Unity - Peach Hills Division [Chapter 1 v0201] [Peach Hills]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    The save system doesn't work. Bugs galoreand art is nice but looks like power point slideshows. can't recommend until the save system is fixed because you have to strat from the beginning with each update.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    The game is an undercooked, broken, and bugged mess. Visuals are catchy, but that's all I can say nice about the game. Got softlocked in the beginning. English is bad, and writing is really bad too and obviously uninspiring. Half of the UI is written in other language. The game lags when loading assets, and UI and interaction glitches are everywhere.

    The first sex scene is out of nowhere and between two faceless random soldiers; it's pointless and not arousing at all. And all that I got in the first 10 minutes of gameplay, for a game being in development for more than 2 years, it's a total failure and catastrophe.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    What not to love with this game, insane graphics, good characters and story, might be missing animations, the possibility of making dialogues go faster and an easier pathing method to navigate the map because you can easily miss some areas but damn, I've played a lot of 18+ games and this one really stands out.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    + Great CG scenes, animations are top notch.

    - Calling this game's code "spaghetti" would be an insult to spaghetti.
    Nothing works as intended, there are a million softlock bugs, and after multiple updates nothing has been fixed.
    By far this is the least functional game I've played on this website.
    - Worse still, the save files are non exportable, so good luck trying to find a non-glitched save on forums.
    If you're a dev and you're making a game, you should always allow your Beta testers (aka customers) to debug, load, export and fuck around with your game. Because lord knows it's nothing is going to work as intended.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    There's no fun to be had in this game. It is just a linear visual novel in unity with no way to skip through text faster. Everything feels like a chore, even just getting back home to bed. Bed buttons seems to do nothing as well as the time pass button.

    Only good thing about this is art, very pretty but i would very much prefer a slideshow to this
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    v0.19 EA

    +gorgeous 3d artstyle with cute girls.


    -Dev couldn't be bothered to check a box in unity to limit framerate. So it will 100% your GPU no matter how light the game actually is. This is a typical case of a dev insisting on using unity and making a vastly worse game for it. This game format is pretty much ideal for renpy. Yes he could have even included the animations thanks to Live2D.

    -The backgrounds are literally videos, looping to create the illusion of motion. While the characters are animated on the spot, at wildly differing quality settings. just... why? either render everything or record everything. Especially since you have zero control over the characters, they are following a fully pre-set path. Not to mention that by having the characters stand in front of the background they do not really FIT into the world. it has a strong greenscreen effect.

    -The backgrounds are animated, the characters are animated, the gui is animated. Do you want to know what the only non animated thing in the game is? The sex scenes. those are a series of still shots... just... why?

    -Poor QoL. Even something as basic as making text appear instantly is not available. also spacebar hides the text instead of progressing it. instead you will left click a lot to progress. This will make you develop carpal tunnel. for me it just hurts because I already have carpal tunnel.

    -Padded dialog. the characters repeat their dialog to an excessively ridiculous degree.

    -Point and click game, and the click part is a bit janky. I had a lot of cases where it didn't quite work so i had to go back and forth before it took.

    -Literally the first bit of gameplay I had was the MC getting lost in the woods which made me (the player) also get lost in the woods... this was the opposite of fun.

    -False advertising. This game description appears as a harem game. But so far the only sex scenes (as far as I know) are forced voyeur scenes where you peep at real men fucking.

    -Eye inconsistency. Seeing MC side by side with another character, one has anime eyes the other has realistic eyes. It looks jarring to see the two eye styles in the same image.

    -MC is a wimpy shrimpy loser. It is frankly farcical when you see him side by side with one of the other male characters. Also his body language alternates between timid or feminine. MC is a grown ass man who just joined the military and is starting his first year in military academy......
    oh wait, the game is lying about this being a "military academy". It is actually a "military academy prep school", where parents send teens as young as 12 to LARP as soldiers while still studying normal K12 education...
    the game is lying to you to pretend the MC is a legal adult.
    So yea... either MC is comically a shrimp, or he is a very young boy.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    awesome art style, and a cute story ,. but it clear that the creator knows how to navigate his own game. and forgot to add ANY CLUE for his audience on how to navigate his game.

    it honestly "plays" like shit,I HAVE NO IDEA WERE I AM GOING. i click and click, it makes me so mad so play these "open" games. i DONT KNOW THIS TOWN I AM IN.
    it even loops part of the story with the ellie character, that takes 5 min to get though.. so annoying to play.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The most obvious thing is the graphics are really wonderful. Incredibly attractive.

    But playing the game pisses me off. It's a point-and-click, as advertised, and boy you're gonna be clicking. The game is in love with its dialouge, but most of it's mid at best, and it just flows like a dried out river.

    You meet the girl in the banner right away, she's lost something and is upset. This is what's called a plot beat. She says "oh I've lost the thing, sniffle, if they see me like this, I'll get in trouble. That damn cat stole it! Sniffle! I'm just having the worst day, oh me oh my. I can't believe this has happened, it stole it from me. I am just having the worst time" and it goes on and on and on, repeating it ad nasuem. The plot beat was established 30 seconds ago, I get it, can we move on? I'm not in awe of your incredible dialouge capabilities here, they're not that great. The characters ramble on and on. Character driven stories don't mean characters that won't stop repeating lines.

    This is a major problem because that's the game. You navigate nice looking scenery and listen to characters blather repetitively. It doesn't help that the dev decided to add input delay so you can't click through dialouge quickly. This is painful for a in-development game you have to play over and over. There's a skip button but it doesn't do anything. I couldn't find a keybinding for skipping dialouge in the settings either.

