
    - Complete the applied story. Im trusting the dev here.


    4 stars it is, yaay.

    Good game, A LOT of things to discover, unique style, story develops as the game progresses.
    Best Part: The game is half-finished and the dev is genuine updating the game quite often, so more content in the foreseeable future (looking at you Defenstration).

    Thank you.

    Edit: grammar
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    + A good combination of pregnancy fetish, breeding fetish, alien critter fetish. Does a good job of integrating the fetishes with the gameplay
    + Gameplay is fun, but long. You explore various planets to salvage resources, fight critters, breed with critters, and grab recipies. You can craft gear and items. You can birth monster girl offspring who become party members that can also get pregnant
    + Sexy semi-human alien offspring

    - Unable to hide the two giant full body character portraits from the UI. It takes up 1/3 of the screen and gets in the way of navigating the map
    - No gallery
    - Very grindy
    - No shared EXP system for monster girls on the bench
    - H-scenes are mediocre. Mostly tiny critters looping an animation when they randomly stick their member somewhere. It can also take a while to get pregnant, which adds more to the grind
    - This game sorely lacks a guide or wiki about offspring stats and abilities. It's not clear whether you can make hybrid offspring, and if so, what are the conditions for birthing.
    - Purge kits cost too much iron for how frequently you'd get parasites
    - Not clear what the benefits are for fixing your suit

    - A map would be helpful when exploring caves. It's very easy to get lost
    - include an ingame guide or beastiary about some of the mechanics such as critter stats, weaknesses & abilities, offspring stats & abilities, hybrid offspring (2 alien species & human), conditions for birthing.
    - An escape rope item to instantly exit a cave when you're done exploring
    - Make pregnancy happen faster. Make pregnant monster girls give birth faster if at all
    - Shared EXP system for even the characters on the bench. This would help reduce grind

    If this game had a gallery, better UI, less grind, significantly better H-scenes this game would get 4 stars. The way the gameplay loop is done does make it rather repetitive and only rewarding you with small incremental gains. Perhaps if there was a decent story attached to it, I could see this getting 5 stars
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    As wide as the ocean, as deep as a puddle. There's some good stuff here, but it's spread too thin.

    +Great pregnancy system: Get pregnant, get your tits pregnant, grow a dick and balls, then get your balls pregnant. I wish there was a little more progression with the pregnancy, but there's still plenty here.
    +Birth your own monster girl sidekicks: Get impregnated by an enemy, then give birth to a sexy monster girl party member, who will grow up (usually signified by her tits getting bigger and/or getting naked) and then she can get impregnated by monsters too.
    +Art is nice: All the characters look great, lots of variety in the girls.
    +Transformation content: I wish it was slightly more fleshed out, but watching the main character slowly turn into an alien breeding machine is fucking hot.

    -Repetitive gameplay: Besides a few missions later in the game, the game play loop consists of; go to planet, explore planet (probably while fighting monsters), fight monsters, explore cave (probably while fighting monsters). There's just not much else here besides very barebones RPGmaker combat
    -Grindy: Nearly everything in the game (body mods, upgrades, new equipment, new skills) costs bytes, which you get pretty slowly (between 2-10 per combat, while some upgrades cost 300 bytes). Later in the game this can be alleviated by getting your daughters pregnant (so you can "sell" the eggs at 50 a pop) but for a good chunk of the early game, you're just going to be grinding random mobs for bytes over and over.
    -Getting Pregnant: This is essential for a lot of the game, including getting new characters, getting currency, and transformation, but the way you do it just sucks. Yes, it can technically happen randomly, but for the most part, you're going to be using "seduce" on the enemy and then blocking for 10-20 rounds while you hope they impregnate you.
    -Superfluous Stuff: Nearly everything about the ship feels unnecessary. Charging it, ship combat, upgrading the weapons, etc. etc. I didn't interact with it once, and I feel time spent developing it would be better used almost anywhere else.
    -Lacking Depth: As I mentioned in the beginning, once you've seen a few CGs, the game starts feeling very shallow. Giving birth is always the same few frames of animation for each orifice you give birth from, combat sex animations are short and samey, very few actual full CGs here. This combines with...
    -Lack of Character: Your "daughters"/party members have like maybe 3-4 lines they speak, but otherwise they are all interchangeable and have 0 personality. I'd like a bit more interactions with them, or even the ability to have "fun" together on the ship.

    Personal Preference:
    ~Grindy: I touched on this before, but you'll be grinding experience, bytes, materials, pregnancies, etc. It all ends up a bit monotonous for my tastes.
    ~Main Character Focused: The MC has some great art and CGs, but at the expensive of...well, the rest of the game really. As I said, I'd like to see some more side content involving other party members you pop out.
    ~Story: There is a story here, I guess, but it's just barely there. There's a bit of Engrish going on at some points, but mostly it's easy to understand.

    Dang, looking back at this, it looks like I disliked the game a lot, but that's not the case. The things this game does right, it does really well. I just wish there was more of the good stuff, and less grind and fluff. Going to give this 3 stars for now, but I'll be following the game, and this may be updated later. Already, the dev is putting in good stuff, like being able to avoid space battles. My advice to those working on the game: trim down the unnecessary stuff (like some of the upgrades, the space ship stuff, the grind) and focus on adding more transformation content and inter-character interactions.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I have played. It has a very good storyline and is based on a unique concept. One issue I found is that there are limited sex scenes. But, the game is improving with each update... Eagerly waiting for the next :)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games I’ve played. The story is good, combat system is great and very customizable. The pregnancy system is the best I’ve seen in a game so far. So glad he removed the random ship battle encounter