    I want this game to be interesting, but good god, it pisses me off. Being good at writing means being efficient with your characterization.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    It looks like once done it could be a fantastic and unique experience, but as is, it fails at directing the player, its a buggy mess, and the lack of animated sex scenes in a game where everything else is animated is a bit disappointing
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    Art of the game for me in really appealing and attractive since it's so different from what we usually get. But unfortunately the game is currently a buggy mess. I tried three separate playthroughs and got stuck at three separate places where events apparently bugged out which leaves you unable to proceed. It's hard to tell when you might be stuck because the game lacks any kind of quest log to tell you what event is supposed to be next.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow Amazing! Peach Hills Academy is really amazing. This is an excelent game, I hope development goes smoothly because this could be one of the best. Good luck to the developer and artists. Thank you!
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    Honestly speaking, this should probably be a 2 star, and definitely could be in the future, but I'm giving an extra star for the potential of the game.

    +++Gorgeous to look at. The character models, the backgrounds, the scenery, the lighting, the map screen, all of it is just beautiful.
    +Good art style. The character models strike nearly the perfect balance between cartoonish and realistic, easily avoiding the uncanny valley, but having enough style to rival many 2d games.
    +Decent cast. The girls you meet (all 4 of them) seem interesting and look good. While one of the girls does get naked pretty early and often, the rest make me excited to take things further with them.
    +No real game-breaking bugs found.

    -Not much here yet. You get a few scenes with one of the girls topless, then naked, then a handjob from her, and a random titjob from a pizza delivery girl (with 0 buildup). On top of that, there is no real animation in the few adult scenes? Seems like that would be a must in a 3d game.
    -The dialogue is lacking. Part of this is definitely a case of English not being the first language of the writer, but also there is a lot of fluff dialogue that just doesn't need to be in there. Characters take about 4-5 speech bubbles to say what would barely need just 1. To add to this, the speech bubbles take around half a second just to transition to the next one. Even using the skip mode (which you have to keep holding click on for it to work), conversations feel long and drawn out.
    -No guidance. This game desperately needs some way to track quests and girls. I couldn't be sure if I had reached the end of the current content until I looked here and saw other people getting stuck in the same place I was. Dev, if you're reading this, this needs to be your number one priority along with more content.
    -Some stuff just doesn't work. The gallery feature is either currently broken or just not working at all. The autosave function doesn't work. The back to bedroom button only works at night for some reason?
    -Navigation can be painful. The game does this thing where hovering over parts of the screen in locations (or holding down ctrl, which is never explained), the cursor changes and that part of the screen lights up. The issue is that many times, these areas and the directions they bring you in don't really make sense, or seem to match the physical location that you would be moving.

    With all that being said, these issues would definitely put this game in the 1-2 star range if not for the fact that A: the game is just so god damn gorgeous, and B: it's still very early in the games life cycle.
    Very much hoping for improvement in the future from this one, and also hoping for:
    1: More content
    2: A quest/girl tracker
    3: Animations
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This, without a doubt, the highest quality game on the site. Now, this is admittedly min/maxed in that there is currently not a lot of sexual content, none for the protagonist at least outside of seeing a girl topless. But man, this is an amazing game. I'm talking, this puts AAA TellTale games to shame, levels of quality. I literally went to Patreon and supported right away. That good. Now, don't play this to wank, yet. But do try it IMO.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Have you ever wanted to burn up your graphics card, but missed the crypto mining bandwagon? Then this is the game for you! Run your GPU at 100% until it burns hotter than the surface of the sun!

    If the developer can ever get this game optimized then it could turn out to be one of the best of the best. Unique art and visual presentation. English translation is rough enough around the edges that you can cut yourself, but it's not as bad as others.

    This has 5* potential, but the demo leaves a lot to be desired.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    The Mona Lisa Started with one brushstroke Not much content so far, But gives you a little taste into what coming, The work that has gone into making this is awesome, & has the making of a great game, with a likable protagonist, and great female models! I'll defiantly be keeping an eye out for Most welcome updates!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving it 5 stars for ambition and presentation alone. Still very little content with a number of missing features. However i really love the style and character designs. Background work is also greatly detailed. The 'cgs' blend well with the 3d models. I can only hope this project gains enough support or i fear a game of this ambition may never be complete. Please support original creators!
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Best quality game I've seen here in a long time. A little less content at the moment, but the developer are promising good stuff for the future :)
    The game is a very early access, but the art is dope and really beautiful :)

    Definetly thumbs up!!! Keep going!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Awesome project! Insane potential! Keep it up guys !!!!

    Art is insane, better than summer time saga, and will be more successful - I bet!!! Looking forward to a new update! Guys support this project on patreon!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I will change the score of this review accordingly when or if ever this game gets updated.

    THIS GAME HAS THE MOST POLISHED VISUALS I HAVE SEEN OUT OF PORN GAME IN A LONG TIME. But as it stands it is a tech demo with a proof of concept and 1 nude scene. This project right now seems very ambitious and I hope that the Dev is ready to handle workload that this game entails.

    Because truth be told this game could just be dead in the water if they do not have the workforce or drive to see this through.

    Ambience is great, art is beautiful, Main girl is *mwah* Chefs kiss and the story seems fine. Only gripe I have so far is that the MC looks like a baby backed bitch but the story seems to entail a possible working out mechanic with the other girl lead. Hopefully we can work out the MC to be somewhat fit or something.

    Keep up the good work. Looking forward to what could be a great game. Don't get too ahead of yourselves and stay healthy.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    There is a lot of potential in this project and the animation is wonderful. Even though currently there isn't a lot available game-wise, I can see the vision the creators have with this project and I have high hopes in what's to come!